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D44TVA D44TVF Santiago Island Cabo Verde

Dirk, DO4DJT and Thea (YL), DO4THA will be active from Santiago Island, IOTA AF - 005, Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) as D44TVA and D44TVF.
They will operate on 80 - 10m.
QSL info:
D44TVA via DO4DJT.
Ads for QSL direct:
Dirk Tenckhoff, Bergsiedlung 18, Markersbach 08352, Germany.
D44TVF via DO4THA.
Ads for direct QSL:
Thea Tenckhoff, Bergsiedlung 18, Markersbach 08352, Germany.

Santiago Island Cabo Verde Cape Verde D44TVF DO4THA Thea Santiago Island, Cabo Verde, Cape Verde. D44TVF. Thea DO4THA.

Santiago Island Cabo Verde Cape Verde D44TVA D44TVF DX News Ex Surfista.Surfista, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde, Cape Verde. Author - Tude e Joao.

Santiago Island Cabo Verde Cape Verde D44TVA D44TVF Tourist attractions spot Praia.Praia, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde, Cape Verde. Author - Harald Felgner.

D44TVA D44TVF. Santiago Island, Cabo Verde, Cape Verde. Map.

D44TVA D44TVF Santiago Island Cabo Verde. Sunrise 02-21-2025 at 07:54 GMT sunset at 19:41 GMT
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