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CQ WW CC: Mission failed

Newly assigned CQ WW CC secretary W3ZZ started his duties with vocal declaration about the total success of Observer program during the CQ WW CW 2009.

W3ZZ was one of 3 observers. Interestingly, but failure of the Observer program has been declared as CQ WW CC success. K3EST does not keep his promise to shed some light on how much time the observers spent at the contest positions, what makes the contest community think that the observers were present at the stations all 48 hours while it is not true.

Some papers clearly show that observers were absent at the stations for a long time (more than 10 hours) and some signs say the observers were not too hard on their duties. "Spice must flow".

If Bob keeps his promises I do not think anyone will be ready to pay for someones holiday travels. CQWW CC put themselves in idiotic stand as their observations failed. It even can not be considered as observations because the observers even did not fulfil elementrary requirements.

The past CQWW CW observation is beneath criticism and as far as I know some CQ WW CC members say K3EST just deceived them just to let his CQ WW CC friends an opportunity for a free travel.

If the CQ WW CC will keep concealing information about the observations it can turn into a court case.

In view of CQ WW contest Committee silence about the observations I am going to make some reports on the subject public in the beginning of the next week, part by part or entire report, just to let the contest community know that the declared as victorious the Observer program has actually been failed.

73 Al 4L5A

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