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TX5S Clipperton Island

TX5S Team will be active from Clipperton Island, IOTA NA - 011, 18 January - 2 February 2024.
Team - Jacky ZL3CW, Dave K3EL, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Walt N6XG, Rob N7QT, Glenn KE4KY, Chris N6WM, Arliss W7XU, Philippe FO4BM, Dave WD5COV Andreas N6NU, Nodir, EY8MM, Allan, EA3HSO, Francesco, IK0FVC.
Recent DX Spots TX5S
TX5S Log search They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital Modes, including 60m Band.
QTH Locator - DK50jh.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 8 May 2024

TX5S QSL Manager Tim M0URX reports that by end of day Wed May 8th all the outgoing TX5S QSL cards will be ready for presort. By Friday May 10th all necessary weights, measures and postal documentation will be completed. The cards will be mailed from the United Kingdom on Monday May 13th. Please allow sufficient time for mail delivery from the UK.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 6 February 2024

Thank you everyone.

We are now at the hotel in San Diego.
Waiting for us at the wharf were staff from Shogun's head office, the owner of the boat, and staff from Fisherman's Landing, who with Shogun's crew removed all of our equipment from the boat.
A rented truck was just a few minutes away and before too long the truck was loaded by the helpers and several TX5S team members. Two team members had personal vehicles here and they too were loaded with equipment destined for other locations.

It's been raining and as I type this note one of the US Navy's aircraft carriers is moving across the harbor, it's huge.

Joe JJ3PRT, there was a bottle of excellent sake in my bag and we opened it last night at dinner. The chef prepared prime rib and crab cakes to celebrate the successful completion of TX5S. This morning he had breakfast ready before our arrival.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 5 February 2024

After 8 days at sea, sometimes rough seas, we are now scheduled to arrive San Diego on Monday morning, 9AM.
The team is in good spirits, and happy to having put another successful DXpedition in the log.

We begin offloading on Monday and will truck the equipment to its new home, a storage locker near Placerville, California.
During the 8 day sea journey we assisted our QSL Manager, Tim M0URX, to resolve Busted and Not in Log calls.

There are no additional logs to upload. If you're still having a problem and have not already submitted the form located on OQRS, please do so.
At this time there were 226 requests out of 113,737 QSOs to investigate, each has received a response, OQRS is being processed daily.

Thanks for the wonderful pileups. We appreciated all the emails we received and the comments on various reflectors.

We'll see you on our next project to ???

GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 31 January 2024

The Software as a Service supplier that handles our donation processing is running behind.

We've been doing some manual entry, so it's a slow process.

Donations made Jan 26th and forward are in the system but the QSOs are delayed being sent to LoTW.

No data has been lost, it's just a slowdown in data transfer with the 3 involved applications.

OQRS is not impacted by this problem.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 30 January 2024

All the logs are now on Clublog and M0URX com

The missing 40m QSOs were found on that station’s laptop and are also online.

For confirmations: OQRS is open on M0URX com

We are making our way to San Diego and expect to meet the wet weather being predicted for San Diego.

GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island QSL News

92 Qs 40m CW Qs on the 28th. JUST BEEN UPLOADED to OQRS
FT8 missing Qs cannot be tracked until i have the TXT files from the team. For those of you that have filed tickets for missing FT8's please be patient.
Busted or Missing calls use the NOT IN LOG button on OQRS - NOT by email

VERY IMPORTANT LoTW - If you requested LoTW and do not see your Qs. the first thing to do is check that you uploaded your Qs from YOUR log to LoTW.
I suggest using TQSL as this is a secure uploading platform to LoTW.
Just because your log does it automatically every QSO is no guarantee that it does!
ONLY email me for LoTW if your Qs have been uploaded and you think our upload failed.
LoTW is being uploaded every 12 hours. WAIT!

Lost your QSO details? Didn't log the QSO? I can't help you It really is time to BACK UP YOUR LOGS.
I am aware that a few OQRS Requests partly failed. They have been fixed. If this happens, then email me and these take priority.

Please remember i also have a full time job and spamming my email will just get you blocked. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you everyone for your patience.

Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX
83 Limbrick Avenue Tile Hill Coventry
West Midlands CV4 9EX ENGLAND
United Radio QSL Management Bureau

TX5S Clipperton Island News 29 January 2024

1. We know there are some 40m QSOs from the 28th that are not in the log, we will investigate. It appears that a station computer dropped off the network during the night. Hold off reporting those QSOs.
2. The seas are knocking us about, not conducive for working on the log. We've retreated to our cabins.
3. We had to upgrade the Starlink plan to Global Mobile Priority with a data cap and per GB surcharge.
4. All Busted call and Not in Log requests must be submitted using the form on the OQRS system. Please, no more emails to team members or the PDXG accounts. Tim will work down the queue, please be patient. Remember Box 88, you waited 2 years back in those days.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 28 January 2024 Part 2

1. We know there are some 40m QSOs from the 28th that are not in the log, we will investigate. It appears that a station computer dropped off the network during the night. Hold off reporting those QSOs.
2. The seas are knocking us about, not conducive for working on the log. We've retreated to our cabins.
3. We had to upgrade the Starlink plan to Global Mobile Priority with a data cap and per GB surcharge.
4. All Busted call and Not in Log requests must be submitted using the form on the OQRS system. Please, no more emails to team members or the PDXG accounts. Tim will work down the queue, please be patient. Remember Box 88, you waited 2 years back in those days.


There will be no /MM operation on the return journey to San Diego.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 28 January 2024

The scene right now is a monsoon like downpour on the island.

