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D4X Boa Vista Island

D4X Cabo Verde impromptu

Due to the first but persistent snowfall in Finland in early November, we decided to escape to warmer regions with my god-son "Larry"-OH5XP to commemorate our August 2015 OH0MZA VHF-dxped to the Aland Islands (with Aki-OH1ZE joining the trip then). So we booked a one week trip to Boavista Island in Cape Verde (HK86NE).
Recent DX Spots D4X

If one goes to a non-CEPT country, it is wise to begin preparations for the license application in an early stage. With some heavy cranking on portuguese grammar, we were able to get things matched up with the installation of our set-up in Sal Rei city center (Boavista Island) 2 days after our arrival, and thanks to Ms. Marise Lima of ANAC, we got the license in our hands on November 30th.

We were lucky to start exploiting the North-East wall of the hotel as a corner reflector on 7 / 10 / 14 MHz (main lobe 30 deg azimuth) and we will check it out on the higher frequencies as well. Due to the numerous air-conditioning compressors we will have trouble to hear stations in between the spectra of all free running switching power supplies. In general the city environment is a RX-challenge. At the end of the week we hope to have directional antennas as well for 50 and 70 MHz.

On Monday December 5th we will start packing up the equipment IC-7300 (barefoot with a MFJ-tuner) 1000 UTC the latest, but before that we hope to have many of you in the log. A few runs tonight on 10 MHz yielded 120 QSO's (but city interference was harsh).
QSL's will be handled by Patrik-OH6GDX.

Obrigado & Cheers/73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA

Boa Vista Island IOTA AF - 086.
OH6GDX direct ads:
Patrik Willfor, Idrottsgatan 8 B 6, 65200 Vasa, Finland.

Boa Vista Island D4X Cabo Verde Cape Verde Sal ReiSal Rei, Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde. Author - Knut Arve Simonsen.

Boa Vista Island D4X Cape Verde Cabo Verde DX NewsBoa Vista Island, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde. Author - Claire Tardy.

Boa Vista Island D4X Cabo Verde Cape Verde Tourist attractions spotBoa Vista Island, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde. Author - Marina Valenzi.

D4X. Where is Boa Vista Island located. Map.

D4X Boa Vista Island. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 07:24 GMT sunset at 19:06 GMT
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