More than just DX News

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands

VP8PJ Team will be active from South Orkney Islands, IOTA AN - 008, 20 February - 5 March 2020.
Recent DX Spots VP8PJ
North America and Chief Pilot - KE4KY.
North America Assistant Pilot - KM4SII.
Europe - ON9CFG.
Russian Speaking countries - 4L5A.
Japan - JA1WSX.
South America - PY2YP.
Oceania - VK3HJ.
Africa - V51B.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY.

1.826.5 —– —– 1.840
3.523 —– —– 3.567
7.010 7.090 7.045 7.056
10.105 —— 10.142 10.131
14.023 14.185 14.080 14.090
18.069 18.130 18.100 18.095
21.023 21.285 21.080 21.091
24.891 24.955 24.910 24.911
28.023 28.485 28.080 28.091
Any station located in Africa and/or Oceania may call regardless of the region we are currently working/calling for.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 13 September 2020

For Immediate Release
Final Press Release
September 13, 2020
South Orkney Islands DX-pedition
We have closed the books on the VP8PJ DX-pedition to the South Orkney Islands.
Due to the global pandemic our equipment was returned to California about two months later
than planned. Nothing was missing or damaged during the extended journey.
Thanks to the worldwide clubs/foundations, the DX community and our corporate sponsors,
the project met all operational and financial goals. We appreciate the continued support from
the DX community.
Consistent with our commitment to upload the complete VP8PJ log to LoTW six months
following the DX-pedition, Tim M0URX will upload the complete log on 15 September.
Planning for our next project is underway. Exact timing will depend on lifting of the global travel
restrictions, issuance of the landing permit and ship scheduling, early 2022 is the plan.
Watch for press releases as this new project unfolds.
VP8PJ Leadership Team

VP8PJ News 21 May 2020

VP8PJ QSL Card Status

QSL Manager Tim M0URX reports that all VP8PJ OQRS requests and direct mailed QSL cards received by Wednesday, May 20th were posted from the UK on Thursday, May 21st. Depending on your country’s Covid-19 situation, please allow 10 – 14 days for the cards to arrive, in some cases possibly longer. Buro cards will be shipped directly to the worldwide buros early next year. Thanks to Tim for managing the QSL process and to Max ON5UR for a quality product. Photos of the shipment are posted on Tim’s blog:
Equipment Status
The Covid-19 lock down in Chile delayed the return of our equipment. On Tuesday, May 19th we received consignment documentation indicating the equipment was containerized and taken to San Antonio (Valparaiso), Chile for sea shipment. The ship is scheduled to leave San Antonio on June 6th for the journey to Oakland, California. Several VP8PJ team members will meet in the San Francisco Bay Area to unpack, inventory and return borrowed equipment. Expected transit time is approximately 40 days. We appreciate the excellent service and support from Agunsa Logistics, Chile.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 7 May 2020

The VP8PJ cards are printed and were shipped from ON5UR QSL Print Services in Belgium to Tim M0URX in the UK. Tim has the tracking numbers and after Customs processing expects the cards to be delivered soon.

The envelops, labels and pre-printed postage are prepared and awaiting the cards. Once in hand the "stuffing" process will begin. Until the Covid-19 lock down in the UK is lifted Tim will probably have to do this work alone, it will take longer than usual to complete.

The initial mailing will include all the VP8PJ confirmation requests in the system through the mailing date. Buro cards will be bulk shipped directly to the inbound buros early next year.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 23 April 2020 Direct Card

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Direct QSL Front

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Direct QSL Back

As promised, this is the primary QSL card for the project.

Thanks to all who processed a request on OQRS or mailed their request to Tim M0URX.

The cards will be shipped from ON5UR Print Services in Belgium to the UK. Tim has already printed the QSO labels, address labels and printed the postage. As soon as Tim receives the cards he will stuff the envelops and take to the post office.

With the Covid19 airline disruptions international mail is slower than normal, so please have patience.

As a reminder, all VP8PJ confirmation processing is handled by Tim M0URX, from the UK.

Buro cards will be placed in the buro system in early 2021.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 22 April 2020 Buro Card

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Buro QSL Card Front

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Buro QSL Back

This card is the Buro card, and the overflow card for those that require additional QSO space.

The folded card was printed on Tuesday, preview soon.


