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K8H Pago Pago American Samoa

K8H Team will be active from Pago Pago, Tutuila Island, IOTA OC - 045, American Samoa, 18 November - 1 December 2022.
Team - W7YAQ, K7AR.
Recent DX Spots K8H
K8H Log search They will operate on 160 - 10m, including activity in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 26 - 27 November 2022.
QSL via W7YAQ, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.
DXCC Country - American Samoa, KH8.

K8H Pago Pago Tutuila Island American Samoa News 29 November 2022

We have recently passed the 10K QSO mark and will continue to work the deserving for 2 1/2 more days before leaving on Thursday.

* 160 Meters has been a struggle here. We understand the high demand, but band conditions are poor. Our pennant receive antenna isn't working. Despite its simple design and our rigorous review it doesn't work. I have tried using an HF vertical as a non resonant receive antenna and it works surprisingly well. We will be listening during SA, and US sunrise times for the next two nights.

* Many EU stations have contacted us asking about when to work us. The best times are at our sunrise and sunset on 40 and 30 M. Unlike 160, the band conditions on 40 and 30 have been excellent to EU with the UK, EA, F, DL and others easy to work.

* The WX here has been stormy and rainy the last couple days, forcing us to disconnect antennas and go off the air at times.

* We will be tearing down the stations on Thursday afternoon our time and head home later that evening.

Vy 73,
Al, K7AR

K8H Pago Pago Tutuila Island American Samoa News 20 November 2022

Because we made last minute plans to travel to Pago Pago, we weren't able to find one location to use for the entire trip. And you already know about Bob's travel fog issues. I'm currently operating from Sadie's By The Sea. The available space for antennas here is minimal. I have erected a DX Commander Classic which has worked quite well so far. It's on a small strip of grass next to a pool. There's no room to really spread out the radials so they are running bent and in parallel. I have not attempted to put up a 160 antenna due to lack of space, especially for the many radials this antenna uses.

Sunday I'm leaving here and moving to Muana O Sina which will be our home for the remainder of the trip. I'll put the DX Commander back up Sunday afternoon but likely won't have enough time or available light to put up the 160 inverted L. Bob is arriving late Monday night, and we'll operate two stations starting Tuesday afternoon our time.

So the most likely time to get the 160 antenna up would be next Tuesday. I know guys are looking for us. One other comment, I've made some 900 QSO's and have not heard ANY EU stations, none on any band. This is disappointing to me. Working EU is one of our main goals. Maybe things will pick up next week. This area is so mountainous it's a difficult path to EU.

I'm going to do some operating tonight on 40 and 30 M, maybe CW, maybe FT8. Then Sunday morning all my equipment will be taken down and moved to the new location.

K7AR, Al

K8H Tutuila Island, American SamoaTutuila Island, American Samoa. Author - Larry Myhre.

K8H Tutuila Island, American Samoa DX NewsTutuila Island, American Samoa. Author - Chris and Steve.

K8H Tutuila Island, American Samoa Tourist attractions spotTutuila Island, American Samoa. Author - Harold Moses.

K8H. Where is Tutuila Island located. Map.

K8H Pago Pago American Samoa. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 16:50 GMT sunset at 05:24 GMT
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