Jeff, TZ4AM currently active again from Mali.
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Mali is an African land of deserts and savannahs
The landlocked African country of Mali borders seven other countries at once. It got its name because of the people who lived here several millennia ago - the Malinke. The country of Mali can hardly be called a highly developed land, but it is actively developing economically.
Bamba, Mali. Author - Sergio Montanari.
A few important steps in history
The first tribes that inhabited the area belonged to the Negroid race. They were engaged in fishing, hunting, and then farming and cattle breeding. Already in the 3rd century the first empire of Ghana appeared. Its collapse came at the end of the 11th century, when these lands were attacked by the Almoravids, who actively promoted Islam. Europeans reached Mali in the second half of the 19th century and immediately began expansion. France became interested in this territory and conducted several military operations against local tribes. As a result, the French consolidated their power for many years.
In 1946, local activist Modibo Keita led an anti-colonial movement that was the starting point on the road to full independence for the state. It was proclaimed on September 22, 1960. Eight years later, there was a large-scale coup d'état, after which the acting president Modibo Keita, was sent to prison. There was a wave of popular unrest and student riots in the country, but it did not give any tangible result. In 1991, another coup took place, after which all current political leaders were ousted and a new government was re-elected. Relative calm lasted until 2012, when the terrorist organization al-Qaeda entered the military-political game. To restore order, Mali had to turn to the UN for help.
Mali. Author - Bruna Di Pietrantonio.
The natural expanse of a large country
Mali is a rather large country, which accommodates several natural zones. There are deserts, savannahs and sparse forests. Almost the whole territory is flat. Even the famous Sahara partially fills these lands. The climate in Mali is tropical, but in the south the subequatorial climate prevails. The largest water bodies are the rivers Niger and Senegal. Only near them you can see lush vegetation, and so there are mainly thorny bushes. Ephemeral plants are also widespread. After any major downpour (which is not often) they grow very quickly. For a few days you can observe a riot of colors and aromas. But under the scorching sun they do not last long and soon disappear, waiting for new precipitation.
The animal world is more diverse, but mostly reptiles predominate. There are many snakes, geckos, varans, which are able to go without water for a long period of time. There are also antelopes and gazelles in the area. They are saved by the fact that they can quickly overcome huge distances in search of water and food. Already a little farther from the desert appear monkeys, hyenas, cheetahs. People hardly live in this part of the country, but there are still a few settlements raising camels and cattle. The life of this courageous people is always directly dependent on the vagaries of nature, but for several centuries they continue to work and live in such conditions.
Djenné mosque, Mali. Author - Dario Lorenzetti.
UNESCO World Heritage
In Mali there are very many objects of culture and history, which are carefully protected by the world organization. For example, the ancient town of Djenne is one of the oldest in these parts. The mosque built of pressed clay bricks attracts special attention. The building was destroyed many times, but after each destruction the Malians managed to rebuild it exactly. Another historical monument is the tomb of Askia. It is a 17-meter high clay structure in which the powerful ruler of the medieval state of Songai was buried. He was the first ruler to convert to Islam.
Mali has its own “Venice” - the city of Niono, completely covered with a system of canals and channels. The unique Lake Antogo was formed on the territory of the country. Besides the fact that it is the only source of fresh water for local tribes, it is also forbidden to fish in it. Only once a year it is allowed to break this law. On this day thousands of people come to Antogo and try to take fish with their bare hands, catch fish with a basket and other strange ways. For the local people, this is an important ritual that predicts whether the next year will be hard for them. First the chief reads a prayer and then the men go into the water for 15 minutes. Whoever manages to get a catch is promised a successful year. The Grand Marche market is rather gloomy and interesting. It sells shamanic potions, skulls of hyenas and monkeys, dead parrots, snake skin and much more. The entire culture of Mali is intertwined with shamanism and strange rituals.
Despite its vast area, Mali has a small population of only 14 million. This is due to the high mortality rate due to disease, as health care is virtually undeveloped. But this has changed in recent years with the help of international organizations and humanitarian aid.