VP8PJ News 21 April 2020

ZL1NA/MM South Orkney Islands QSL Front

ZL1NA/MM South Orkney Islands QSL Back

The VP8PJ QSL card proofs have been approved and the production started at ON5UR QSL Print Service. Being done over the Internet made the process easy and seamless during the Covid19 lock down. Thanks to Tim M0URX and Max ON5UR for their help with the process.

There will be three full color cards, each designed by Dave K3EL.

- ZL1NA/MM - RV Braveheart anchored - Borge Bay - Signy Island.
- VP8PJ folded card - various scenes of the island
- VP8PJ buro and overflow card

The first of the lot is attached, others to follow.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 7 March 2020

VP8PJ Team has left Signy Island.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 6 March 2020

VP8PJ is now QRT!
The pileups were enthusiastic, fun and at times never ending. We appreciate all of you that participated!

The weather forecast for tomorrow is that of wind and rain. It will make our chore of
tearing down the camp wet and very slow. We look forward to our return trip home.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 5 March 2020

We are pleased to report that we are nearing 70,000 QSOs in the log.

Our plan is to remain active on the bands throughout the day. We anticipate ending radio operations and going QRT at or near 23:59 UTC.

Our attention overnight and tomorrow will be devoted to the large chore of packing the gear and then dismantling the camp.

As stated previously, we will attempt an upload of the log once aboard the Braveheart as we prepare for departure from Signy Island.

We will soon begin the process of staging equipment and supplies on the beach for transfer to the Braveheart.

A number of antennas are being removed as we evaluate our "on air" activities for the remaining hours on the island.

Slowly, throughout the day, we will take operating positions off-line as we prepare to end our radio operations later tonight.

We cannot thank the crew of the Braveheart enough for their hard work and assistance throughout this entire DX-pedition.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 4 March 2020 Part 2

After consultation with the Braveheart skipper this morning, we will now leave Signy Island on Saturday March 7th.
Improving weather and sea conditions are more favorable for a later departure.
We will extend our on air operations by another full day. We will now operate through most of Thursday March 5th.
Please disregard the earlier notice on the end of operations being later today.
VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 4 March 2020

VP8PJ will continue radio operations throughout the day.

Our plans at this time is to go QRT at or near 2359 UTC.
VP8PJ Team.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News Logs

The next attempt to upload the log may occur late Thursday after all the equipment is back onboard the Braveheart.
A successful upload is highly dependent on the weather and the position of the boat at that given time relative to the satellite.
No promises, but we will give it a try prior to our departure from Signy Island.
VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 4 March 2020

VP8PJ will continue radio operations throughout the day.

Our plans at this time is to go QRT at or near 2359 UTC.
VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 3 March 2020

80m antenna repaired earlier today. As the day progresses we will be on all open HF bands.

Special emphasis tonight on 40m, 80m, and 160m, using both CW and FT-8 modes.

Weather depending, Wednesday March 4th will be the last full day of operations.

Shutdown time to be announced. We plan to use most of the day Thursday to completely tear down the operating positions and the camp.

VP8PJ Team.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Information from M0URX

A timely reminder that you should always BACK UP your log data both on and off site.
Please remember to keep the integrity of the DXpedition log, i am NOT able to give out any QSO data.
If you loose your data through HDD crash it is NOT the responsibility of the DXpedition to provide you that data.


Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 2 March 2020

Quickly approaching 58,000 total Qs in the log.

The team is outside in the blowing snow and wind repairing the 80m vertical for use tonight.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 2 March 2020 11 UTC

Major winds swept through again overnight. The 40 meter 4-square is now a single vertical. Other verticals damaged again as well, but quickly repaired. Standing at 55,000+ total Qs.
VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 1 March 2020

The team remains in good spirits. We’re continuing to make ourselves available on the bands. Heavy winds returned last night and today. Several of the verticals have been damaged, the team is out repairing them now. Approaching 51,000 total QSOs in the log. Next log update possibly in the next 24 hours.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 29 February 2020

We have all your comments to the pilots and a summary of the reflector.

After a storm blew through we’re currently experiencing the weather conditions we expected. The antennas are staying up, with only some challenges with the larger verticals. The WeatherPort buildings have performed as expected, even with occasional wind gusts that we estimate at 75 – 80 kph, or higher. We have reports of missing FT8 QSOs, we can not fix that on the island; Tim M0URX will handle the missing contacts once he has all the FT8 files.

We must depart the island by the afternoon of Thursday, March 6th. Depending on the weather, we expect to begin tearing down the camp on Wednesday, March 4th. We estimate (with reasonable weather) March 4-5 for the tear down, load the ship and be ready to sail on Thursday.

