Explorer Scouts on the Scottish Scout "New Horizons" Expedition will carry out practical development work at the Malawi National Scout Campsite near Zomba where Malcolm, GM3TAL, will operate 7Q7MH during July 2011.
Members of the Dutch DX-pedition & contest group PA6Z are planning a DX-pedition from 23 till 30 october 2011 to Guernsey Island, using the callsign MU/PA6Z.
IS0ANU, IS0BGL, IS0JOO, IS0BMU, IS0EUJ, IZ3KVD, I1BUP, I1IZB, IZ1DNJ, I5OYY and IK5RUN will be active from San Pietro Island, IOTA EU-165, 23 July - 1 August 2011 as IM0P.