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3Y0J Bouvet Island

3Y0J Team will be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002, January - February 2023.
Team - LA7GIA, LA7THA, LB1QI, LB5GI, KO8SCA, VE3LYC, NP4G, KO7SS, N0FW, DL6KVA, AB5EB, WD5COV, Peter FT8 operator.
Recent DX Spots 3Y0J
3Y0J Log search Honorary Team members - LA1VC (SK), N4BQW (SK).
Chief Pilot - LA3MHA.
North America East Coast - N2AJ.
North America West Coast - KE1B.
South America - HK3W.
VK/ZL/Oceania - VK3GK.
Asia/Japan - E21EIC.
QSL via M0OXO.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 5 August 2023

3Y0J log uploaded to LOTW today. OQRS buro cards function will be activated soon.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 5 May 2023

LoTW status
ALL LoTW have been uploaded for anyone OQRS, direct mailed card, or upfront donors >=$15

There have been a few issues with entries uploaded not showing up, we are working on this.

If you have not received LoTW and you have OQRS please email and we will take care of it.

Complete log will be uploaded to LoTW when we enable FREE buro cards.

QSL status
The team is working on preparing the callsign and address for ALL our upfront donors. This is a very time consuming process that comes on top of our daily work, travel and other duties. We have spent considerable amount of time on this. Unfortunately our 1100 upfront donors that made a QSO needs to have their address transferred to the QSL system, and this is what takes time.

The delay is entirely with the team and NOT the QSL manager.
Hopefully we can submit all information to our QSL manager rather sooner than later, but we cannot promise any date as it also depends on our regular daily work load, especially since we do travel in our jobs.

In addition the 3Y0J container arrived two weeks ago in Oslo and we are busy with unloading container, repacking the equipment and prepare storage. In addition we are selling equipment we don't need.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 April 2023

Final Press Release from 3Y0J team  
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island

With this Final Press Release the team want to express gratitude to all our sponsors that generously supported our Bouvetøya adventure. Without the upfront support this trip would simply not be possible.

We announce today that we have decided to refund $50,000 of the donations to the DX community.

One month before we departed Falkland Island, we informed the DX community we had financed our budget. We have continued to receive a great amount of financial support up until now. This way we can reduce the $25,000 operator fee, and at the same time we are able to refund the DX community.

We have decided to refund our Lead Sponsor NCDXF with $40,000. Initially NCDXF supported the team with their largest grant ever $100,000. It is with pleasure we can give back as much as 40% of the donation to them.

We will distribute the rest of the refund among our major club sponsors who all stepped up and donated generously to this DXpedition. We will refund the following clubs and organizations with apprx. 10% of their donation GDXF $3,000, INDEXA $1,000, ARRL Colvin Award $500, NIDXA  $500, FEDXP  $500, TCDXA  $500, SEDXC  $500, LADX group $300, Clipperton $300, South Carolina $300, Chiltern DX Club $300, IOTA $300, Delta DXA $300
Thank you, Oslo April 13th 2023

Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader  
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader  
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader  

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 27 March 2023

We are working on making a roughly 30 minute long video, and have engaged an experienced person to do this job. The video will be available to everyone free of charge once finished. Below is a clip I put together – consider this done by an inexperienced person 🙂 It will give you a taste how the floating of equipment was done ashore. More videos to be released later, showing the operators and the camp.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 March 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition QSL preview.

3Y0J Bouvet Island QSL Card

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 24 February 2023

Otis, NP4G with the 3Y0J team LIVE from the Marama!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 16 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Missing Call Enquiries

I have processed over 1000 Missing/Busted Call enquiries. I have another 90 waiting this morning. For those that sent emails when we specifically asked you not to, there will be a delay. I have over 300 emails pending, most have 3Y0J in the Subject Field and they will be answered in the order they were received.