At sun up the crew will begin the process to bring back the equipment and people.
We'll leave after everything is tied down.

The relief skipper is having coffee with us. He went diving off the shore, he said "I wouldn't recommend it."
He said - he was surrounded by sharks.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 27 January 2024

All stations are now quiet.

We are taking most of the camp down now.

However, several brave individuals will stay on the island tonight and operate:
30-40-17-12-10 meters

We will be uploading logs from the boat, including the last of the satellite logs.

Thanks for the great pileups, you will have opportunity tonight for last minute QSOs.


TX5S Clipperton Island 26 January 2024 EME 23 cm

There will be 23cm EME this evening.


TX5S Clipperton Island 26 January 2024

There are a lot of things going on here as we prepare to shut down.

We will keep stations on the air as long as possible.

For those waiting for your early donor LoTW, I have been too busy to upload the logs to the OQRS server. I'll do that later today, and after we shut down. If I miss the shutdown upload I'll do it from the boat.

Please be patient and please, no more emails about busted calls, LoTW, QRZ com confirmations, we do not use QRZ logging those emails are deleted.

The wind was howling last night, but the boat crew did come across this morning to refresh our food supply.

The pileups have been fantastic, thanks for that.

GS K5GS for the very tired TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island FT8 Mode

There is NO MSHV software on the island.

WSJT-X only.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 26 January 2024

Our departure windows are governed by the tides and weather forecast.
We can’t move people between the ship/shore at night, so we’re limited in options.
We’re estimating numerous shore – ship – shore runs to clear the island of equipment and people.

Based on today’s WX forecast the plan is:
All local dates:
- Saturday, Jan 27th begin tear down, and removal of all non-essential equipment and HF antennas. There may be some low band operation this night
-- Sunday, Jan 28th removal all DXpedition equipment and people from the island
- Monday, Jan 29th remove any remaining equipment and depart for San Diego

Expect 7 – 8-day journey to San Diego

The pileups were fun, we know many ATNOs were logged, and certainly more band fills.
We hope you had fun chasing us.

GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island 25 January 2024 Part 2

We're working with the skipper on a departure plan.

The weather outlook indicates an earlier departure than originally planned, exact date to be determined.
Safely getting over the reef is the goal and to do that the tides and the winds must cooperate.

The skipper is suggesting the ride back to San Diego will be uncomfortable regardless of departure date.

More information to follow after another meeting with the skipper in about 12 hours.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 25 January 2024

Tonight, we will be on 160m using Dave’s bespoke Top Band Express Antenna.

- There will be no additional 60m activity.
- We will be on 80m using the repurposed 60m antenna.
- And 160m using the repurposed 80m antenna.

In the next day we should have the skipper’s departure plan. The challenge continues to be getting over the reef, so we’re driven by the tide changes. More on that later.

GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 22 January 2024

As anyone who has been on an expedition to an uninhabited Pacific Island knows, things change in an instant and you need to be flexible. The weather continues to be our challenge so we redesigned the campsite on the fly to a smaller footprint. We have one operating tent with 5 radio positions, 1 satellite tent, 1 combined HQ / science tent and 8 sleeping tents.

Second to the weather, the next major challenge is the reef that circles the island. Getting over the reef requires a boat that can sustain hull / bottom damage if (when) it hits the reef, and it will strike the reef. The winds are typically 15 – 20 knots, the photos you see of the surf are what we're seeing 24 hours a day.

With the revised footprint we are removing non-essential equipment from the island before the actual departure date, which was planned for about Jan 30th. The journey to the island took an extra day so we need to consider that on the return trip. The skipper will establish the actual departure day, he’s closely monitoring the weather situation.

Today the 80m and 60m, antennas were installed. We’ll spend a couple of days on 80 then re-provision it for 160. We do have a dedicated 160m antenna but believe it’s too windy to install. We made some contacts on 6m and will be on 6 EME at our moon rise today.
Everyone is in good spirits, a few minor scraps and scratches, but nothing requiring more than a band aid.

As you probably know, to date, the bands have been smoking hot. At this writing over 30,500 QSOs with a 2.2% dupe rate. The pileups are constant and “energetic. We do appreciate it when we ask the pileup to QRX and allow the operator to work a particular caller. We're meeting our objective, we're told a lot of ATNOs are being claimed.

It remains very hot and humid during the day, with some moderation at night.

GS K5GS for the TX5S Team

TX5S Clipperton Island Satellite log

Satellite logs just uploaded to Clublog and M0URX com.
Curtis, WX4W
TX5S Pilot.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 21 January 2024 Part 2

Hello from Clipperton where it is already hot and humid, 91f (32.7c)
We are on the air with over 11,800 QSOs since last night.
The log was uploaded to Clublog and to M0URX com There were some discrepancies between Live Stream when we first came up, we had a software glitch that was resolved. I am still working on the satellite log, hope to have it uploaded soon.
We still have additional setup to do, low band antennas, and the big amps. It’s difficult to work in the blazing hot sun, so we go slow to avoid heat related medical problems.
Please, do not send emails to our personal email addresses, to the DXpedition address, or directly to the PayPal email address. Also, many are sending us log screenshots, spreadsheets, and other files.we are not using QRZ com logging, so please do not send requests.
We are not making log corrections while on the island. All Busted Calls and Not in Log issues will be resolved by submitting the form on the M0URX Bespoke OQRS application. Received emails with attached files are being deleted without opening. Use the Groups io account to contact us, the pilots will summarize your comments and send to us.
The ride over to the island from the boat was uneventful, unlike the jet boat rides from the Braveheart.
GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 21 January 2024

All operators and most gear is on the island.