Estimated time at sea is 5 full days, and arrive at the entrance to the harbor on the evening of March 11th.

We will unload the ship on March 13 and turn the equipment over to our Customs Broker.

Braveheart will leave Punta Arenas on March 15th.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 28 February 2020

VP8PJ Log updated today.
First QSO in the Log 22 February 2020 23.56 UTC
Last QSO in the log 28 February 2020 12.24 UTC.
Log available on M0URX website.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 27 February 2020

Update February 27th 18:00z: Unable to go back to boat today, snow storm and very cold wind. Maybe tomorrow for log upload.

That message was received using Garmin inReach. The team can only send logs from the Braveheart as the terrain on the island blocks the path to the satellite.

Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 26 February 2020

VP8PJ Log updated:

First QSO in the log: 22 Feb 2020 23:56 UTC
Last QSO in the log: 25 Feb 2020 19:00 UTC

Thanks to M0URX, Tim

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 25 February 2020 21.00 UTC

We are having spotty success getting an adequate signal from the satellite, even from the ship. We’ve been in contact with the service provider and we all agree that the problem is the terrain and the satellite’s low angle in the sky.

That said, we’re here to work DX and will deal with the usual challenges all DX-peditions to the Southern Ocean tend to experience. One of the ship’s crew asked “they make a contact on the radio and need to Internet to confirm they made the contact?”. Interesting observation from a fellow that knows little about ham radio.

We ask that people do not send us or the pilots e-mails asking about logs, if we can get uploads done, we will. If not you’ll have to do your best to get a contact. This is an experienced DX-pedition and Contest team, if you hear them repeat your call you’re in the log.

The pileups have been what we expected, always energetic, sometimes chaotic but no surprises. The team is working under very cold and windy weather conditions, with snow at night. Doing any work outside is challenging anytime and can not be done at night.

Have patience.
VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ News 25 February 2020

We found a path to the satellite from the ship, where I am at the moment and hope we can find it tonight.. We will try a log update later today.

The team was installing the 60m antenna when I left the island 2 hours ago, and doing maintenance on other antennas. It's very cold and windy, with snow last night, team is doing well, staffing the stations, as planned for their shifts.

More later.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 23 February 2020

We are unable to find a solid satellite connection on the island. We are waiting to change to a different satellite, but it's not clear there will be any difference. We know it is not a hardware problem because we have 3 satellite terminals of this model and one of another model. If we an not find a solid connection we will try to upload logs from the ship every day, and even that path to the satellite is very poor.

They are are continuing to install additional antennas today. It's cold and difficult to use hand tools in the wind.

At the request of the team, please NO emails regarding:
-Log checks to see if you are in the log
-Busted call checks

73, VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 22 February 2020

Look for VP8PJ to become active on 20m, 40m, and possibly 160m in the following hours.

Operating positions will slowly come online as antennas and station configurations are completed.

In the earliest hours of the operation, there will be NO real-time logging available.

Announcement on the real-time logging being active will follow.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 21 February 2020

The ice has cleared enough to get the equipment ashore. We have team members on the island moving equipment to our preferred operating site. It will take today & tomorrow to set up camp. It's cold, light winds, but dry at the moment.

The process of assembling the camp continues.... going very well, but will continue throughout today and tomorrow.

At this juncture, we anticipate being "on the air" sometime on Sunday the 23rd. Announcements regarding this will be forthcoming.

Team VP8PJ

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 20 February 2020 15.00 UTC

Update @ 1500Z:

After an initial survey, we're waiting for a wind change which is expected tomorrow. If the ice situation does not change significantly, we'll try an alternate site tomorrow.

Currently, cold with occasional snow flurries.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 20 February 2020 12.30 UTC

VP8PJ UPDATE @ 12:30 UTC - We have ice to contend with regarding our planned landing area. The ice was pushed in during the previous days, but we are expecting the winds to change and blow the ice out. We are currently looking for an alternate site to unload, then move the equipment to the planned site. An alternative camp/operations area is being considered as we evaluate current conditions.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 20 February 2020

FEBRUARY 20 @ 04:30 UTC - The Braveheart has arrived in the area ... is going around the island to get to the landing point; The landing operations should begin in the morning;

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 19 February 2020

All going well the team and Braveheart will be anchored offshore South Orkney later today.

