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9J2LA Zambia

9J2LA Team will be active from Zambia, 4 - 15 March 2020.
Recent DX Spots 9J2LA
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes.9J2LA Log search
Operating freqs/modes.
1826,5 (1) —– —– 1844 / 1908(2)
3524 —– —– 3590
7024 7082 7045 7060
10124 —— 10142 10140
14024 14185 14082 14086
18074 18140 18096 18104
21024 21295 21082 21095
24894 24955 24912 24918
28024 28495 28082 28095
50104 —— —– 50313

9J2LA Zambia News 19 June 2020

We are getting first reports that direct QSL cards have been reached their targets worldwide

Also the complete log upload to LOTW has been taken place! A huge thanks to our QSL Manager Charles, M0OXO for taking care of it

9J2LA Zambia News 12 May 2020

9J2LA QSL Cards

Just a quick message to say that I am still waiting for the 9J2LA Cards to arrive from UX5UO QSL Print in the Ukraine. Normally they would have been here before now and mailed out but as yet nothing received.

It is reported that there is a 7-10 delay in Customs due to Covid-19 issues but even then I would have expected them by now. I can only assume there are more restrictions on the route between the Ukraine & the UK for the same reasons and this is why they still haven't arrived. Labels and envelopes are all ready here, I just need the cards to arrive and they will be mailed within 48 hours of receipt.

Can I ask you to please stop emailing me asking about the position of the cards and LOTW. I would have thought under the current situation we have Worldwide that people would know and appreciate the reason for any delays but clearly not. As soon as they arrive I will post a message on the usual sites and keep you informed of the progress.

My apologies for this unusual (but probably necessary) delay.

Thank you, Charles, M0OXO.

9J2LA Zambia News 23 April 2020

By M0OXO, Charles Wilmott

LOTW has been uploaded for the people that made a Pre 9J2LA DXpedition Donation over $25 as per Team Policy. I am inundated every single day with Emails and Social media messages asking for LOTW and this must stop. I will no longer reply to any more messages about LOTW, as it is too time consuming. I will notify you when the full log is uploaded to LOTW at the Teams discretion. Thank you.

9J2LA Zambia News 14 March 2020 Log

The 9J2LA Log has been updated and the last qso in this current log is 2137UTC on the 13th March.

It seems there MAY be no more log updates now until the Team go QRT as there has been a loss of internet facilities. If you qso is after the time above, please do not send Missing QSO Emails or Reports and wait until the remainder of the log is available.
Thank you,

Charles M0OXO

9J2LA Zambia News 13 March 2020

We got to know that there was again a pirate activity taking place the other day.
This time on 60m - 5MHz ...

This has not been us ... we have not been active there and will not be until we leave!

9J2LA Chisamba Zambia News 12 March 2020

We are currently running 3 stations on 160m, 80m and 40m FT8. Due to a software issue not all QSOs are displayed in our online log. Though, they are safely logged and we will upload them soon.

9J2LA Chisamba Zambia News 11 March 2020

9J2LA Chisamba, Zambia News 11 March 2020

We just hit the 20k QSO mark at 9J2LA!

As there is still a big demand on SSB QSOs we will try to focus on this mode tomorrow (12.03.).

Hope to catch you later in the pileups

9J2LA Zambia Press Release 10 March 2020

9J2LA Zambia Press Release 5 10 March 2020Press Release #5 – 10.03.2020
Today we are qrv for 5,5 days from Zambia. As we announced an increased lowband activity for our DXPedition we will have 4 more nights on 160m / 80m available. The last night will be from Saturday to Sunday. We already achieved 1700 QSOs on 80m as well as 800 QSOs on 160m. The only things we are still struggling on are static crashes and big QRN which makes it difficult to work the tremendous pileups during the nightshifts. We tried a lot to increase our RX situation though. We erected a LIRA, a beverage 1m above ground, a BOG and lastly a K9AY array. Unfortunately, the antennas are just to close to the property, and we get a lot of man-made noise except from the K9AY loop. It seems like the best RX is still on the vertical itself.
Another achievement is the availability of a station on the QO-100 geostationary satellite providing over 300 QSOs on SSB and CW until now. We will be QRV there each evening to hand out this DXCC there as well. Until now we achieved a good amount of over 16.000 QSOs from 160m through 13cm.
As our DXPedition focusses on the lowbands we try to not miss any openings there. Our goal is to be listening on JA at their sunrise as well as on NA on our sunrise. In between there is a focus on EU.
Overall the QTH in Chisamba is okay and we deal with friendly people and an awesome host who allows us to put up any antenna we like on the property. Foods and beverages are good as well and we enjoy staying here. Though we are still facing power shedding each day at around 1500z so we have to start our purchased generator until +/- 2100z when the power is finally coming back.
Anyways, we experienced a lot of patience on all bands – please keep up with this awesome spirit!
Also a huge thanks to our donors. We try to keep the list on the website updated on a regular basis.
73 de Rune, LA7THA
9J2LA team leader
P.S.: At last something we had to deal with yesterday. We lost the LIRA RX antenna due to a cyclist who passed luckily 4 supporting poles but rode straight into the last one. Though, the antenna is already up again