Campsite is coming together, we will be out of sunlight soon.

Working on station setup.

GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island Plan 20 January 2024

Today’s TX5S Plan:
- The wind has moderated some, not perfect yet, but better, we’re currently at slack tide.
- However, we’re still taking some heavy rolls.
- As the tide comes in, we will again try to put people on the island at a slightly different location, short walk to the campsite.
- We’re reassessing the campsite plan.
- We’ll then prioritize which equipment cases will go over and transfer equipment till sundown.
- Assuming similar conditions tomorrow, more equipment will go over when the tide comes in.
- Just like propagation, we are at the mercy of nature.
- Other than some seasickness, there have been no injuries during the boat ride.
GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 20 January 2024 Part 2

We know many of you are anxiously waiting for us to come up more bands / modes.
Here are the facts:
- At the moment, the WX is not good for landing more people / equipment on the island.
- The boat is rocking and rolling, a few team mates are feeling the effects of the motion.
- We had to stop sending over equipment when the seas became too dangerous.
- Yesterday one of the supply boats was swamped at the reef and a food resupply was lost. Also lost were some support equipment (not radio).
- The team on the island has the main operating tent and 6 sleeping tents installed, they have food, water and petrol. They have 4 monoband VDAs installed.
- Unfortunately, not all the RF kits made it over, life support kits were the priority.
- Live Stream will be activated when we get more than the minimal equipment to the island.
- We’ll upload the logs to ClubLog and to M0URX sometime today.
- We’re monitoring DXSummit and see pirate spots and the usual comments / rumors.
- We are using WSJT-X in F/H mode – call above 1000hz
We will update you as conditions change.
GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S Clipperton Island FT8

TX5S Clipperton Island Team start activity FT8.
On 18095 now FT8.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 15.00 UTC

There as been no FT8 operation by TX5S, yet.

We'll get a log uploaded as soon as possible.

They're currently on 10CW, will switch to SSB soon.
Curtis - WX4W
TX5S Pilot

TX5S Clipperton Island News 20 January 2024

TX5S Clipperton Island Team start activity from Clipperton Island.

TX5S will come up with one station on 17m CW on Jan. 20th, 2:05z

Look for them on 18.069, up.
For this start-up operation Live Stream will not be activated, just yet.

As we were advised, getting over the reef is “very” challenging, this is why we’re running behind schedule.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 19 January 2024

This morning's plan is to bring over the remaining equipment, primarily radios, antennas, additional tents, etc. This should begin in 1 hour (7AM), there's a lot of work yet to be done.

There will be no additional updates until we're all on the island and the campsite setup is completed.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 18 January 2023 Part 3

9 TX5S team members are on the island, rest over tomorrow staging equipment..
There are no radios on the island, yet.

TX5S ClIpperton Island News 18 January 2024 Part 2

We are at the island, we see no other boats, antennas, or people.

I can confirm we are not on the air yet.

Video from Nodir, EY8MM

TX5S Clipperton Island News 18 January 2024

Message from K5GS:

We’re about 7 miles from the island.

The sea is rough and the boat is rolling enough to make for an “very “ uncomfortable ride.

10 miles to the Island. Video from Nodir, EY8MM.

TX5S Clipperton Island Arrival Plan

We will arrive Clipperton early Thursday morning.
The boat crew will begin bringing our equipment out of the holds early in the morning. The skipper will take a trip around the island looking for known openings in the reef. Initially, three team members will go to the island and, based on where we land, select the camp location.
Two team members will stay on the boat to direct the transfer of equipment, first over: emergency food, drinking water, shelters, one small generator, petrol, tools, etc. followed by all other equipment.
As equipment goes over, one or two additional team members will take the ride over. The weather will dictate how many people can (will) go over on the first day.
Once we begin this process, we may not be able to send updates until the island Starlink terminals are deployed, or possibly some people may remain on the boat Thursday night.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 17 January 2024

Good morning from Shogun.
The fair winds and following seas were yesterday’s news, today we’re bouncing around and rolling along. We finished breakfast a short time ago, and while some team members are in the lounge, others decided to ride out the weather in their bunk.
With 2,800 QSOs in the log the /MM station was dismantled and packed away.
Landing on the island will be dependent on the weather and access through the reef. The skipper said he will put two skiffs in the water. First over will be several radio team members and boat crew. They'll bring over emergency food / water and shelter, then determine best campsite consistent with access.
That's it for now.
Video TX5S Clipperton Island DX Pedition Author - Nodir, EY8MM.

TX5S Clipperton Island Boredom and Science

On this project we have Starlink available to do emails and read the news.

The operators bring along books to read, laptops with videos, and the ship has a big screen TV with an HDMI port /cable we can use.

There's a lot of chatter about the island, the setup and day to day operations. Tonight we're having a meeting with the skipper: arrival / offload plan.

We have one professor from the University of French Polynesia and one from the University of Orleans. They will study the condition and relationship of the island's rat and crab populations, and other topics of their interest. Various governments are looking for ways to remove non native plants and wildlife, New Zealand leading the world with these types of projects. Their proposed projects were instrumental in the issuance of the landing permit.

We have a retired French Naval officer who represents the Association la Passion-Clipperton, an organization involved with improving and preserving Clipperton Island’s environment.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 16 January 2024

Nothing significant to report. The seas are still relatively calm, the boat is stable, with some minimal rolling, WX is perfect. The team is in excellent spirits.

