DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 430

ST0R Juba South Sudan
2019-08-16 23:08:17
Today the Intrepid-DX Group is making their way to Cairo to meet with the DX Friends. Our advance team will arrive in Juba, South Sudan tomorrow (July 20th) with a list of tasks to perform in advance of the main team.

Kalanchakskiye Islands
2019-07-19 23:57:11
Alexey UR5GDX, Ivan UR8GX, Nick UR3GO, Leo UT7CL, Roman UR3CJR will be QRV from the Kalanchakskiye Islands (IOTA EU-179) between July 26 to August 3, 2011.

Egypt SU/HA3JB 2011
2019-09-10 12:39:59
HA3JB will be active from Egypt 1 September - 30 November 2011 as SU/HA3JB.

IL3A La Certosa Island
2011-07-18 18:49:48
Members of the Extreme DX and Contest Group will be active from La Certosa Island (IOTA EU-131) 23 July 2011 as IL3A

DC1HPS/P Pellworm Island
2020-05-19 20:02:53
DC1HPS will be active from Pellworm Island, IOTA EU-042, 29-31 July 2011 as DC1HPS/P.

FG5KC/P Les Saintes Islands
2019-05-22 21:02:23
FG0NC, FG1JS, FG1DD, FG1JD and SWL F-97120 will be active from Les Saintes Islands (IOTA NA-102) as FG5KC/P in RSGB IOTA Contest 30-31 July 2011.

IQ7HK Isola Grande
2016-06-07 21:05:25
IK7LMX, IK7QMJ, IK7FPX, IZ7CTE, IZ7CEG, I7PXV, IK7XNF, IK7SIA, IZ7MND will be active from Isola Grande (IOTA EU-091) in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 - 31 July 2011 as IQ7HK.

D93I Anmyeon Island
2017-06-04 12:10:02
DS4NYE, DS1OYR, DS1EVQ, DS2GOO, DS3MLG, DS4NMJ, HL1OYF and HL1VAU will be active from Anmyeon Island, IOTA AS-080, in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 - 31 July 2011 as D93I.

JW8OSA Svalbard Islands
2017-02-19 22:00:44
LA8OSA will be active from Svalbard Islands from time to time as JW8OSA.

OH/G4FSU Emsalo Island
2011-07-16 17:37:43
G4FSU will be active from Emsalo Island (IOTA EU-097) 16 July - 10 August 2011 as OH/G4FSU

TP50CE Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club July 2011
2016-07-02 12:52:59
Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club will be activ July 29, 30 and 31(IOTA contest) with the call TP50CE.

J45K Kasos Island
2011-07-13 07:17:07
Members of Dodecanese DX Group will be active from Kasos Island (IOTA EU-001) 29-30 July 2011 as J45K