VP8DPK Falkland Islands 2019-09-07 23:35:27 Charles, W7AUM is currently active from Falkland Islands, IOTA SA - 002, as VP8DPK. Views5054 Comments0 More...
CN2JF Morocco 2018-10-19 16:29:03 F6CTF is currently active from Morocco as CN2JF. Views8236 Comments1 100% More...
NP4DX WP3C VE3DZ/KP4 Puerto Rico 2016-11-11 21:33:16 Yuri, VE3DZ will be active from Puerto Rico in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2016 as NP4DX or WP3C. Views7997 Comments0 More...
TI2/KM4HI Costa Rica 2018-06-12 23:43:14 Jim, KM4HI is currently active from Costa Rica as TI2/KM4HI. Views5476 Comments0 More...
9H3AP Malta 2019-09-17 13:47:12 Andrew, G8GNI will be active from Malta, IOTA EU - 023, 15 November - 9 December 2016 as 9H3AP. Views5243 Comments0 More...
PX2V Brazil 2019-10-14 09:38:03 PY2KJ, PY2KC and PU2MZI will be active from Brazil in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2016 as PX2V. Views5850 Comments0 More...
YB4IR/8 Lucipara Island Lucipara Islands 2019-09-15 09:08:04 Imam, YB4IR inform dxnews.com that he will be active again from Lucipara Island, Lucipara Islands (IOTA OC-274), 14 - 18 November 2016 as YB4IR/8. Views9731 Comments2 100% More...
J70BH Dominica Island 2016-11-10 21:32:07 OH2BH, K1LI, K1TO, OH2BE, OH2NB, OH8NC will be active from Dominica Island, IOTA NA - 101, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2016 as J70BH. Views6474 Comments0 More...
HR2DMR Honduras 2017-10-29 21:48:05 Dan, HR2DMR will be active from Honduras in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2016 as HR2DMR. Views6414 Comments0 More...
ZL7G Chatham Island DX Pediton QSL 2018-01-20 23:15:46 ZL7G Chatham Island DX Pedition QSL. Views6090 Comments1 100% More...
V26BH Antigua Island 2019-10-22 21:01:39 Martti, OH2BH will be active from Antigua Island, IOTA NA - 100, 19 - 21 November 2016 as V26BH. Views6664 Comments1 100% More...
7X3FG Algeria 2019-09-24 16:54:24 Mohamed, F6FZG is currently active from Algeria as 7X3FG. Views6718 Comments0 More...
PJ4/DJ2VO PJ4/DL3KMS Bonaire Island 2017-02-13 19:52:18 Holger, DL1COP inform dxnews.com that Jurgen, DJ2VO and Martin, DL3KMS will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA - 006, 3 - 15 December 2016 as PJ4/DJ2VO and PJ4/DL3KMS. Views6616 Comments0 More...
Video EF8U CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2016 2016-11-09 09:27:12 Video N6MJ in CQ WW DX SSB 2016 Contest from Canary Islands as EF8U. Views6651 Comments0 More...
ZL7G Chatham Islands 2016-11-08 21:15:53 G3BJ, G3SVL, G3TXF, G3WPH, G3XTT, G4JKS, G4TSH will be active from Chatham Islands (IOTA OC-038) 26 October - 9 November 2016 as ZL7G. Views18180 Comments14 80% More...