The N6WM/MM log has just over 2,200 QSOs. The log will be uploaded to after the DXpedition. If you’re unsure of a contact work us again. However, there is no plan to do any additional 6M operation from the boat.

As a reminder, the pilots will be monitoring our account. Please feel free to subscribe to the group and provide input, or read what others are reporting. The pilots will not have access to the logs.

While on the island or in transit we will not accept requests for "log checks" or to investigate busted calls. Busted call and Not in Log requests will be investigated by Tim M0URX. To request assistance you must use the form on Tim's Bespoke OQRS application.

And please, unless otherwise directed, do not send us e-mails that contain screenshots, spreadsheets, logs, pictures, or any other files, they will be deleted without opening.

With Starlink Internet on the boat the team is in contact with family, friends and is aware of world news.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 15 January 2024

The seas have been calm; we passed the half way point last night. The /MM station has been busy, with over 1,500 Qs in the log. Francesco IK0FVC is the primary SSB operator, various other operators have been working CW / FT8. Today we begin conducting planning meetings for the arrival.

As a reminder, we are using WSJT-X in Fox/Hound. Callers “must” transmit above 1,000hz. Please note: we are not using MSHV or any other derivative. Additionally, we plan to operate split on the other modes. This morning we installed a 6m dipole and are making FT8 contacts, 50.313.

Shogun has 3 custom built, double bottomed, aluminum skiffs, designed to minimize damage when transiting the reef. The boat crew developed their landing plan and they will help us with some of our major tasks.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 14 January 2024

We had a late start from San Diego due to weather. After the first day of rough seas the ocean is now relatively calm and the team is in the ship's routine.

Currently, we're about 3.5 days from Clipperton. We estimate 2 days to move the equipment to the island and setup the campsites.

The Elecraft K4 / KPA-500 is being used on CW, SSB and FT8, last count just over 1000 QSOs in the log.
While underway we're using N6WM/MM.
The /MM QSL card will include a Date / Time - Grid Square lookup table.

The Early Donor Program has been extended until the first QSO from the island is logged.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 13 January 2024

Video TX5S DX Pedition Clipperton Island 13 January 2024. Author - Nodir, EY8MM.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 12 January 2024

After a bumpy first 12 hours the seas have calmed down and the TX5S team is getting into the Shogun’s daily routine.

Boat crew served a wonderful breakfast this morning, and posted today’s menu.

Over the next few days, we’ll have team meetings to discuss the: landing plan, campsite setup / management, and then radio setup / operations.

The maritime mobile station is up and running: N6WM/MM using the Elecraft K4D, KPA-500 and a 4BTV vertical antenna.

To answer a question we've received: The TX5S call sign is only valid for 15 days, we could not use it for the /MM operation.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 11 January 2024

TX5S Clipperton Island DX Pedition Team on the way to Clipperton Island. Video from Nodir, EY8MM.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 10 January 2024

We began loading the boat at 8AM on Tuesday. Three helpers from Fishermen's Landing, 4 or 5 crew from Shogun and several of the TX5S team. By noon almost all of the equipment was aboard with just the generators on the landing waiting to be brought aboard this morning.

Just a few more supplies to buy at Costco today and we leave on Thursday morning after our passports are inspected.

Have fun in the pileups, should be no problem to work us from Tucson.


TX5S Clipperton Island News 7 January 2024

Please look for N6WM/MM during the planned 12 days at sea.
For those that chase grid squares, we will keep track of the grid squares and note them on the QSL card.
Unless otherwise announced, OQRS will be available shortly after we return to San Diego, currently scheduled for Feb. 6, 2024.
Departure from San Diego is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024 at 10AM, 1800z.

TX5S Clipperton Island 6 January 2024

The TX5S team will be arriving San Diego, California January 8th/9th. Loading of the vessel is scheduled for the morning of 9th. We depart on the Shogun the morning of January 11th, with the voyage to Clipperton Island being about a six day sail. We look forward to seeing you in the pileups!

TX5S Clipperton Island News 2 January 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #9
Jan. 1, 2024
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024

This will be the last Press Release before we depart from San Diego on January 11, 2024. We will release periodic updates from the island.
The DXpedition equipment is packed and ready for the voyage to Clipperton Island, the team will begin assembling in San Diego on January 8th. Weather permitting, we expect a 6 day voyage each way, camp setup will take approximately 1.5 - 2 days.
Follow the Shogun
We expect to have a Garmin inReach transmitting Shogun’s position at regular intervals.
Log Uploads
There will be two Starlink terminals on the island. Logs will be uploaded at least once a day to both Clublog and to M0URX com ClubLog Live Stream
Shortly after we leave the island, confirmation requests (OQRS) will be processed only at M0URX com
Early donors that work us will receive their LoTW while we are on the island.
Not in Log and busted calls will be investigated by submitting the form at
Please, no emails about Not in Log or busted calls. You must use the reporting form on the OQRS system.
K6TU Propagation Tools
Stu K6TU has again made his personalized propagation tools available at no charge during TX5S.