Please be patient.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 15 February 2023

Today the 3Y0J team are set to sail to Cape Town, South Africa. If the weather is not bad they may end up sailing around Bouvet Island. On their way to ZS they may operate /MM aboard the SV Marama. They are expecting to arrive in Cape Town around February 23. Plans are to have a dinner and spend one night before continuing home. "ALL log checks shall be directed to QSL Manager Charles MOOXO" as none of the team members "has access to the log and they will not answer any request".

LA7GIA, Ken, posted the following to Facebook earlier today:

We activated Bouvet Island in extremely difficult conditions! Now that we leave Bouvet with mixed feelings, we also know that we did what we could to get Bouvet on the air.

Four members went ashore at Bouvet on 31 January in good conditions to set up the climbing route and install an unmanned zodiac rope system between a buoy and the beach, so that we could land equipment also in rough surf. During the day the surf increased, and the extraction of the team members was aborted, and we were thus stranded on Bouvet late in the evening. During 3 nights we slept outdoors under the open sky in cold and difficult conditions with little or no supplies. We prepared a simple emergency shelter on the island where we stayed (tarp). During the second day we got some supplies in a risky zodiac operation in high swell. We lost several objects in the surf and punctured the zodiac. The conditions on the beach were terrible. Due to the coming storm, we evacuated back to Marama on day 4.

Despite this, we decided to go ahead and scale down DXped. We could not fight against Bouvet, but had to adjust to the weather and go ashore when Bouvet allowed us. We called it "Picolite DXped" as pictures will show you we operated with 100W from a single tent, no chairs and no table, 60m coax, no amp, simple antennas, small generator etc. Our 2 Elecraft K3 radios were stacked on top of a bucket turned upside down, and we sat on the ground operating. All our wet clothes were dried outdoor on the rocks, and we had very limited heating. We went through a storm of 55 knots, but our tent had no problem with the windforce! The spiderpoles and the DX Engineering antennas also survived the storm w/o any issue.

We only took the equipment we needed, 620 kg in total including supplies. All our supplies to the island were via a rope attached to a buoy 100 meters from shore to beach. All objects were hooked to the line and floated to shore by team members pulling the rope. We named it the gym. The team members also went ashore in survival suits hooked to the line and floating to shore. What an experience!!

Radio Operation: Pileup was difficult as our signals were weak. We had good reception and very often we called 3 to 5 times to log a qso.

Many DXers called us but couldn't hear us, how frustrating! We focused on fewer bands to maximize ATNO and looking at the stats we achieved

19,000 QSOs and 50% unique calls. And many dupes! Many are satisfied, but some are also disappointed by the performance of either the team or the DQRMers. We had issues with the FT8 due to we did not have any device to sync against, and our clock were 14 seconds off - which meant we at some time were TX odd, while we thought it was even.

As for Bouvet, there is no guarantee at all, whether you use two helicopters or zodiac! We could have wanted to make more contacts, but safety was and will always be more important than trying to push our limits in a risky environment. In the coming months, you will be invited to hear more of our stories at conventions and in articles.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update: As per Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA The 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition is QRT as of 14 February 2023 03:00 UTC.
N2AJ 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island Frequency Announcement:
13 FEB 2023 16:15 UTC
CW 21.034 QSX UP
FT8 18.107 F/H

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J will QRT Tuesday, 14 February 2023 at 03:00 UTC. We will then pull out and transport all equipment to Marama. The final log update will be made once we are on Marama.”
73, Ken LA7GIA 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island Frequency Announcement:

13 FEB 2023 13:55 UTC

CW 21.025 QSX UP

CW 18.072 QSX UP

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island Frequency Announcement:

13 FEB 2023 13:05 UTC

CW 28.025 QSX UP

CW 18.072 QSX UP

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island Frequency Update:

12 FEB 2023 21:27 UTC

FT8 18.107 F/H

CW 10.120 QSX UP

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023 Part 3

From 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA

12 FEB 2023 18:20 UTC

“3Y0J will go QRT Monday at 12:00 to 15:00 UTC when we run out of fuel. We will start taking down the camp on Monday and transport the last equipment on Tuesday. There is another 60 knot storm coming this weekend. We have a wx window on Tuesday we will utilize now to return.”

