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Search results for tag 3d2rrr

3D2RRR Rotuma Island

3D2RRR Rotuma Island

2022-07-18 10:48:58
First log sent to clublog. 7 more to go. I will try to do it all of them today.
  • Views39285
  • Comments58

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2022-05-25 13:58:42
l with these guys? They say only F&H but they seem to work direct at times. Second, they seldom send RR73 after a contact. I'm seeing contact after contact on 17m with no RR73.
started a topic 3D2RRR
3D2EZ - Fiji

3D2EZ - Fiji

2022-05-04 08:49:08
3D2EZ Fiji. Marcin Adamowicz, SP5ES will be active as 3D2EZ from Fiji. He will operate on HF Bands. He will be active also as 3D2RRR (https://dxnews
started a topic 3D2EZ - Fiji