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CQ WW DX Contest a Private View

CQ WW DX Contest a Private View

2015-11-04 21:46:56
Computer technologies now let us make more QSOs in the contests, every year we see new equipment and computer software offered to help us achieve higher results in the contest activities.
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New Rules CQ WW CC

New Rules CQ WW CC

2015-11-04 21:33:58
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of a change to rule XII of the CQ WW DX contest.
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Ukrainian contenders for the WRTC 2010

Ukrainian contenders for the WRTC 2010

2015-12-14 16:34:18
The battle for Ukrainian representation on Moscow WRTC 2010 gains strength so we see more publications in different contest-related media.
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UU7J team reply on the US0LW "analysis"

UU7J team reply on the US0LW "analysis"

2015-12-14 16:33:11
We persist that the station, named in this "analysis", actually called us during the contest, and we are interested not less than the rest of the readers who is standing behind those callsigns.
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Log Analysis

Log Analysis

2017-11-25 19:40:26
Latest contests refereeing is the subject being discussed widely. So how the contest refereeing is being made?
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Unprofessional refereeing

Unprofessional refereeing

2015-12-14 16:32:29
My motivaton for writing this article was my (RG3K, op. UA3QDX) disqualification in CQWW CW-2008 and so-called "private" disqualification(?) in RDXC-2009.
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UU7J (4L0A): Methods for “success”

UU7J (4L0A): Methods for “success”

2016-07-02 13:14:47
Recently the organizers of probably the most popular contest - CQWW – started to publish the logs of the participants after log checking.
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3V8BB in CQ WW DX CW 2008

3V8BB in CQ WW DX CW 2008

2020-02-29 20:08:14
When CQ WW DX Contest start open log policy many radioamateurs start examinate the logs and even some groups of radio amateurs is start making own analyze of the logs.
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CQ WW Contest New Rules

CQ WW Contest New Rules

2016-09-25 00:34:50
A competitor contacted by the CQ WW Contest Commmittee prior to the contest must agree to a scheduled visitation by a representative of the CQ WW CC during the contest.
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2016-05-31 21:32:39
Just listened for two of them (could not resist lauhging, but physicians say laughing is health-giving).
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2019-10-11 21:24:49
D4C team is not present in the winners list so the circulating rumors about disqualification of the D4C team have been confirmed: I4YSS, I4UFH, IZ4DPV, CT1ESV. This has also been confirmed by the D4C project team.
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DQ or not DQ

DQ or not DQ

2015-12-14 16:26:46
The methods of HF contest refereeing have been discussed widely during the last few years. Discussions are waged both by contest committees and contestants in various contest reflectors and web-forums.
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CQ WW WPX CW Contest 2009

CQ WW WPX CW Contest 2009

2017-11-25 17:53:16
Well, CQ WPX CW 2009 has just ended and propogation was perfect for the contest.
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E44M Palestine

E44M Palestine

2017-12-10 15:51:31
Some pictures from E44M Palestine DX Pedition Thanks Leszek SP3DOI
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4O3A CQ WW SSB Contest Audio

4O3A CQ WW SSB Contest Audio

2016-05-21 00:12:14
Its allways interesting to study how contesters is running the pileup Here you can listen for 4O3A audio file of his operation in CQ WW SSB 2007
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426 articles found