73, Ken

Additional information:

The 3Y0J log has been uploaded. However, FT8 QSOs did not upload. They will be uploaded when the laptops get back to the boat from the island. QSL manager Charles M0OXO says, “Its already on Clublog and those who donated over $350 will also have received their LOTW.”

Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J first Log available now. Only CW and SSB QSOs. FT8 QSOs not uploaded yet.
After a team meeting we have decided not to bring any more gear to the island. Operations will continue until the fuel on the island runs out which we believe will be tomorrow afternoon. We will begin to tear down camp tomorrow and by Tuesday have everything removed from the island and back to Marama. There is a problem with uploading the FT8 logs at this time. Please standby until we resolve this issue hopefully tomorrow.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023

Team aiming to come off island at 10am (local time) today and then to try resupply the camp with more essential items such as food, fuel, generator and antennas. This might proof tricky due to 3-4m waves, but there is a weather window opportunity they hope to take advantage of. Team have just one tent on the island, no tables or chairs, no heating; very primitive conditions.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 11 February 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island Update:

The 3Y0J Team is OK and healthy. Conditions here are very difficult. Maintaining safety is a priority. We will continue to operate with the current equipment as long as possible. The weather conditions continue to be difficult. It is expected to improve between Monday and Tuesday. It looks like Sunday’s good weather window has unfortunately disappeared. The team remains on the air despite these challenges. At this time we are evaluating resupply and a change of operators. Please continue to monitor our 3Y0J Facebook group. You can help by reporting propagation to our pilots. We ask that if you have already worked Bouvet please do not work them on additional modes and bands. This will allow others to get the ATNO they need.”

You can also see our Frequency Announcements on the 3Y0J Bouvet Island Group Facebook page.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 11 February 2023 Part 2

All good. Generator fixed. Easier to do when it is light.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 11 February 2023

The 3Y0J team remains silent. Obviously, the expedition is over, but we are waiting for the official announcement.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 9 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

The 3Y0J Team is approaching the 7,000 QSO mark and continues to operate through the ongoing storm. They had a good night sleep. Last night 30m FT8 received great signals from JA and NA West coast. Unfortunately, some callers were not using Fox/Hound. Their QSOs were not logged. As stated previously, please remember that on FT8 mode 3Y0J will always be Fox/Hound. The weather in Bouvet was sunny skies and winds around 40 knots. We will continue to operate weather permitting. The 3Y0J Team wishes to thank the Amateur Radio community for their support.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News FT8

3Y0J is not using MSHV. They are using fox and Hound, as they have said for days. Unfortunately they are transmitting on the wrong sequence (odd). There are two ways you can call them on even.

1 use JTDX software in Hound mode and click on their call. JTDX allows you to be the Hound in either sequence. So you can call them even.

2 you can use WSJT but do not turn on Fox and Hound. You must be calling them above 1000 hz. If they come back to you then you need to quickly change your transmit frequency below 1000 hz but must be above their transmit frequencies. It’s tricky and you have to be quick but it can be done.

Bernie, W3UR.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 9 February 2023

Everything is ok after the storm impacted the camp. The storm damaged the tent but they successfully reinforced and repaired it, The antennas were not damaged. One transmitter operated on 30 meters all night. The camp has about four days of food left before the team must be resupplied. 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 8 February 2023 Part 3

If you have made a QSO with 3Y0J, and you are sure of it, the team has requested that you NOT TRY TO FILL OTHER BAND/MODE SLOTS. You are taking an ATNO away from someone else.

Yes, I know that you can’t be totally sure until the log upload (probably this weekend, has to be from the boat), but some of you really know, from the exchange, the timing, etc. that you got through. As the Beatles said, “Let it Be.”