TX5S donations are only at ~53% of the goal. While adding a donation to your OQRS request is always appreciated, the cash flow challenge is real, the bills must be paid before we sail.
Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:
- Liga Amadores Bras de Rádio Emissão (Brazil)
League of Brazilian Amateur Radio Broadcasters

- Motherlode DX Club (significant donation)

- The Carolina DX Association
We wish to thank the organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S and ask those of you who have not yet processed a donation to consider supporting the project before we sail on January 11, 2024.
FT8 Operation:
Unless otherwise noted, we will use WSJT-X in Fox/Hound mode. You must transmit above 1,000hz.
Special Thanks to Our Suppliers:
Equipment support from our suppliers was welcomed.
DX Engineering, Elecraft, RadioSport, ON5UR QSL Print Service, The DX Store, M0URX com, The Daily DX, LBS, RigExpert, Spiderbeam and SQ1K Bart’s Shop (for providing the team clothing). Additionally, John N7CQQ provided the 240V amplifier power grid, and other items, from previous Clipperton DXpeditions.
Good luck in the pileups.
Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 2 December 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #8
Dec 2, 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024

Equipment Week:
During the first week of December several team members will meet in Northern California to prepare the campsite and radio equipment for shipment to our boat Shogun which is docked at San Diego. We will inventory the tents and review their installation procedures, the Elecraft transceivers will be integrated with the computers, amplifiers, and the island’s WIFI environment will be configured and integrated with Starlink. The EME and satellite stationsare separate turnkey packages. Shogun will provide meals on the island; we will provide the necessary campsite logistics and management.
Clipperton Island ATNO Day Planned
Clipperton remains #26 most wanted in Europe and #37 most wanted globally. It will have been 11 years since the last major DXpedition to Clipperton we know there are many people that need it for an All Time New One andband fills.
Log Uploads
We plan to upload the logs at least once a day to both Clublog and to
Shortly after we leave the island confirmation requests (OQRS) will be processed only at
Not in Log and busted calls will be investigated by submitting the form at Please, no emails about Not in Log or busted calls, you must use the reporting form on the OQRS system.
FT8 Operation
The team will use WSJT-X exclusively for all FT8 operation. We plan to use Fox / Hound on non-standard frequencies. Occasionally, we might start up on a standard frequency in normal mode, then QSY. See the website for the band plan. Forum
The pilot team will be using to collect input from the DX community. The process worked so well at VP8PJ we will again use it again. A account is required to post to the group. You may subscribe to the forum by sending an e-mail to:

The long-standing DX-pedition funding model is to split the DX-pedition cost equally between the expedition team and the DX community, i.e., organizations and individuals. TX5S donations are only at ~45% of the goal.While adding a donation to your OQRS request is always appreciated, the cash flow challenge is real, we must pay the bills before we sail, we need your help.
Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:
- Northern California DX Club
- Fort Wayne DX Association
Sponsor logos appear on our website and will appear on the TX5S QSL card.

We wish to thank the organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S and ask those of you who have not yet processed a donation to consider supporting the project before we sail on January 11, 2024. After the books close, all sponsoring clubs / foundations will receive a TX5S financial summary.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 5 November 2023

For Immediate Release
TX5S Press Release #7
Nov. 5, 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024

Clipperton Island:
Clipperton is now #26 most wanted in Europe and remains #37 most wanted globally. FT-8 and 60m have never been activated from Clipperton, the pileups will be deep and energetic. Our team is well balanced with experienced CW, SSB and digital DXpedition and contest operators, with an operating schedule that will keep them busy.
Joining the Team:
We’re happy announce that Francesco IK0FVC has joined the TS5S team. Francesco has been licensed since 1985, he holds #1 Honor Roll, 10 Band DXCC, and 5 Band WAZ. Over the years he has handed out over 300,000 QSOs from two historical DXCC entities: The Vatican HV0A and The Sovereign Military Order of Malta 1A0KM. He is an attorney, and lives in Rome, Italy. Francesco is an amateur astronomer and he enjoys sports cars.
It’s Official:
Phillipe FO4BM was our primary interface to the High Commissioner of French Polynesia for securing the landing permit and with ANFR for the call sign. The landing permit was issued in March, 2023 and TX5S was reserved but not issued. It’s now official, we have the TX5S license in-hand and ARRL has issued the LoTW Certificate. Our QSL Manager, Tim M0URX, loaded the certificate into his Bespoke OQRS system. Forum
During our VP8PJ South Orkney Islands DXpedition in 2020 we created a account for interested people to post comments about the operation and to communicate with the Pilots. The Pilots consolidated submissions from their region and that information was sent to the Chief Pilot who communicated with the island team.
The process worked so well we will again use A account is required to post to the group. You may subscribe to the forum by sending an e-mail to:
The island team will not be monitoring, nor will the Pilots have access to the log. Please do not send emails to the Pilots or the team asking for log checks, busted calls, or making schedules.
Satellite / 6m EME
Our satellite / 6m EME station captain, Andreas N6NU, was recently in Middlegate, Nevada participating in the ARRL 6m EME contest, using the same equipment he’ll bring to Clipperton. From the reports and emails we’ve received the station performed very well.
When the station is not actively pointed at the moon we expect it will be running 6m FT8 (tropo). We appreciate the interest and help we’ve been getting from the 6m / EME community. There certainly seems to be a pent up demand for Clipperton via EME.
We will also be active on the GreenCube IO-117 satellite. Several of our 16 team members have indicated interest in operating the satellite position.
The long standing DX-pedition funding model is to split the DX-pedition cost equally between the expedition team and the DX community, i.e. organizations and individuals. TX5S donations are only at ~44% of the goal. The cash flow challenge is real, we must pay the bills before we sail, we need your help.
Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:
- Southeast Michigan DX Association
- Arkansas DX Association
- International DX Association (INDEXA) made a significant grant
Sponsor logos appear on our website and will appear on the TX5S QSL card.

We wish to thank the organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S and ask those of you who have not yet processed a donation to consider supporting the project before we sail on January 11, 2024. After the books close, all sponsoring clubs / foundations will receive a TX5S financial summary.

