DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News Page 327

J44LH Trikeri Lighthouse
2016-09-13 00:50:38
The following Greek radio-amateurs: SV4FFL Costas SV4FFK Thanasis SV4FFO Nikos SV4FFX Tasos SV4/SV8GGI Kostas SV4AAQ Dimitris SV4AFY XYL Katerina will activate, for second time after 5 years, the Trikeri Lighthouse, with identification number ARLHS GRE-128.

LA7DHA Vestvaagoy Island
2016-09-13 00:41:56
I will be active from Lofoten Islands - Vestvaagoy Island EU-076 this weekend (5-9 sept).

9M2/JS6RRR 9M2/JR3CNQ Malaysia
2016-09-15 07:51:27
JS6RRR and JR3CNQ will be active from Malaysia 21 - 23 September 2013 as 9M2/JS6RRR and 9M2/JR3CNQ.

9V1/JS6RRR 9V1/JR3CNQ Singapore
2017-01-27 18:38:08
JS6RRR and JR3CNQ will be active from Singapore 20 - 21 September 2013 as 9V1/JS6RRR and 9V1/JR3CNQ.

YJ9HP Vanuatu
2013-08-31 13:54:28
DL2NUD will be active from Vanuatu in October/November 2013 as YJ9HP

H44HP Solomon Islands
2016-06-22 12:30:22
DL2NUD will be active from Solomon Islands in October/November 2013 as H44HP.

8Q7CF Biyadhoo Island
2017-03-15 17:34:23
DL2MDU and DO3HDA will be active from Biyadhoo Island, Maldive Islands 15 - 28 September 2013 as 8Q7CF.

VQ9KA Chagos Archipelago
2017-11-11 11:54:48
JO1GWT will be active from Chagos Archipelago, IOTA AF - 006, 1 - 8 September 2013 as VQ9KA.

9N2YY Nepal
2017-02-01 23:14:10
OH2YY will be active from Nepal 2 - 5 October 2013 applied call is 9N2YY.