E6AK E6AY E6AA Niue Island 2019-09-06 21:56:12 JA1KJW, JA1JQY, JA8VE will be active from Niue Island (IOTA OC-040) 3 - 9 November 2013 as E6AK, E6AY, E6AA. Views11172 Comments0 More...
PR0F Fernando de Noronha Island 2017-01-26 06:25:56 PY3MM will be active from Fernando de Noronha island 18 - 28 October 2013 as PR0F. Views9707 Comments0 More...
YJ0AU YJ0CJ YJ0TE YJ0ZS Iririki Island 2017-05-14 13:03:30 JA2AAU, JA2LSS, JA2ATE, JA2ZS will be active from Iririki Island 1 - 11 November 2013 as YJ0AU, YJ0CJ, YJ0TE, YJ0ZS. Views5209 Comments0 More...
4Z5LA/P 4X6HP/P 4Z5IW/P Akhziv Island 2013-10-01 15:40:53 4Z5LA , 4X6HP , 4Z5IW will be active from Akhziv Island (IOTA AS-100) 18-19 October 2013 as 4Z5LA/P , 4X6HP/P , 4Z5IW/P Views3950 Comments0 More...
Video C6ARW Grand Bahama Island 2019-09-05 20:22:34 Video C6ARW in CQ WW DX SSB Contest. Views5660 Comments0 More...
V63SC Micronesia 2019-09-13 08:57:24 JM1LBO will be active from Micronesia until 30 September 2013 as V63SC. Views8980 Comments0 More...
V25M V25N Antigua Island 2016-06-09 20:12:51 KE1B and W6NN will be active from Antigua 7 - 15 May 2014 as V25M and V25N. Views7756 Comments0 More...
J7A J75KG J79XX J79WI J79MP Dominica Island 2016-06-24 18:55:10 K5KG, K1XX, WI9WI, VO1MP will be active from Dominica 16-25 November 2013 as J75KG, J79XX, J79WI, J79MP. Views6571 Comments0 More...
T32RC Kiritimati Island 2017-05-21 21:01:55 NL8F, N7RO, KW7XX, AH6HY, NX1P will be active from Kiritimati ( Christmas) Island 27 November - 10 December 2013 as T32RC. Views17022 Comments2 100% More...
XR0YY Easter Island 2019-07-16 23:05:44 CX4CR, CX3AN, CX2AM, CX3CE, CE0HYO, EA7FTR, EA5HPX will be active from Easter Island 1 - 7 November 2013 as XR0YY. Views8188 Comments0 More...
BV60V Taiwan 2017-05-22 22:54:16 BM2AAV, BV2DD, BV2KS, BV2NT,BX4AN, JA3AQM will be active from Taiwan in CQ WW DX RTTY Contest 28 - 29 September 2013 as BV60V. Views6400 Comments0 More...
A52EQW A52IVU A52AEF Bhutan 2017-05-22 22:55:06 JH7EQW, JA3IVU, JH3AEF will be active from Bhutan 10 - 20 October 2013 as A52EQW, A52IVU, A52AEF. Views6067 Comments0 More...
3D2R Rotuma Island 2016-07-20 11:30:51 YT1AD, WD5COV, RZ3FW, RW4NW will be active from Rotuma Island 22 - 29 November 2013 as 3D2R. Views8945 Comments1 100% More...
FW5JJ Wallis Island 2016-05-30 08:48:09 TK5JJ will be active from Wallis Island for two years as FW5JJ. Views25322 Comments3 100% More...
3D2AD 3D2OV 3D2FW 3D2NW Fiji 2019-10-07 15:19:49 YT1AD, WD5COV, RZ3FW, RW4NW will be active from Fiji 20 - 22 November and 29 November - 4 December 2013 as 3D2AD, 3D2OV, 3D2FW, 3D2NW. Views7033 Comments0 More...