The DXpedition is operating in a truly bare-bones backup mode, with no amplifiers, no big antennas, few stations, and no generator or fuel to power any of that even if they did have it.

The team will be lucky to get 20K QSOs instead of the intended 200K, and no one will be going to Bouvet for a long time after. Please DO spot them, help your friends and clubmates to get in the log, etc., but don’t try to fill slots.

In particular, the team has requested that if you have contacted them on CW or SSB, DO NOT CONTACT THEM ON FT8. FT8 operation began today, and may be the only means for more modest stations to get in the log. Give them a chance.

Also please note: 3Y0J may go QRT (or revert to even more limited operation) as a big storm is passing through between now and Thursday. They plan to take some antennas down to prevent damage. The nine on-island team members will remain on the island and hunker down, as it is too difficult and dangerous to go back to the Marama, which has moved even farther from Bouvet in preparation for the storm.

Rich KE1B

West Coast Pilot, 3Y0J

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 8 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

3Y0J Team Co-Leader Rune LA7THA says:

Marama has moved back to a position outside of Cap Fie for the incoming storm.

The team is in good spirits despite difficult conditions. They get two warm meals a day plus snacks. They are working very hard.

Today they started operating FT8 on 21.105 F/H.

The team has made about 5,000 QSO’s in less than 48hours of operation.

Weather forecast says there will be high winds in the next 24 hours. We will need to secure the antennas. This may impact operation. The operation will remain on the air as long as possible weather permitting.

Reminder: If you have Bouvet on CW or SSB please do not work us on FT8. It may be the only chance the little pistols have to get their ATNO.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 8 February 2023

3Y0J QRV on FT8. 21.105
Make sure you use F/H. We are using only two streams. Good Luck.
Please allow others to work Bouvet for ATNO.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 February 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

Interview with 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA.

“Everything is OK in the camp. The guys are good. We have a few antennas up. Running some pileups and preparing for the storm which will arrive in a few hours and last until Thursday. The boat will pull away from the island a bit. The antennas and camp are being secured. The winds are expected to be 60 knots. 9 members will stay in the camp during the storm. They will try to run two bands this evening and tomorrow. They will take down one antenna. They will run 30m and 17m using the Spider Pole on 17 and the aluminum DX Engineering antenna on 30m.

The operation has proved to be extremely difficult. The most extreme expedition I’ve been to. Setting up the camp has been a lot of work.

We will focus on CW and phone but there will be FT8. We have just discussed this today. We are running low power, only 100w. We have no amplifiers. We have three antennas set up. We are considering setting up 20m as well. So we will have 30, 20, 17, 15.

The beach landings were accomplished by holding onto a line attached to a buoy and floating 15 meters to the beach in our survival suits. This is quite extreme. We float in all the equipment as well. Then carry the equipment 800 feet up to the camp. We have videos of this. We spent a few days to set up the antennas and tent then prepared for the storm that is coming.

Everybody is in good shape. It’s quite hard to stay here. A lot of wind, but today was a quiet, nice, and sunny day . This will change, and there will be a lot of rain. The day we arrived was a lot of wind and rain. Activating Bouvet is not like activating an island in the Caribbean. It is really windy, cold, and exhausting to bring equipment up here. It’s a different DXpedition than we thought we should do. It’s a challenge, but we hope we can stay on the island for some more days.

Regarding dupes, please only call us if you hear us. We have very good receive here on Bouvet Island. We do not have any facility to upload the log on the island. We are saving on fuel and connection for this. When we get back to the vessel, we will likely upload. We don’t know when the first upload will be. Going to Marama is very time consuming project because of the procedure involved. (Ken describes it.) The first upload may be in the weekend. Again, if you don’t hear us, don’t call us.

Nothing more to report. Hopefully people understand the complexity of this operation. Hopefully we will be able to stay another 7 to 10 days. We are working on plans for how to continue the operation despite the difficult weather conditions here at Bouvet.”


