PJ7ROJ Sint Maarten 2016-08-14 21:18:24 JH1ROJ will be active from Sint Maarten 18 - 25 August 2011 as PJ7ROJ. Views4148 Comments1 100% More...
JG8NQJ/JD1 Marcus Island 2011 2016-02-05 15:16:46 JG8NQJ will be active from Marcus Island, Minami Torishima Islands (IOTA OC-073) until middle of October 2011 as JG8NQJ/JD1. Views6269 Comments1 100% More...
KH6/WJ2O Hawaiian Islands 2016-07-04 23:36:08 WJ2O will be active from Hawaiian Islands 23 - 30 November 2011 as KH6/WJ2O. Views10440 Comments0 More...
Hawaiian Islands KH6LC N6TJ 2018-08-26 08:38:21 Jim, N6TJ will be active from Hawaiian Islands in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 29 - 30 October 2011 as KH6LC. Views7062 Comments0 More...
J28FJ Djibouti 2018-01-27 23:02:30 KB0ZIA is currently active from Djibouti as J28FJ. Views7152 Comments0 More...
EA6/EA3PT Menorca Island 2017-05-25 12:00:09 EA3PT will be active from Menorca Island (IOTA EU-004) 8 - 21 August 2011 as EA6/EA3PT. Views6413 Comments0 More...
IJ7A San Pietro Island 2016-06-24 19:02:36 IK7IMO, IK7VJX and IK7XIV will be active from San Pietro Island (IOTA EU-073) 29 - 31 July 2011 as IJ7A. Views5754 Comments2 100% More...
Lampedusa Island IG9/IT9RBW 2016-09-09 11:38:51 IT9RBW will be active from Lampedusa Island (IOTA AF-019) 24 July - 2 August 2011 as IG9/IT9RBW. Views7015 Comments0 More...
SY9M Crete Island 2011 2019-09-07 18:18:41 SV9CVY, SV2KBS and DL6FBL will be active from Crete Island in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 - 31 July 2011 as SY9M. Views5553 Comments0 More...
Peredovik Island 2011-07-23 14:33:12 RV1AQ RN1AW and UB1ABF will be active from Peredovik Island (IOTA EU-133) 26 -31 July 2011 as RV1AQ/P , RN1AW/P , UB1ABF/P Views4006 Comments0 More...
TI5/KI4TRG Costa Rica 2019-09-21 17:13:15 KI4TRG will be active from Costa Rica until 25 July 2011 as TI5/KI4TRG. Views3649 Comments0 More...
MI0UDX Rathlin Island 2019-09-19 20:26:52 EI9HQ, EI4GXB, EI4DJB, GI4VIV, GI0WHO and GI4ONL will be active from Rathlin Island (IOTA EU-122) starting 25 July 2011 as MI/EI9HQ, MI/EI4GXB, MI/EI4DJB, GI4VIV, GI0WHO, GI4ONL. Views9916 Comments0 More...
ES4GP ES4WK Vaindloo Islands 2016-07-17 22:52:08 ES5GP will be active from Vaindloo Islands (IOTA EU-149), Estonia 27 July - 3 August as ES4GP or ES4WK. Views5043 Comments1 100% More...
Lesotho 7P8JK 2011 2019-08-17 18:39:32 WB6OJB will be active from Lesotho 15 - 22 September 2011 as 7P8JK. Views5731 Comments0 More...
T6FR Afghanistan 2018-02-03 22:09:58 IZ8NWA is currently active from Afghanistan as T6FR. Views5148 Comments0 More...