UA9YAB and UA9YPS will be active from Margarita Island, IOTA SA-012 and Los Roques Islands, IOTA SA-035, 2 - 9 August 2012 as YV7/UA9YAB, YV7/UA9YPS and YV5/UA9YAB, YV5/UA9YPS.
ON7EC Erik, ON6VOX Dreis and myself ON4LO Francois will be active as ON4LO/LH on 06 till 10-06-2012 from Lightship Mayflower ARLHS BEL 048 10-80M SSB .
Members of Radio Club de Valparaiso (CE2AA) CE2NGN, CE2OKY, CE0YJI, CE2SJT and CA2REM will be active from Juan Fernandez Islands propably until 28 May 2012.