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 February 2023 Part 2

Four 3Y0J operator on their way to the island.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA has informed me that the 3Y0J Team has secured the campsite. They had a good night there last night. They will be running one station at night and two stations during the day. They will operate bands from 12m-30m. If you see a spot outside of those bands it’s a pirate. We will be operating CW & SSB at this time. Watch the DX Cluster for QSY information. If you already have Bouvet in your log please standby and let those operators who need Bouvet for an ATNO work us. There is a storm coming on Thursday that may affect operations. Please continue to watch for updates here.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 6 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

The 3Y0J Team was able to land yesterday at the island. Eight operators plus Peter are on the island. They managed to secure the tent and camp.

Due to the strong and challenging conditions, we are using two K3 radios running 100w, wire antennas, and the Honda generator. Please remember that the 3Y0J team will always be operating split. Never transmit on their frequency.

We ask that people that have Bouvet already confirmed on some bands please do not work us again to allow an opportunity to many others get Bouvet for an All Time New One.

Please standby for updates in the 3Y0J Facebook group.

The team is thankful for all the support we have received in this adventure.

Details to follow once the team finishes antenna and camp installations.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 6 February 2023

NP4G (one of the 3Y0J ops) is reporting on Facebook and now N2AJ Bouvet 3Y0J is QRV. 21225 and 24893.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 5 February 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA says, during the weekend the 3Y0J team has adjusted our plans. We are currently preparing this Sunday morning to land essential supplies to survive on the island, and build the camp to manage the upcoming storm predicted for Thursday. In addition, we will attempt to land radio equipment in a difficult operation during the most favorable time slots. This landing depends on the conditions at Bouvet which have proven to be very difficult. The setup is a small scale setup that, if we succeed, will possibly be extended. More info later.

73, 3Y0J team

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition Status Update

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 February 2023

4 team members have spent 4 days on the island under difficult conditions. All team members are now back on the vessel and everyone is safe. Bouvet has proved to be a difficult destination to activate, and the team is now adjusting our plans before we return to the island. The wx forecast for the weekend indicates a storm with 60 knot wind Sunday/Monday and depending on this storm we will assess the situation and go onshore when conditions are good. This will not be a fullscale operation as planned but a smaller setup. We have a good overview of the camp and the possibilities, and will attempt to continue building the camp. We have infrastructure on the island including access to the camp.

We will send the next update later

73, 3Y0J team

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 February 2023

The 3Y0J Team is very busy working in very extreme and difficult conditions to transfer all the equipment and supplies from Marama to Bouvet Island. The materials must then be carried or hoisted up to their campsite at a higher elevation. The Starlink internet terminal has been disconnected. Internet communications with team members will not be possible again until the camp is established and Starlink set up. Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA has asked that we be patient while they work. The satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose. Thank you for your understanding.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 2 February 2023

Number of pirates using 3Y0J call. Pirate was on 28074, 14007, 3503, 7074 and other freqs.
We will announce when real 3Y0J will start activity.
As soon as they will start activity all subscribers will receive email.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 1 February 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 1 February 2023

On the Glacier, waiting for...! 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 1 February 2023

We are anchored off Cape Fie. We have started the preparations for landing. Conditions are difficult, windy and rain. At early afternoon we hope the sea will be better and the wind will turn to the NW. If possible we will go onshore during the short wx window to start setting up the route to the camp. Climbing. Glacier conditions have changed. We can see the seals up on glacier. Will update later.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 31 January 2023

In today’s 17:00 UTC Satellite Radio call 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA announced that he and members of the 3Y0J Team have landed on Bouvet Island with a zodiac in very difficult conditions. He tells us that he had to swim for ten meters but his clothing stayed dry. All team members are OK and in good condition. They will head back to the boat at sunset. This is incredible news!


