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VK9XU Christmas Island

VK9XU Team will be active from Christmas Island, IOTA OC - 002, 18 February - 4 March 2025.
Recent DX Spots VK9XU
VK9XU Log search They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, FT4.
QSL via DL2AWG, ClubLog, LOTW.

Christmas Island

Christmas Island is one of the quietest and safest places on Earth. It is located in a secluded corner of the Indian Ocean 500 kilometers off the coast of Indonesia, has the status of an external territory of Australia and is administered by the Australian authority. The island has an area of only 135 km² and a population of less than 1500 people. There is no official language here, a strikingly low crime rate, and a harmonious blend of different cultures and traditions. But the greatest advantage of Christmas Island is its virtually untouched ecosystem, which its inhabitants carefully preserve.

VK9XU Christmas IslandChristmas Island. Author - Jungle Jack.

Centuries of history

Christmas Island was first spotted by Europeans in 1615, but for a long time it remained nameless. That all changed on Christmas Day 1643 with the light hand of Captain William Minors. Sailing by, he appreciated the advantages of the island and, not thinking long, gave it a name in honor of the holiday. The first British ship docked here in 1688, led by the navigator William Dampier. However, centuries passed before naturalist John Murray properly explored the island in 1872. After carefully studying its geological features, the doctor discovered significant phosphate deposits. Together with George Clunis-Ross, he began exporting this valuable commodity in 1895, founding the Christmas Island Phosphate Company.

Not insignificant in the island's history is the period of World War II. It had a difficult time - the measured life of the population was affected by all the tragic moments of wartime. From 1942 to 1945 it was occupied by the Japanese. Many locals either fled or were evacuated before the Japanese invasion on March 31, 1942. Those who remained were captured by soldiers and held as prisoners of war.

Until 1957, Christmas Island was governed by Singapore, a British colony at the time. That all changed when it was literally bought out by Australia on January 1, 1958 - for £2.9 million. As a result of this deal, Territory Day is celebrated annually on October 1 and is celebrated with great enthusiasm by all islanders.

Perpetual summer and no hurricanes

Christmas Island has a humid tropical climate with high rainfall. Temperatures hover around 27°C all year round. Despite this, the water in the ocean is always cool with waves. There are no large sandy beaches on the island - the coastline is covered with stony rock. In many places the way to the water is blocked by cliffs and rocks. Christmas Island has a special geographical location - it is in a zone of low seismic activity. There are no hurricanes and tsunamis, and it is safe to stay here in winter and summer. The only drawback is a rather long rainy season, which is characterized by frequent and sudden downpours. But even during this period, the weather is sunny and warm most of the day. That is why Christmas Island attracts travelers from all over the world - it is wild, interesting and insanely beautiful.

VK9XU Christmas Island DX NewsChristmas Island. Author - David Stanley.

Food on a schedule

If there are no problems with drinking water on the island thanks to the abundance of freshwater sources, things are much worse with food. There are no large mammals here, and therefore no fresh meat, except for poultry. The same applies to many fruits, vegetables and herbs - it is almost impossible to grow them due to the peculiarities of the soil. The land on the island is infertile and suitable for a limited number of plants. Among the exceptions are banana and coconut palms, mangoes, papaya, dragon fruit.

Islanders can buy everything else in the store - products are delivered by plane from Australia every two weeks. They cost an order of magnitude more than on the mainland. Also, they may not be quite fresh, but they are “sold out” in a matter of hours after arrival. Most locals eat in a small number of restaurants, which are provided with everything you need. Culinary traditions of many countries are harmoniously combined here. The list of traditional recipes includes dishes based on rice and soy sauce, fried and stewed chicken, fish, seafood, and sweet porridge with coconut milk.

Red crab migration

On Christmas Island, each year around 120 million red crabs migrate en masse from the jungle to the ocean to breed and spawn. It is a spectacular event that is unparalleled on Earth and is often described as one of nature's wonders. The migration lasts for several weeks - during this period most roads on the island are closed. The crabs are protected by law and prized by the locals. Poachers are punished with huge fines and even imprisonment.

Migration begins with the onset of the rainy season. There is no specific date - it usually lasts from October to December. While the rain provides the necessary wet conditions, the breeding sequence is also closely linked to the phases of the moon, as female crabs release their eggs into the sea during the high tide of the last lunar quarter. The males first travel to the shore where they dig burrows. Then they join the females - mating takes place. Before returning inland, the males make one last dash into the ocean. Females begin laying eggs within three days of mating and remain in the wet burrows dug by the males for another 12-13 days to allow the eggs to develop.
When the eggs come into contact with water, baby crabs hatch from the eggs. The tiny larvae are washed into the ocean by the waves and, after a few months, develop into shrimp-like animals called megalopae. In the final stage of this process, they congregate in puddles near the shore before turning into young crabs. This is truly an amazing sight that requires people to do nothing more than leave the crabs alone and not interfere with nature.

VK9XU Christmas Island Tourist attractions spotChristmas Island. Author - Jon Faulkner.

Untouched jungle

Thrill seekers can visit the wildest part of the island, covered with tropical trees and bushes. There are only a few paths and almost no reminders of civilization. It is easy to get lost in the jungle, so it is better to go there with a local guide. At the same time, you should not be afraid of wild animals - there are simply none here. The largest mammals are rodents, which were once brought to the island by European navigators in ship holds. But there is a risk of encountering huge spiders and scolopendras, many of which are poisonous and can leave a burn on the skin.

Symbiosis of cultures and traditions

Christmas Island is a harmonious place where people of different nationalities and religions live side by side. They include Malays, Chinese, Australians, migrants from Indonesia and Europe. Almost every month there are themed festivals, many of which involve colorful costumes, music and dancing. The most common beliefs are Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Despite this cultural abundance, the island has a virtually zero crime rate. There is a police station and even a prison, but most of the time it is empty. Safety on the streets is due to the small population and the island's geographical isolation from the outside world. After all, in case of a crime, it is extremely difficult to escape and there is nowhere to hide.

VK9XU. Where is Christmas Island located. Map.

VK9XU Christmas Island. Sunrise 10-19-2024 at 22:30 GMT sunset at 10:54 GMT
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