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JX0X Jan Mayen

JX0X Team planning to be active from Jan Mayen Island, IOTA EU - 022, 15 September - 5 October 2021.
Two week operation planned.
Recent DX Spots JX0X
Team - LA7GIA, RA9USU, R4BE, LB1QI, EA3HSO.JX0X Log search
QTH - Kvalrosbukta.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes, focusing on 160, 80, 60, 40, 30m.
QSL via UA3DX, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Nick L. Averyanov, Cvetnoj bul, 9-130, Vlasikha, Moscow obl. 143010, RUSSIA.

JX0X Jan Mayen News 31 October 2020

Receiving email from experts telling us we failed to go to JX. No, we did not fail. We succeded in not making the wrong decision by going and end up with loosing more money than it was worth. Success is taking the right decision.

73 Ken, LA7GIA

JX0X Jan Mayen DX Pedition News 26 October 2020

JX0X cancelled.

It is with a heavy heart that we for various reasons hereby cancel the JX0X Dxpedition.

While we worked hard for 18 months to secure the entry permit, the permit to stay onshore, the fundraising and the logistics - we have come to the conlusion that there are too many uncertainties involved in this project. There is not a single reason that we cancel but rather several reasons right up to today that all together makes this a difficult project to complete.

We would like to thank everybody who donated upfront to the JX0X DXpedition, and who believed in our team and our project. You all made a contribution to have the opportunity to work us guys next year, and you all made a difference no matter what you donated. It is people like you who donated upfront that makes DXing happening. Without upfront donations we will see less tent and generator DXpeditions to expensive places

We will start refunding 100% all paypal donations, and you should see your support returned soon.


73 JX0X team

JX0X Jan Mayen News 8 October 2020

Sponsors list have been updated - thanks to all those who have donated so far!
We have received $6500 in 1 week which is great! And still need about $5000 more wrt the Vessel contract. Beoynd the $5000 needed for the Vessel contract there is of course a significant shortfall that will have to be sourced at a later stage during the next year. So please help us reaching out to potential supporters.
Of course at this stage we will refund 100% of the donations if we decide to cancel and not sign the Vessel contract.
Facts about JX:

  • clublog most wanted # 25/27 on 160/80
  • clublog most wanted NA #10/11 on 160/80
  • Mount Beerenberg is the northern-most active subaerial volcano on Earth
  • Its most recent eruptions took place in 1970. Its name is Dutch for "Bear Mountain", and comes from the polar bears seen there by Dutch whalers in the early 17th century

JX0X Jan Mayen News 5 October 2020

We have received about $4800 this weekend which is really good!

This makes us hope we can achieve the still needed abt $6000 to sign the contract with current budget.

We see that lot of operators increase their initial donation, which we truly appreciate. Also new supoorters are donating, and so far abt 240 individual donations rcvd.

We're optimistic, we also know some more clubs will donate.

Facts abt JX0X:

* ALL band ALL mode DXpedition

* Verticals at a beach location

* 6 operators - mixed nationalities

* Predicted Sunspot number 21.8 Oct 2021

JX0X Jan Mayen News 29 September 2020

We had a team meeting today, within the next 3-4 weeks we will decide if we go or not to JX. Unfortunately the financial situation for the project is such that it is still too risky for us to sign the Vessel contract. During the last 3 months we have received 8900 USD from individuals. Our budget is still 105.000 USD ++ We believe that JX2US is not a competitor to us when it comes to the QSO handling, as he will stay close to the base and mainly work 12-15.000 Qs (EU/SA). NA will be blocked from his QTH. We still offer 100% refund if you donate and we later cancel.

So if you want the JX0X 2021 DXped to happen - it is time to send a small paypal contribution within the next few weeks.

JX0X Jan Mayen News 3 October 2020

We have received abt $3500 in two days. But we're looking for another aprx $7000 to sign the contract. Still any shortfall is covered by the 6 operators

Facts about JX0X:

  • Did you know that Jan Mayen turned into a Nature reserve in 2010? And that the whole island including the surrounding sea is protected, except the base at the EU side and a small area on the western part (towards NA)?

  • There are plans to close down the area on the western side - which means this could very well be the last chance for a good NA low band QTH if the plans are implemented

  • The Ministry have said they will never allow any DXpedition to take place from inside the Nature reserve

  • We were not allowed to conduct a DXpedition with a camp at the EU side

JX0X Jan Mayen News 1 October 2020

Now this has been a good day! So far we have received 1800 USD in donations. If we only could have the same support for the next 5 days!

Our focus will be lowband 160-30m CW&Digital. We will have verticals antennas close to saltwater, excellent take-off for NA and Japan. We will bring beams for 20-10m.

Effective temperature around 18-20 F / -5 to -7 C, beach landing in zodiacs in rough waves. There is no quay at JX.

So far we notice that individual DXers from EU have contributed with the same amount as NA DX'ers. While NA clubs have contributed 3 times more than EU clubs.

We appreciate all the support! Thanks!

JX0X Jan Mayen News 11 September 2020

We received the news yesterday that LA-DX-Group member Erik LA2US is going on a 6-month work assignment to Jan Mayen.

