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2018-07-02 10:27:16
There are only 2 more qualifying tests left in the selection race to the WRTC 2010. These are - RDXC 2009 and “On site championship of Russian Federation” (I am talking here about Russians). I would like to share some thoughts about selection Formula or “Selection criteria for participation in”World Radiosport Team Championship 2010” (“WRTC 2010”)
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VK0BP Antarctica

VK0BP Antarctica

2015-12-14 16:16:31
I have noticed quite a few different postings about me and quite a few of them have been wrong...
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R1ANC Vostok Base Antarctica

R1ANC Vostok Base Antarctica

2015-11-03 12:20:07
Aleksey Turkeev will be active from Russian Antarctic base Vostok with call sign R1ANC during 2009
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V31YN V31GW Belize 2010 V31YN/P

V31YN V31GW Belize 2010 V31YN/P

2015-12-15 20:24:52
DJ4KW (V31YN) and DK9GG (V31GW) will be active from Belize from 19 January to early March, including a number of contests.
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How fair is the WRTC 2010 selection criteria?

How fair is the WRTC 2010 selection criteria?

2018-07-02 10:26:55
Many of us are in the process of preparation for this contest, but some contesters have already lost their chances for participation. For example, Radio-Sport website reports some losers from Russia, Ukraine and some other countries.
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KC4USV Antarctica Ross Island

KC4USV Antarctica Ross Island

2016-08-06 18:05:58
KC4USV from McMurdo Station on Ross Island (AN-011), Antarctica will be QRV for Europe on 31 January and 1 February from 17 to 18 UTC on 14243 kHz.
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Ukrainian contenders for the WRTC 2010

Ukrainian contenders for the WRTC 2010

2015-12-14 16:34:18
The battle for Ukrainian representation on Moscow WRTC 2010 gains strength so we see more publications in different contest-related media.
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TI5N Costa Rica ARRL DX SSB 2010

TI5N Costa Rica ARRL DX SSB 2010

2019-10-13 18:21:50
K9QQ, KA4RRU, W0CN, W4DC and WA4PGM will be active from Costa Rica in ARRL DX SSB Contest 6 - 7 March 2010 as TI5N.
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V31RR Belize

V31RR Belize

2017-01-23 12:02:41
AA4NC will be active from Belize 17 - 23 February 2010 as V31RR.
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5X1NH Uganda 2010

5X1NH Uganda 2010

2017-09-05 17:36:35
Nick, G3RWF will be active from Uganda 21 January - 21 March 2010 as 5X1NH.
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4S7KKG Sri Lanka 2010

4S7KKG Sri Lanka 2010

2017-10-02 16:29:20
DC0KK will be active from Sri Lanka until 7 January 2010 as 4S7KKG.
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CX6VM Uruguay

CX6VM Uruguay

2020-03-21 23:23:51
CX6VM will be active in CQ WW DX 160m CW Contest 29 - 31 January 2010.
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ER4KAA Moldova

ER4KAA Moldova

2015-11-29 21:17:43
RA4LW will be active from Moldova in CQ WW DX 160M CW Contest 29 - 31 January 2010 as ER4KAA.
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PQ0F Fernando de Noronha

PQ0F Fernando de Noronha

2017-02-03 22:18:31
PY2XB will be active from Fernando de Noronha Islands 23 January - 3 February 2010 as PY2XB/PY0F.
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C6AWL Bahamas

C6AWL Bahamas

2017-02-17 20:41:46
RA3CO and RL3FT will be active from Bahamas in ARRL DX CW Contest 20 - 21 February 2010 as C6AWL.
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A6/VE6LB Dubai UAE 2010

A6/VE6LB Dubai UAE 2010

2016-08-01 13:40:30
VE6LB will be active from Dubai, UAE 8 January - 8 February 2010 as A6/VE6LB.
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R1ANL Leningradskaya Base Antarctica

R1ANL Leningradskaya Base Antarctica

2016-05-30 13:23:07
RV1ZC is planning to be active from ex Leningradskaya base, Antarctica from 10 - 15 January 2010 and will be active as R1ANL 10 hours only.
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T6AF Afghanistan

T6AF Afghanistan

2016-12-27 19:01:10
WA2EWE will be active from Afghanistan in ARRL DX CW Contest 20 - 21 February 2010 as T6AF.
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EF8N Canary Islands

EF8N Canary Islands

2017-04-20 00:25:35
EA8CN, EA8NC, SM6CNN and EA8AY will be active from Canary Islands in ARRL DX CW Contest 20 - 21 February 2010 as EF8N.
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New  Year 2010 and the  CQWW Contest Committee

New Year 2010 and the CQWW Contest Committee

2015-11-05 11:09:41
Once Crawfish, Swan and Pike Set out to pull a loaded cart, And all together settled in the traces; They pulled with all their might, but still the cart refused to budge!
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C6ARU Bahama Islands

C6ARU Bahama Islands

2017-01-29 10:59:32
N4UM will be active from Bahama Islands starting 15 February 2010 as C6ARU.
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VK9CLH Lord Howe Island

VK9CLH Lord Howe Island

2016-09-12 14:15:25
LY1DF/VK2CCC will be active from Lord Howe Island 24 - 31 May 2010 as VK9CLH.
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PZ5LP Suriname 2010

PZ5LP Suriname 2010

2019-08-20 10:09:33
PA1LP will be active from Suriname 26 February - 26 March 2010 as PZ5LP.
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YE1C Indonesia

YE1C Indonesia

2020-09-17 19:34:15
YB1ALL, YB1CCF, YB1KAR, YB1NWP, YC1KAF, YC1BTV, YC1HQQ, YD1GCL,YD1JZ and YD1ORZ will be active in CQ WW 160M CW Contest 29 - 31 January 2010 as YE1C.
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