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Andorra C37N CQ WW SSB 2011

Andorra C37N CQ WW SSB 2011

2019-10-07 13:59:54
C31CT, C31JM, C31KC, C31US, C31VM, EA1CJ,EA1SA, EA2RY, EA5RM, EA7AJR, F5CWU, IN3ZNR, JH4RHF, RG8K and UY7CW/EA4CWW will be active from Andorra in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2011 as C37N.
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SV9/ON6DSL/P Crete

SV9/ON6DSL/P Crete

2021-01-06 06:12:36
ON6DSL will be active from Crete Island (IOTA EU-015) 2 - 9 September 2011 as SV9/ON6DSL/P.
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HK1NA Colombia

HK1NA Colombia

2016-06-14 19:59:31
HK1T, HK1W, HK1AA, HK3TU, HK1N and HK1R will be active from Colombia in CQ WW DX RTTY Contest 24 - 25 September 2011 as HK1NA.
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2011-08-30 14:37:54
The QSL Manager expects to receive cards around mid-September and to start answering during the end of that month.
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FO/JA3EZJ Manihi Island

FO/JA3EZJ Manihi Island

2017-11-16 17:59:09
JA3EZJ is currently active from Manihi Island (Wilson Island), IOTA OC - 131 as FO/JA3EZJ.
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9H3BH Malta

9H3BH Malta

2017-02-05 17:58:16
OH2BH will be active from Malta in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2011 as 9H3BH.
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5C2J 5C2L 5C2SG 5C2P 5C2B Morocco

5C2J 5C2L 5C2SG 5C2P 5C2B Morocco

2016-07-02 20:56:37
Fred 5C2J (IK7JWX), Leo 5C2L (I8LWL), Simon 5C2SG (IZ7ATN), Ruggero 5C2P (IK2PZC), Ampelio 5C2B(IS0AGY), Belkaid CN8QX (Dakhla), Mounaim CN8QY (Essaouira).
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TU2T Cot DIvoire Ivory Coast Announce

TU2T Cot DIvoire Ivory Coast Announce

2019-09-25 22:37:19
We are pleased to announce that the next DXpedition by Italian Dxpedition Team will be in Cot D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), date to be confirmed in October and November 2011.
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R3BY/0 Antipenko Island

R3BY/0 Antipenko Island

2021-08-02 17:47:15
R3BY will be active from Antipenko Island, IOTA AS-066, 28 August - 4 September 2011 as R3BY/0.
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Greenland OX4OK

Greenland OX4OK

2017-11-25 19:36:02
OK1IEC, OK1JK, OK1JST and OK1VVT will be active from Greenland 16 - 26 September 2011 as OX/OK1IEC, OX/OK1JK, OX/OK1JST, OX/OK1VVT and OX4OK.
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T88GO Palau

T88GO Palau

2017-01-28 18:59:13
JA8FAA will be active from Palau 16 - 19 September 2011 as T88GO.
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CT9/RW9JZ Madeira

CT9/RW9JZ Madeira

2017-02-10 17:30:18
RW9JZ and ex UA9JMS will be active from Madeira Island (IOTA AF-014) 26 August - 5 September 2011 as CT9/RW9JZ.
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9167 articles found