His trip has been unknown to us.

This puts our project in a difficult situation. While there are several differences between a 6 month single-op trip and a 2 week tent and generator DXpedition, for us this is a matter of if we are

* able to raise the remaining funds

* willing to sign an expensive vessel contract with all the added uncertainties

With this added info we are hesitant to sign the vessel contract without knowing the result of the support from the DX community.

While he will fly in/out with a Hercules, there are a lot of preparations for us before our $100,000 project can make a wet zodiac landing in rough waves, bring the gear onshore and try to keep the portable 18-22m 160/80m vertical antennas up in 25-35 m/s windgusts for 2 weeks.

We need more time to sign the vessel contract while we carefully consider what to do. In the meantime, we encourage everyone who wants to have a good low band show next fall to support us upfront, and donate to our PayPal account

JX0X Jan Mayen News 6 September 2020

We would like to announce two new operators in the JX team Erwann LB1QI and Allan EA3HSO!!
We're happy to have the two new members on board! At the same time we regret that Mats RM2D had to withdraw due to personal reasons. As we proceed we will soon expand the team to 6 operators which will then make the JX team complete. With 6 operators and 4 stations running this will give you even more QSOs!
We are also working hard on the vessel contract and are still negotiating the details. Needless to say, this contract is extremely important to us not only financially but also logistically and to outcome of the DXped.
During the last week we had our permit to stay onshore Jan Mayen extended to 14 days in the period mid september until mid-Ocotber. The final dates within that period will be determined later knowing that going that late is on the limit weather wise. No DXpedition team or boat has ever landed on Jan Mayen in the winter, and even very rarely in September. According to the authorities, no team will ever be allowed to enter the island during the winter, which means that the only opportunity to do a low band DXped trip is during the selected period.
While we are very pleased with the support from all clubs and foundations with 19.000 USD so far, we still have a long way to go. The success of this DXpedition will depend on the support we receive from the DX community. While many DXers have concerns related to Covid-19, there will be no DXpedition without support. In addition, IF the trip is cancelled due to Covid-19, we will be contractually covered by this.
The final decision to leave will depend on the level of support from the DX community.
Message from Mats, RM2D:
Welcome to the new operators!
Just to clarify Ken's message a little, and to reduce thousands of worried questions like "What happened" in my inbox...
The reason why I can not join my friends to JX is simply that since Sep 1st 2020, I was appointed to a Global position in the company I am working for.
It is simply impossible in that management role to be without internet, email, cell phone etc for three weeks in a row. September/October is also a very busy time in budgeting process. Not possible to be on a remote Arctic island with just shortwave and CW as only means of communication.
Nothing more exciting and intriguing than that, if anyone was looking for juicy gossip
I hope to go with these nice chaps on another expedition when time permits.
Good luck Allan Batievsky and Erwann!

JX0X Jan Mayen News 17 August 2020

Our JX0X expedition logo is ready thanks to Dominik Weiel.

JX0X Jan Mayen DX Pedition LogoJX0X Jan Mayen DX Pedition Logo.

JX0X Jan Mayen News 29 July 2020

Just to clarify some additional questions regarding the "full refund promise" we earlier gave, in case the expedition will not take place of COVID or some other unexpected reason:

Paypal won't refund a certain small part of their fees, which means that the return amount, in the unlucky event COVID plays a game with us, will be slightly smaller than the one you donated.

Here is a small table of the most common values of donation and what would be the consequences:

25 USD - refund 23.70 USD (-5.2%)

50 USD - refund 48.00 USD (-4%)

100 USD - refund 96.00 USD (-4%)

200 USD - refund 189.00 USD (-5.5%)

500 USD - refund (-3.4%)

Don't ask me why 200 USD has a higher "fee", but that is the information I got from JX0X Finance Director.

We did not want any unclarity on this topic, therefore please just see this as part of our Full Transparency Policy.

Thank you for supporting the JX0X expedition and having full faith in our ambition to both challenge Miss Aurora and Miss COVID

JX0X Jan Mayen News 16 July 2020

We have got direct questions from our devoted Digital DXers whether we will limit out operation to FTx (FT4 and FT8), or if we also plan to do some RTTY.
The answer is, yes, FTx and RTTY are the digital modes we will operate. Most probably focus will be on FTx but we respect those who for own records just hunt new entities or band slots with RTTY.
And the answer to the next question: What about SSTV, PSK, Hell, Pactor and others.... Sorry guys, we need to focus on the modes where JX is requested most (CW and those Digi modes mentioned above).
Plus a bit of SSB as usual depending on propagation.

JX0X Jan Mayen IslandJan Mayen Island. Author - Harold Moses.

JX0X Jan Mayen Island DX NewsJan Mayen Island. Author - Antonio Sanchez Serrano.

JX0X Jan Mayen Island Tourist attractions spotJan Mayen Island. Author - Pat Kilner.

Video Jan Mayen Island. Drone moovie. Author - Silje Wennesland.

JX0X. Where is Jan Mayen Island located. Map.

JX0X Jan Mayen. Sunrise 02-09-2025 at 09:42 GMT sunset at 15:52 GMT
JX0X Jan Mayen comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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