Members of 7163 Net Group Nancy K9DIG, Jim WB2REM, Robert N4PSK, Tip N4SIA will be active from Guantanamo Bay 6- 13 February 2015 as KG4YL, KG4HI, KG4RQ, KG4AS.
The Yasme Excellence Award is presented to individuals who, through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication, have made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The contribution may be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational achievement, as all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow and prosper.
For the second year in a row, DxCoffee will present the “Best Communication Award”.
Just like we did last year, the idea is to acknowledge the Dxpedition that showed the best communication skills towards the ham community, by using dedicated websites, newletters, bullettins and press releases.