9J2LA Zambia News 10 March 2020

9J2LA Zambia Moonrise 9 March 2020

Yesterday was the first day on QO-100 satellite for us. Until now we have worked a total of 303 stations in SSB and CW.
We use a 30cm dish and about 12W from a newly developed Smart Radio Concepts transverter unit just outside of our shortwave CW shack

Hope to catch you on the bands from Zambia.

We just discovered a pirate using our 9J2LA callsign on 30m CW ... this is not us!

Don't waste your time!

9J2LA Zambia News 8 March 2020

We are now qrv from 160m through 10m. Currently we are running a huge pileup to Europe. This RX antenna is also covering North America. Asia please be aware that we did not forget about you but we have no RX antenna to your direction at the moment. We will be listening out for you from tomorrow on at your sunrise!
Information from M0OXO QSL manager of 9J2LA:
If you have missing calls from the log please use the missing call facility on M0OXO OQRS. Emails and social media enquiries are slow and tedious, the missing / busted call facility is the fastest way to resolve your problem

9J2LA Zambia News 7 March 2020

9J2LA currently QRT due to very fast upcoming storm here.
Will keep you updated!

9J2LA Zambia News 7 March 2020 Storm

9J2LA Zambia News 5 March 2020

9J2LA team arrived in Zambia. Immigration and customs went smoothly within 90 minutes. All luggage made it with us to Lusaka.
First test antennas are already up and operation will start very soon.
See you later in the pileups

9J2LA Chisamba, Zambia Antenna9J2LA Chisamba, Zambia Antenna.

9J2LA Zambia DX Pedition News 4 March 2020

Good morning DX-community,

Today we start our journey to 9J, Zambia. Many of the team members are already in Oslo and we will be gathering Gardermoen airport for the final “re-packing party” early afternoon. I feel confident with the team, equipment, the lodge, bus transportation as well as a 5 KW backup generator is prepared at the QTH. Zambia is still experiencing power shedding so let us hope this will not be too much of a headache for the team. My only concern is the custom process KKIA in Lusaka. We have done what we where told to do regarding custom clearing down there. Customs at the airport are aware that we are coming 😊. A refundable deposit of $6000 is payed to a custom clearance agency so by theory all should be “swift”, let’s see how that will work out 😊. Furthermore we will have limited access to internet for a couple of days until we have a proper 4G network ready. Due to that fact further updates on our website are limited. A huge thank you for all the support from individuals, clubs etc. Wish us all good luck and hopefully we “see you” in the pileups soon.
73 de Rune LA7THA
9J2LA Team Leader

9J2LA Zambia News 8 February 2020

Some good news have to be shared today. After an endless long process to get our zambian license we are finally there. A big thanks to Mario 9J2MYT (IK1MYT) and Brian 9J2BO in Lusaka who helped us achieving this important goal.The license has been received just before the weekend. We are concentrating on our “boy scout trip” now.Our QTH in Zambia is secured, bus transportation from Lusaka airport to the lodge is booked and flight tickets are purchased. We are still working on customs clearance details, but we hope that we have it sorted out soon. We will leave Oslo the 4th of March at18:45 with a scheduled arrival at Lusaka airport the day afterat 12:30 local time. Let’s hope that the customs clearance will go smooth and don’t make too much of a headache … however, you never know. The bus ride to the QTH is short of 2 hours, depending on traffic.
Furthermore there is an ongoing power shedding through the whole country right now as it has been over the last few months. The reason is that the country has some issues with one of the main power electricity generators. According to our last conversation with the lodge owner, they suffer 4 hours of power cut each evening. For this reason, we are also in the process of purchasing a portable electricity generator as a backup. The rainy season that comes late this year, has been rather dry as well.

Stay tuned for more updates coming up soon!

73 de Rune LA7THA
9J2LA team leader

9J2LA Victoria Falls, Zambia.Victoria Falls, Zambia. Author - Andrey Sulitskiy.

9J2LA Zambia DX NewsZambia. Author - Vaughan McShane.

9J2LA Zambia Tourist attractionsZambia. Author - Eva Boros.

9J2LA. Where is Zambia located. Map.

9J2LA Zambia. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 03:37 GMT sunset at 16:08 GMT
9J2LA Zambia comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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Rating: 5 of 5
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