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DX News Today

DX News Today

2017-05-30 16:57:53
TN5E on 21265 now. DX News from by To learn more about dx, contesting and radioamateurs visit our website
started a topic DX News Today
TN5E Congo

TN5E Congo

2017-06-04 16:30:27
My Congo trip is coming to an end. I talked to 12200 people around the world in 9 days. Now its time to see my family! tn5e-congo-brazzaville.jpg tn5e-congo
started a topic TN5E Congo
DX News Today

DX News Today

2017-05-30 16:57:53
TN5E on 21265 now. DX News from by To learn more about dx, contesting and radioamateurs visit our website
DX News Today

DX News Today

2017-05-30 16:57:53
TN5E on 21265 now. DX News from by To learn more about dx, contesting and radioamateurs visit our website