TX5S Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 3 October 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #6
Oct. 3 October 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024
Clipperton Island:
Clipperton is #28 most wanted in Europe and #37 most wanted globally. FT-8 and 60m have never been activated from Clipperton. We expect the pileups to be deep and energetic, we will do our best to meet the demand.
Campsite Design
The campsite design was finalized, there will be two operating locations separated by approximately 500 meters. CW/Satellite/EME/Digital will operate from the main campsite. SSB/Digital will operate from the distant campsite. Each will have a full complement of antennas for their designated bands. The main campsite includes the dining (kitchen) tent, Starlink / local area network HQ and sleeping tents, the camps will be linked by Wi-Fi. A toilet and shower will be located close to the main camp. Each camp will have a generator shed, a supply of fuel, and drinking water.
Marine Protected Area:
Since the last major DXpedition in 2013 a “Marine Protected Area” (MPA) was established around Clipperton. In 2016 the French government enacted legislation to further restrict and protect Clipperton and its surrounding waters. While the government recognizes amateur radio as a legitimate endeavor, the legislation does not explicitly identify amateur radio as an approved activity.
The landing permit process is long, and of significance is the requirement for bona fide scientific content, with French representation. DX-peditions combined with sufficient scientific content will be considered. Our team includes two French scientists and one French environmentalist who each will conduct studies on the island.
Equipment Plan Finalized:
Our HF transceivers are the Elecraft K3 line and K4D for 8 operating positions, plus a satellite position. The amplifier plan includes Elecraft KPA-500 and KPA-1500, OM Power OM-2000+, SPE 1.3, Flex PGXL and the Gemini DX-1200 (from the UK.) The satellite and 6m EME station will include Icom HF and satellite transceivers and several amplifiers. HF antennas include monoband VDAs, NA4RR hex beams, verticals for 30m and 40m, and a vertical for 60m. For 160 we’ll use the same Inverted-L antenna we used at South Orkney, VP8PJ. Rounding out the antenna inventory are Yagi antennas for the satellite station and an M2 6M7JHV for 6m EME.

Satellite / EME:
- Satellite: IO-117 435.310
o Will be using the OZ9AAR Greencube Terminal to use multiple Callsign ACKS per transmission to optimize throughput
- 6M EME:
o Q65-60A 50.189 MHz, 1st/Even, @1200 WSJT-X 2.7.0 (Q65 Pileup capability)

- 23cm/1296:
o Q65-60C 1296.080 MHz, 1st/Even @1500, CFOM, WSJT-X 2.7.0

We plan to coordinate using ON4KST (6M) and HB9Q (23 CM).
The cost to activate Clipperton is impacted by the current global inflationary trend. Ship charter, labor, insurance, fuel and food have each contributed to the ever increasing cost.
The long standing DX-pedition funding model is to split the DX-pedition cost equally between the expedition team and the DX community, i.e. organizations and individuals. TX5S donations are only at ~40% of the goal. No doubt a sign of today’s inflationary impact. But the fact remains - DX-editions are expensive and the teams need your help. The cash flow challenge is real, we must pay the bills before we sail.
Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:
- Far East DX-Ploiters (Japan)
- Northern Illinois DX Association
- Western Washington DX Association
- Willamette Valley DX Club
- Central Oregon DX Club
- Northern Ohio DX Association
- The Akita DX Association (Japan)
- The Greater Milwaukee DX Association
- Islands on the Air (IOTA) Ltd.
Sponsor logos appear on our website and will appear on the TX5S QSL card.

We wish to thank the organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S and ask those of you who have not yet processed a donation to consider supporting the project before we sail on January 11, 2024.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 9 August 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #5
August 8, 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024

Camp Site Design:
Detailed planning is underway.
Our current plan consists of two operating camps: CW/Digital/Satellite/EME and SSB/Digital.
The camps will be separated by about 500 meters, with CW located at the main campsite and SSB being the distant camp. The combination of distance, bandpass filters, horizontal and vertically polarized antennas at both camps will enable simultaneous operation on the same band. WiFi networking will link the camps.
The main encampment consists of ten sleeping tents (two people per tent) the CW tent, kitchen / dining tent and a HQ/networking tent. The power grid will consist of six Generac GP6500 generators. Five units will be on-line 24X7 and one spare.
TX5S Team:
The nineteen person team consists of sixteen radio operators, one scientist each from the University of French Polynesia and the University of Orleans, and one environmentalist from the Association la Passion-Clipperton (France). The radio operators are each experienced DXpedition operators and/or contest operators.
Internet Availability:
Confirmed (in writing) from Space X, Clipperton is within the Starlink footprint. We will have at least one Starlink terminal online 24/7. Logs will be uploaded to at least once per day.
Corporate Sponsors:
- Elecraft has been a long time partner of PDXG projects, and the tradition continues. Elecraft will provide several K4D transceivers and KPA-1500 amplifiers to augment our lineup of K3 transceivers and KPA-500 amplifiers.

- SSB-Electronic GmbH (Germany) offered to supply equipment for the project.

