VQ917JC Diego Garcia Island 2017-11-18 15:18:16 Jim, ND9M will be active from Diego Garcia Island, Chagos Archipelago, IOTA AF - 006, as VQ917JC. Views14257 Comments5 100% More...
HH8/KD8CAO Haiti 2017-03-19 21:22:12 Doug, KD8CAO will be active from Haiti 19 - 24 March 2017 as HH8/KD8CAO. Views10632 Comments1 100% More...
K5TEN/P Dog Island 2019-05-29 07:42:19 Bruce, K5TEN will be active again from Dog Island, IOTA NA-085, Florida 3 - 10 June 2017 as K5TEN/P. Views25088 Comments1 100% More...
DU9/ON5SM Mindanao Island 2019-09-10 17:23:44 Marc, ON5SM will be active again from Mindanao Island, IOTA OC-130, Philippines 4 April - 24 May 2017 as DU9/ON5SM. Views19437 Comments0 More...
OE17ATOM Austria 2017-03-19 12:46:49 Special event station OE17ATOM - from nuclear energy to SOLAR energy. Views9359 Comments1 100% More...
TZ5XR Mali 2017-03-26 17:26:23 Laurent, F5IXR will be active again from Mali 1 August 2016 - February 2019 as TZ5XR. Views20574 Comments1 100% More...
S21ZEE S21ZED Bangladesh 2017-03-19 21:40:15 Juris, YL2GM with team will be active from Bangladesh 15 - 27 March 2017 as S21ZED and S21ZEE. Views23983 Comments5 100% More...
J3/OE2SNL Grenada Island 2017-03-18 21:25:32 Franz, OE2SNL will be active from Grenada Island, IOTA NA - 024, until 30 March 2017 as J3/OE2SNL. Views10288 Comments0 More...
ZS1FUN Dassen Island 2017-03-18 20:54:53 ZS1FUN: ZS1GS, ZS1XS, ZS1ASH, ZS1MW, ZS1AB will be active from Dassen Island, (IOTA AF-064), until 21 March 2017 as ZS1FUN. Views19232 Comments3 80% More...
5H3YH Tanzania 2019-09-15 22:26:31 Alberto, IZ0YHG is currently active from Tanzania as 5H3YH. Views6534 Comments0 More...
V31RJ Belize 2018-01-20 23:04:22 Raj, VE6RAJ is currently active from Belize as V31RJ. Views6898 Comments1 100% More...
9N7EI Nepal 2017-03-28 23:27:23 David, EI9FBB inform dxnews.com, that members of EI DX Group will be active from Nepal 8 - 20 March 2017 as 9N7EI. Views20058 Comments7 100% More...
EA9KB Ceuta 2017-10-28 12:21:17 Jose, EA9CD inform dxnews.com, that Enrique, EA9KB will be active from Ceuta in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest 25 - 26 March 2017. Views10347 Comments1 80% More...
V31NJ Belize 2017-03-15 22:52:51 Gabriel, NJ7H is currently active from Belize as V31NJ. Views5436 Comments0 More...
R71RRC Arakamchechen Island 2017-09-20 10:22:08 RA3AV, UA0KBG, UA3AKO will be active from Arakamchechen Island, IOTA AS - 071, 7 - 17 April 2017 as R71RRC. Views11367 Comments3 100% More...