Morocco CN2RN 2012 2017-08-01 18:35:00 F8FGU is currently active again (2012) from Morocco as CN2RN. Views5481 Comments0 More...
9H3ZZ Malta 2016-08-06 16:21:36 N6GQ will be active from Malta 17 - 29 June 2012 as 9H3ZZ. Views5712 Comments0 More...
Ascension Island ZD8W WW CW 2012 2016-06-20 23:32:59 W6NV will be active from Ascension Island in CQ WW DX CW Contest 24 - 25 November 2012 as ZD8W. Views8325 Comments0 More...
8P9AN Barbados 2019-05-03 20:19:32 RA3NAN will be active from Barbados until 17 April 2012 as 8P9AN. Views4491 Comments0 More...
D64K Comoro Islands 2016-07-01 14:39:38 We gladly announce that in August 2012 the team consisting of Fabrizio IW3SQY, Paolo IV3DSH, Antonello IT9YVO, Franco IZ8GCE, Giorgio IZ4AKS, Les SP3DOI and Salvador C31CT/EA3QS will be active from Comoro Islands (IOTA AF-007), with the call D64K. Views7098 Comments1 100% More...
IJ7A IOTA 2012 2016-06-24 19:04:23 The IJ7A IOTA DXpedition (EU-073) will take place between 27/30 July 2012. Views5390 Comments0 More...
C6AGW Bahamas 2017-11-25 17:49:32 We are pleased to announce a new DXpedition by I2VGW: an holiday style round trip to the islands of Columbus’ first landfall in the New World. Views7227 Comments0 More...
VK9XS Christmas Island 2016-06-20 16:03:34 JA1PBV is currently active from Christmas Island as VK9XS. Views4637 Comments0 More...
Greenland XP2I WPX CW 2012 2020-05-13 19:28:26 OU2I will be active from Greenland in CQ WW WPX CW Contest 26 - 27 May 2012 as XP2I. Views5164 Comments0 More...
XU7AEL Cambodia 2018-02-03 21:18:19 ZL1DD is currently active from Cambodia as XU7AEL. Views5311 Comments2 100% More...
Video Benin TY1KS 2018-01-27 23:11:47 Video DX Pedition to Benin TY1KS 2011. Views4556 Comments0 More...
S79RR Mahe Island 2016-07-26 12:57:34 DJ9RR will be active from Mahe Island, Seychelles Islands 15 - 23 May 2012 as S79RR. Views7191 Comments1 100% More...
EL2RL Liberia 2019-10-04 09:56:40 Members of Liberia Radio Amateur Association will be active from Liberia during World Amateur Radio Day 18 April 2012 as EL2RL. Views7960 Comments1 100% More...
TJ6RM Cameroon 2018-03-06 08:40:31 OM3CGN will be active from Cameroon until 16 April 2012 as TJ6RM. Views5794 Comments0 More...
6Y5/G4BUO Jamaica 2018-02-03 22:31:04 G4BUO is currently active from Jamaica as 6Y5/G4BUO. Views4064 Comments0 More...