Our goal is always to split the expedition funding approximately equally between the expedition operators and the DX community – organizations and individuals. At the moment we still have a long way to go to reach that goal, and if you need Clipperton for an ATNO or will work us for the DX Marathon or a club competition or similar, or just for the fun of competing in the pileups, we would appreciate your help. Most bills must be paid before we sail, and we wish to thank those organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S.”
Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:
- Eastern Iowa DX Association
- West Virginia DX Association – significant donation to the project
- Lynx DX Group
- Northeast Wisconsin DX Association
Sponsor logos appear on our website and will appear on the TX5S QSL card.
Ham Radio Events:
We met many DXers at the Dayton (Xenia) Hamvention and at Ham Radio, Friedrichshafen (Germany).
Next stop will be Tokyo Ham Fair in August where we will attend a DX Seminar / Dinner on Saturday, August 19th.
TX5S was featured at the July Ham Radio Festival, Kansai, Japan
Additional details will be released as they develop.
Questions to:
TX5S Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 30 June 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #4
June 30, 2023

TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition

January 18 – February 1, 2024

Corporate Sponsors:
Joining as a Corporate Sponsor is:
Bart, SQ1K – Embroidery For Ham Radio
Bart is providing the team with TX5S clothing.

Equipment Week:
The first of two equipment consolidation projects occurred on June 6 – 8, 2023. Team members met in California to begin the process of emptying and inventorying and our equipment storage locker to make room for TX5S equipment.

John Kennon N7CQQ, a veteran of three Clipperton DXpeditions, donated equipment from his previous projects. Most importantly are the 220VAC power grid and rebar tent / antenna staking solutions used in past years.

The next planned equipment meeting will be in December, 2023 to integrate, test and repack the DXpedition equipment. Beginning in July we will be sourcing the campsite tents, generators and other logistics.

Satellite Update:
Our satellite station manager, Andreas N6NU reports the following preparation activities:

First QSO’s made on the IO-117 (GreenCube) Satellite. This Satellite has passes that last over an hour and has a huge footprint since it is in an almost 6,000 KM orbit.

Andreas has an 11 Element 70CM antenna, RAS Mini AZ/EL rotator with Green Heron Controller, Icom IC-9100H, Rigblaster TI-5000 and Icom AG-35 mast mounted pre-amp. The 6ft mast uses a home brew base. The next step is to configure an Icom IC-9700 as backup. Then on to RS44 and 6m and 23 cm EME.

We appreciate the help and advice offered by several AMSAT members.

Ham Radio Events:
We met many DXers at the Dayton Hamvention and at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen (Germany). Next stop will be Tokyo Ham Fair in August where we will attend a DX Seminar / Dinner on Saturday, August 19th.
Additional details:
Our fundraising campaign continues with 29 Clubs / Foundations and 147 individuals showing their support for the project.

At 31% of the target, we still have a long way to go in order to reach the goal of 50% team member funding of the estimated project cost of $350,000(USD). If you need Clipperton for an ATNO, or will work us, we would appreciate your help, most bills must be paid before we sail. We wish to thank those organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support to TX5S.

Since the last press release the following organizations have joined the project as sponsors:

- The German DX Foundation - with a significant grant to TX5S

- Kansas City DX Club

- Nara DX Association

- Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB)

- GMDX Group

- West Tennessee DX Association

- Dominion DX Group

- Tokyo 610 Group

- East Tennessee DX Association

- Madison DX Club

- Tennessee Valley DX Association

TX5S Clipperton Island News 23 May 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #3
May 23, 2023

TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024

Our fundraising campaign is underway with 18 Clubs / Foundations and 87 individuals already showing their support for the project.
At 24% of the target, we have a long way to go in order to reach the goal of 50% team member funding of the estimated project cost of $350,000(USD). If you need Clipperton for an ATNO, or will work us, we would appreciate your help, most bills must be paid before we sail.
Many of the current individual donors and organizations have supported our previous DXpeditions whether they needed the entity or not. We appreciate their confidence in our team, and invite others to sign on.
We wish to thank the most recent organizations for their sponsorship. We also appreciate the individual donors who have donated through the website and/or directly.
o Southwest Ohio DX Association
o Southeastern DX Club
o National Capital DX Association
o Mile High DX Association
o Bullitt Amateur Radio Society
o The Intrepid DX Group
o The Swiss DX Foundation
o The Hoosier DX and Contest Club

TX5S JA Website:
We want to thank our partners in Japan for creating a dedicated JA website for the TX5S DXpedition project, and representing the project in Japan (
o Hiro JA4DND, Project Manager
o Seiji JK1KSB, Public Relations
o Karl JA4BUA, I/T, Website
o Joe JJ3PRT, Pilot, Fundraising

Joining the Team:
Paul Ewing N6PSE needs no introduction. Many of you will know Paul from his DXpeditions to rare entities, including: YI9PSE Iraq, ST0R Republic of South Sudan, 3D2R Rotuma Island, ET3AA Ethiopia, 7O6T Yemen, 3D2C Conway Reef, XZ1J Myanmar, E30FB Eretria, VP8STI South Sandwich and VP8SGI South Georgia Islands. Paul brings years of DXpedition DX experience to the team.

Band / Mode Additions:
Look for TX5S from Clipperton Island on the satellites. We’re in the process of sourcing the necessary equipment.

6m EME:
With the help of Lance, W7GJ, we’ve added 6m EME to the Clipperton project plan.