ZL1NA/MM News 16 February 2020

ZL1NA/MM start activity.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 15 February 2020

We're on schedule to depart Punta Arenas this afternoon (3PM local).

In one hour at 10AM local we will leave the hotel and move to the Braveheart with our personal gear.

You can track our progress while at sea:

See you in the pileups.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 14 February 2020

This morning's schedule was reversed due to late arriving fuel trucks. We loaded the team's equipment first and will take on fuel this afternoon.

Everything looks to be in good order and the crew is busily stowing the equipment in a particular sequence so we can reverse the process and offload in a priority sequence.

The weather is cool, with some periods of rain. We had coffee with Skipper Matt and owner Nigel, then outside to watch the loading process.

We're on schedule for Saturday afternoon departure.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 14 February 2020 Image 1

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 14 February 2020 Image 2

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands 14 February 2020 Image 3

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 12 February 2020

We have selected the call sign: ZL1NA/MM for use during the transit between Punta Arenas - Signy Island - Punta Arenas.

QSL Manager: Tim Beaumont M0URX.
Please, do not send Buro cards, use OQRS for free Buro card.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands Banner
VP8PJ. South Orkney Islands DX Pedition Banner.

The donation process for VP8PJ will also count as a ZL1NA/MM donation. However, there is no internet on the ship, log and LoTW uploads will be done at a later date.

VP8PJ Team

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 2 February 2020

For Immediate Release
Press Release #11
Feb. 2,2020
South Orkneys2020 DX-pedition
We’re on autopilot, next stop Punta Arenas, Chile.
The project is on schedule
Team members will begin arriving in Punta Arenas on February 9th, Braveheart is scheduled to arrive on February 13th, we load the ship on Feb 14th and depart on Feb 15th for Signy Island. Nigel Jolly will have already arrived by air to arrange for refueling and resupplying Braveheart.
Logging – Log Search
We will use N1MM+ for logging and WSJT-X Version 2.1.2 for FT8
Assuming a stable satellite connection, QSOs will be uploaded to the log server in near real-time,you can monitor logging activity at:
We do not upload by band, by mode or by operating position.
OQRS will be available within 10 days after we leave the island. We need time to validate the logs.
QSL Manager, Tim M0URX,will work on Busted Calls and Not in Log issues after the logis validated. Please use the form on Tim’s OQRS site, do not send e-mails.
Split Operation and Fox/Hound
The Band Plan is posted on our website (Island Operations), unless otherwise announced by the operator, all radio operations will be split.FT8 will use Fox / Hound mode on all bands except 60m, where we will use normal FT8 operation.
VP8PJ at
A reflector is available at for you to provide input to the team. The pilots will monitor the reflector and summarize pertinent information by region. There’s a one-time registration for the reflector, please review the “Sticky Notes” at the top of the message list. Please, no requests for log checks, busted calls, Not in Log, or schedules. We appreciatethoughtful and helpful information from your
Follow the Braveheart
Shortly before we leave Punta Arenas, we'll activate the Garmin inReach personal locator. You'll be able to follow our journey on the web during the estimated 6 days at sea to and from the island. You can Follow Braveheart from our website or
K6TU’s Propagation as a Service
We thank Stu K6TU for making available his K6TU Propagation as a Service tool at no cost to you. Accessed from our website (K6TU Propagation Tools), Stu's website is configured with our station and antenna specifications. The tool automates and greatly simplifies the process of building VOCAP predictions customized for your location. Knowing the details of our station configurations, location and antenna heights, the tool will generate your customized propagation charts.
WSPR Beacon
"A QRP Labs Ultimate 3 WSPR beacon will be on board Braveheart running 30dBm on 40, 20 and 15m sequentially every 10 minutes whenever the VP8PJ/MM station is not in use."
Early donors (those that donated before we sail on February 15th) will receive their LoTW confirmation(s) while we’re on the island, usually within 24 hours of the contact(s). All other donors will receive their LoTW confirmation(s) when OQRS opens.
With the Braveheart and freight bills paid and the equipment in Chile, our last remaining major expensesareshipping the equipment back home, generator fuel, port fees, general surcharges, fuel surcharge and a few smaller but still significant expense items. It’s not unusual for unexpected fees and other charges to materialize so we remain vigilant with the budget management.
We have over 600 individual (early)donors, 73 Premier Sponsors and 55 club / foundation sponsors.Is your club or name/call sign listed on our website? All donations are appreciated and will help offset the project’s estimated cost of ~$310,000(USD).
We want to thank everyone that helped us along the way to plan this project, especially members of the 2011 VP8ORK DX-pedition,Ralph K0IR and Don N1DGwho provided invaluable assistance and information. Their guidance through the landing permit process and island logistics is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your continued interest and support of our project.
Good luck in the pileups.
Team VP8PJ

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 26 January 2020

After a stop at the Panama Canal for transfer to a different ship, our sea container arrived in Coronel, Chile on December 25th. It was then placed on a coastal barge, arriving Punta Arenas on January 13th. The equipment is now in secure storage at a local warehouse.

