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CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010 Part 3

V47NT posted his result finally. I’m surprised with Andy’s poor score (IMHO).
Well, there was real progress from Caribbean, and Yuri VE3DZ made splendiferous score from South America.
New technologies more and more extensively come into contesting, and I like to fix some of them.
Last years, so called ‘Morse Runners’ started to appear in the contest more and more active.
You can recognize them easily.
These people spend hours training Morse Runner, - perhaps, it’s time to sponsor More Runner Championship, and such people could be on top.
Funny thing is that they are trying to transfer this operating style into real contests.
Morse Runner specifics allow you to MR fans in the contest.
If an operator transmits one letter and stops, - this is MR runner :-)
Why does it happen?
If you transmit one letter in MR, only one station will call you.
Sure, this is ridiculous to transfer such style on the air, but it’s already there…
The most apparent examples of such operation style are EF8M, RZ3AXX, and number of followers is growing up.
Working in the program, it is not necessary to complete the QSO, - the program does it for you.
Talking about operating style, - from what I heard, - RA9CKQ may deserve the top prize for his 3V3A operation from Tunisia.
Here is his audio record 3V3A

Listen, runners, and learn!

SOAB situation is being heated more and more.
CQ WW Cheating Committee chaired by Bob K3EST does not want to see absolutely evident things.
Regardless of numerous contesters’ requests, SO1R entry was not recovered, thus participation in the contest and arrangement of DXpeditions lost any significance for many contesters.
Inability to control the entries causes the growth of cheating in the contest.
After “peacocking” about inspectors’ institution before the contest, Bob ‘returned to Earth’, and I think, he’ll be silent about this.
Though, – the CQ WW CC response to contesters’ requests is easy: if you need inspectors’ institution, - become inspectors yourself and sponsor the program, and the CC will hole up somehow.
Absolute refereeing inability, and refereeing towards private interests, - this is what the CQ WW looks like nowadays.
Everything became clear to me when they DQed LY4A without any warning issued to him.
In fact, such attitude is not common to everyone; the CC closes their eyes, when it is necessary, even to greater number of QSO and DX-cluster spots matches, and to log corrections, and to many, many other things.
A few contesters were even allowed to correct their logs actually short before official announcement of the results, and such facts are more than enough. Bob doesn’t like scandals, but there is no way to live without them.
Here is another one - P33W operation.


73 Al 4L5A

PS. After only a few minutes this article was published, I got a few letters asking me to make comments on P33W situation.
In order to understand these technique, one has to be experienced in operation from sufficiently well arranged and equipped shack.
One shall have possibility to receive signals on the same band.
This is easy, it is called Dual CQ.
By the way, this functionality is available for Single Op as well; it is even easier in this case, as there are no band changes limit.
Here is an example of my operation:
9A7V 28027.2 D4B CQ , also 21032.5 CQ test 1851 15 Aug 2004
ZS4TX 21033.0 D4B Also running on 28020! D 1812 15 Aug
Here we are, - this is an easy example of Dual CQ.
I remember, when I described my way of operating, one Russian contester wrote a note, that such techniques are illegal.
This is not true however, contest rules do not prohibit this, and almost all leading SOAB SO2R use it.
Nobody prohibits to do this to M/S as well, - 2 CQ, even 3, even 10 CQ on one band, - the main thing is blocking system.

PPS. Well, I think, every had time enough to read and reach own opinion.
Here is audio record P33W CQ WW CW 2010
Pay your attention to the read ability of the operation.
Perhaps I am wrong, the second place CQ goes automatically (as this is arranged in SO2R configuration).
Excellent operation, and great operators.
I think, this record may be used as training material both for beginners, and experienced contesters.
My congratulations to P33W team with their triumph, and with the NEW WORLD RECORD.
Many thanks to D4C team for granted audio. I’m sure, many will get great use of it.

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