Glorioso DX Pedition 2015-11-11 14:11:28 3 (may be 4) military amateur radio operators will be in Glorioso between July 9 to 28. Views5439 Comments0 More...
TZ6EI Mali 2015-11-11 14:10:04 W0SD and W7XU will be active from Mali 26 June-5 July 2009 as TZ6EI. Views4406 Comments0 More...
TC098A Karaada Island 2015-11-11 14:07:57 TA2ZAF(OK1MU), OK1TN, OK1DF, OK1CDJ and OK1FIA will be active from Karaada Island (IOTA AS-098) 17 - 24 May 2009 as TC098A. Views3195 Comments0 More...
4L8A Georgia CQ WPX CW Contest 2009 2015-11-11 14:03:51 Vakhtang, 4L8A will be active in CQ WW WPX CW Contest 30 - 31 May 2009. Views4355 Comments0 More...
EG3FI Illes Formigues 2015-11-11 14:02:10 EC2ADN and EA3NT will be active from Illes Formigues (IOTA EU-078) from 6 till 8 June 2009 as EG3FI. Views3892 Comments0 More...
YN2GY Nicaragua WPX CW 2009 2015-11-11 13:58:26 Eric, K9GY will be active from Nicaragua in CQ WW WPX CW Contest 30 - 31 May 2009 as YN2GY. Views3953 Comments0 More...
TG/N3IQ Guatemala 2009 2017-01-10 17:42:21 Brian, N3IQ will be active from Guatemala 30 May - 7 June 2009 as TG/N3IQ. Views3948 Comments0 More...
OH0EC Aland Islands 2015-11-11 13:41:24 DJ7JC, DJ9IE, DK3QZ, DL1EKC and PA0R will be active from Aland Islands 24 May till 3 June 2009 as OH0/homecall. Views4392 Comments0 More...
AH0AA Mariana Islands 2015-11-11 13:37:38 JR2SCJ will be active in CQ WW WPX CW Contest 30 - 31 May 2009 from Mariana Islands as AH0AA. Views3559 Comments0 More...
5V7PM Togo 2015-11-11 13:36:02 Werner, DL9MBI will be active from Togo till 30 May 2009 as 5V7PM. Views3723 Comments0 More...
MJ/DL7AFS MJ/DJ7ZG Jersey Island 2015-11-11 13:32:29 Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG will be active from Jersey Island (IOTA EU-013) 15 - 27 May 2009 using MJ/home call. Views3563 Comments0 More...
S21XR Bangladesh 2015-11-11 13:29:21 Ramon, DU1UGZ is receive new call sign S21XR from Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC). Views3586 Comments0 More...
YJ0EM Vanuatu 2015-11-11 13:27:53 Mike, YO8CYN will be active from Vanuatu till 25 May 2009 as YJ0EM. Views3969 Comments0 More...
FK/G4JVG New Caledonia 2015-11-11 13:24:12 Steve, 9M6DXX/G4JVG will be active from New Caledonia (IOTA OC-032) 22 May - 3 June 2009 as FK/G4JVG. Views3916 Comments0 More...
4U1UN United Nations HQ 8-9 may 2009 2015-11-11 13:21:12 KT1J, LA9VDA and WE1P will be active from United Nations HQ 4U1UN 8 - 9 May 2009. Views4485 Comments0 More...