There will be a Press Release shortly before the team members leave home to meet the Braveheart at Punta Arenas.


VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 20 January 2020

For Immediate Release
Press Release #10
South Orkney Islands DX-pedition
VP8PJ (AN-008)
Landing and camping at South Orkney requires permission from several government agencies. This multi step process takes months to complete.We recently receivedour final approval, the“Antarctic Conservation Act Permit” from the National Science Foundation. Other agencies in the process were: the US Department of State and the Environmental Protection Agency. We appreciate the cooperation and assistance we received from these agencies to complete and submit the detailed applications and other required documentation.
New Corporate Sponsor
Joining the list of corporate sponsors is The DX Store, a supplier of quality products for the amateur radio market.
Equipment Status
After 8 weeksour sea container arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile on January 13, 2020.
Operating Schedule
The team will follow a rotating 4 hours on and 8 hours off schedule. In their off-time they’ll catch up on sleep, perform equipment / campsite maintenance, operate from positions available for roving operators, or (weather permitting) go back to Braveheart for a shower and hot meal.
Island Assignments
Each team member is assigned tasks while on the island. Major activities are prioritized and staffed accordingly. The Braveheart crew will help with the heavy lifting and other setup activities. After landing, designated teams will first erect the WeatherPort shelters, install the power grid, and furnish the sleeping and operating shelters. Meanwhile the antenna teams will install the HF antennas, followed by the low band antennas.Weather permitting, setup is expected to take approximately two days.
We appreciate the support from the worldwide DX and amateur radio community. With the addition of Japan’s Nara DX Association, The Spokane DX Association and W4DXCC By SEDCO Convention, we currently have fifty-twoclubs / foundations signed on, over 500individuals and 60Premier Sponsors who each donated $200(USD), or more. We continue to make progress towards our goal of the radio team paying 50% of the project cost with sponsorships paying the remainder. Is your DX club listed on our website?
Thanks for your continued interest and support of our project, we’ll publish one more press release before leaving home in early February.
Good luck in the pileups.
Team VP8PJ

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands News 2 January 2020.

We are pleased to announce the call sign for the Perseverance DX Group’s expedition South Orkney 2020 will be changed to VP8PJ.
In past years it was relatively easy to get a preferred VP8 call sign for the British Antarctic Territory. After a licensing administrativechange, we were unable to obtain a VP8 call sign for operation from South Orkney and were advised to use /VP8.
Alan, VK6CQ,a recent addition to the team, holds the call sign VP8PJ that was issued to him for operation from the British Antarctic Territory. After submission of a copy of Alan’s license,ARRL has issued us a new LoTW certificate for the use of this call from South Orkney for the duration of our expedition.
Team VP8PJ

VP8PJ South Orkney IslandsSouth Orkney Islands. Author - Scott Bickell.

VP8PJ Chinstrap penguin, Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands. DX NewsChinstrap penguin, Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands. Author - Connie Juel.

VP8PJ Adelie Penguins, Shingle Cove, Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands. Tourist attractions spotAdelie Penguins, Shingle Cove, Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands. Author - Liam Quinn.

VP8PJ. Where are South Orkney Islands located. Map.

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands. Sunrise 03-28-2025 at 09:20 GMT sunset at 20:51 GMT
VP8PJ South Orkney Islands comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: DJ5AN
  • 2021-07-27 19:59:31
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: WX4US
  • 2020-03-08 22:17:26
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: lu1ls
  • 2020-03-07 15:27:52
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: G4YDM
  • 2020-03-06 13:20:12
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: PY2GG
  • 2020-03-05 04:21:19
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: YO3FF
  • 2020-03-01 11:31:34
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: KB1NCD
  • 2020-02-23 11:24:13
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: 4L5A
  • 2019-05-26 16:53:38
Rating: 3 of 5
  • Callsign: OT4V
  • 2019-05-26 12:38:27