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6O7O Somalia

6O7O Somalia

2019-08-24 09:01:21
Ken, LA7GIA will be active as 6O7O from Somalia, 14 - 28 September 2019.
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M0OXO News

M0OXO News

2024-03-25 12:46:09
M0OXO News Log & LOTW Updates 25/03/2024 7O8AD ( Yemen (IOTA AF-028) Socotra island (Express LOTW) 7O8AE ( Yemen (IOTA AF-028) Socotra island (Express LOTW) 7P8EI ( Lesotho (LOTW) 8R7X ( Guyana (LOTW) PR0T
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ClubLog News

ClubLog News

2019-09-03 13:29:55
New feature coming soon: Club Log Live Streams By G7VJR, Michael Wells I've been busy working on this for some time now. Just letting you know (by way of a sneak preview) to expect a new feature, hopefully this week. I'm calling it Club Log Live Streams, and what it does is provide a dashboard of your QSOs. This is designed
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DX News Today

2017-05-30 16:57:53
TN5E on 21265 now. DX News from by To learn more about dx, contesting and radioamateurs visit our website