Joining the team are three French citizens each who have interest in Clipperton Island:
- Anthony Tchékémian and Patrick Leleu are scientists who will conduct research while on the island.
- Jean-Francois Beaulieu is with the “Association la Passion-Clipperton”, an organization dedicated to improving and preserving Clipperton Island’s environment.
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, Germany:
Several TX5S team members will attend this world class event, we look forward to meeting many DXers.
We will again have a presence during the DXpedition. Registered users will be able to communicate directly with the pilot team using the platform. The address will be announced before we sail.
Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 20 April 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #2
April 20, 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition
January 18 – February 1, 2024
The French national frequency agency, ANFR, has reserved the callsign TX5S for use during the Clipperton Island DXpedition, the license will be valid for 15 days. We expect to operate maritime mobile, call sign to-be-determined.
As the cost of expeditions to highly most wanted DXCC entities continues to increase the importance of donations to support these projects has never been greater. The Clipperton Island project budget is $350,000. The ship’s fee represents the largest expense and must be paid in advance. We have set a fund-raising target of $175,000. To date we have raised $35,800.
Support of the DX community is more important than ever and we wish to thank our early individual donors, foundations, clubs and corporate sponsors:
• Foundations and Clubs:
o The Northern California DX Foundation $25,000
o The European DX Foundation
o UK DX Foundation
o The Clipperton DX Club
o Twin City DX Association
o Lone Star DX Association
o Danish DX Group
o LA DX Group
o Spokane DX Association
o North Alabama DX Club
• Corporate Sponsors
o DX Engineering
o GigaParts
o The DX Store
o The Daily DX
o RadioSport
o Rig Expert
o ON5UR QSL Service
o United Radio QSL Management Bureau

Team member update: Nodir EY8MM, Allan EA3SHO and Dave WD5COV have joined the team, in addition to Jacky ZL3CW, Dave K3EL, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Walt N6XG, Rob N7QT, Glenn KE4KY, Chris N6WM, Andreas N6NU, and Arliss W7XU.

Look for TX5S team members at the International DX Convention in Visalia, Dayton Hamvention and Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, we hope to see you there.
Additional details will be released as they develop.
Please direct your questions to:
TX5S Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton Island News 9 April 2023

There is a new member of the TX5S team, Nodir, EY8MM.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 7 April 2023

TX5S Clipperton Island DX Pedition pilots appointed.
North America and Chief pilot - Curt, WX4W.
JA Pilot - Joe, JJ3PRT.
EU Russian speaking countries - Al, 4L5A.
Oceania - Luke, VK3HJ.
Africa - Andre, V51B.
South America - Dio, PY2KP.
EU - Bjorn, ON9CFG.

TX5S Clipperton Island News 4 April 2023

4 April 2023

NCDXF Press Release

NCDXF is pleased to announce their financial support for TX5S the January, 2024 DXpedition to Clipperton Island. A complete review of their plans and financial planning has been completed and NCDXF will provide $25,000 for their success.

Craig Thompson, K9CT
NCDXF Vice President

TX5S Clipperton Island Band plan

1.826.5 —– —– 1.836
3.523 3.790 —– 3.567
—– —– —– 5.357
7.010 7.090 7.045 7.056
10.105 —— 10.142 10.131
14.023 14.185 14.080 14.092
18.069 18.130 18.105 18.095
21.023 21.285 21.080 21.091
24.891 24.955 24.910 24.911
28.023 28.485 28.080 28.091

TX5S Clipperton Island News 20 March 2023

For Immediate Release
Press Release #1
March 20, 2023

Clipperton Island DXpedition

Since its formation in 2013 the Perseverance DX Group ( has conducted five DXpeditions, logging over 340,000 QSOs. From being chased off Mellish Reef by a cyclone to living on an Antarctic island for two weeks the team continues to plan projects that create excitement on the bands for the big guns and the little pistols.

After their successful 2020 VP8PJ South Orkney Islands and 2022 TX5N Austral Islands projects the Perseverance DX Group is pleased to announce their intention to activate Clipperton Island (NA-011).

Now designated a protected environmental reserve, visits to Clipperton require a lengthy and detailed application process. Leveraging our previous experience to sensitive and UNESCO World Heritage locations, the government of French Polynesia issued our team a landing permit.

Planning has begun for an expedition January 18 – February 2, 2024. A team of experienced DX and contest operators will operate from Clipperton Island for up to15 days. The call sign TX5S has been reserved for this project. Up to eight operating positions are planned for 160-6 meters, SSB/CW/Digital operation. It will have been 11 years since the last Clipperton DXpedition, future activations may have to wait even longer. This will be the first 60m and FT8 operation from Clipperton.

The team will sail from San Diego, California aboard Shogun, a veteran of the 2000, 2008 and 20013 Clipperton DXpeditions.

Team members include: Jacky ZL3CW, Dave K3EL, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Walt N6XG, Rob N7QT, Glenn KE4KY, Chris N6WM, Arliss W7XU, Philippe FO4BM, Dave WD5COV and Andreas N6NU. Joining the team will be a scientist from the University of French Polynesia who will conduct studies while on the island.

Additional details will be announced as they develop.

Please direct your questions to:

TX5S Clipperton 2024 Team

TX5S Clipperton IslandClipperton Island. Author - Timur Gromov.

TX5S Clipperton Island DX NewsClipperton Island. Author - Clifton Beard.

TX5S Clipperton Island DX Pedition
TX5S. Clipperton Island. DX Pedition.

TX5S Where is Clipperton Island located. Map.

TX5S Clipperton Island. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 13:05 GMT sunset at 00:56 GMT
TX5S Clipperton Island comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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Rating: 5 of 5
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  • 2024-03-15 21:27:04
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  • 2024-01-27 17:38:12
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David R. Hassall
  • Callsign: WA5DJJ
  • 2024-01-27 07:11:39
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  • 2024-01-26 08:46:57
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  • 2024-01-24 09:03:41
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  • 2024-01-13 20:30:41
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  • 2024-01-08 12:24:43
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Jean louis
  • Callsign: F6BIP
  • 2023-04-08 06:44:43
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: VE2GCE
  • 2023-04-05 18:32:00