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 31 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 31 January 2023 DX News

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 31 January 2023

Here we go... They dropped their moorings off Cape Fie, now begins the cool.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 January 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 January 2023
Finally arrived in front of Bouvet island tonight. Let’s go onshore now.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 January 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Update:

3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA reports, “We are at Bouvet. We arrive in one hour. Wx forecast is not too good. There is a 24h wx window on Tuesday noon until Wednesday noon. It is foggy and difficult conditions with high winds. We will assess the situation tomorrow morning at 04:00 local time. If conditions are ok we might attempt to land. But this is not going to be easy. Otherwise we have to wait until Thursday or Friday.”

The 3Y0J Team is receiving Starlink Internet Service at this time. Thank you Elon Musk!


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 January 2023

The Marama has arrived at Bouvet.
LA7GIA, Ken, reports tomorrow they will asses the situation. The weather forecast does not look too good. There might be a 24 hour weather window between Tuesday and Wednesday. If the surf is ok they will attempt a landing tomorrow afternoon.
Ken reports local time is 2150 (local time) and it is past sunset. Their sunrise at Bouvet Island is 0500 local (0400Z) and they will know more by then.

They do have Starlink connection!

No other details at the moment.


3Y0J Bouvet Island 29 January 2023

Ken estimates Marama should arrive at Bouvet on Monday evening just before sunset. He says he anticipates a good weather window for at least two days then. The team will attempt to move the equipment and supplies onto the island using the zodiac then. They have two zodiacs. They are hoping to accomplish it in those two days.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 28 January 2023 Part 2

I had a very nice Satellite Radio call with 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken at 17:00 UTC today. First and foremost we always discuss the condition of the team members. Ken said they are all doing very well now. Some are no longer using the seasickness medications. Conditions at sea are now 30 knot winds with 2-3 meter waves. Ken said their location at that time was approximately 400 nautical miles from Bouvet Island. Their speed was about 8 knots. Ken estimates Marama should arrive at Bouvet on Monday evening just before sunset. He says he anticipates a good weather window for at least two days then. The team will attempt to move the equipment and supplies onto the island using the zodiac then. They have two zodiacs. They are hoping to accomplish it in those two days.
For those of you who noticed that our Garmin GPS stopped tracking halfway through Day 9 at 11:57 PM, and also indicated Low Batt, we certainly noticed that too. Adrian charges the Garmin every night so that is not the issue. I downloaded the manual and texted sections that might apply like doing a soft reset, or if there was a low power mode it may have switched to. None of that helped. So it could be an anomaly of being in the most remote place on Earth. Not everything is going to work there. You will see that the Garmin continues to lay down Day marker flags. If you left click them they give you the date, time, latitude and longitude.

I asked Ken how the team is spending their time as they get closer to Bouvet. They are having meetings and making preparations for the landing operation. They are also enjoying working many if you on the radio. This keeps them from being bored, gives them some practice to keep them sharp, and give you an opportunity to see how the propagation is from that part of the world to your stations. Ken had originally told me they had dipoles for just 17m & 20m they would use for maritime mobile operation, but they are using the Elecraft K3’s internal tuner with 100 watts and doing other bands too. I’ve seen spots for them on 10, 12 15, 17, & 20 meters CW & SSB. Ken said there is very low noise on 10 & 12 meters. They are having excellent receive there.

Thank you to everyone who re-tweeted my tweet, or sent their own tweet, to @elonmusk requesting his help in getting Starlink internet coverage for Bouvet Island if we don’t get signal there when the terminal is set up. I haven’t heard from “Mr. Tweet” directly, yet but word has made it to Spacex, the parent company of Starlink, that we may need help. It’s still in the beginning stages at this point. Hopefully I will have more to report to you on this soon.

Thank you all for following the 3Y0J Adventure!


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 28 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 28 January 2023
3Y0J Marama tracking at 14:30z (28 Jan 2023) few day yet to go!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 27 January 2023

The 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 Team really appreciates the support of the Amateur Radio community in sending Tweets to @elonmusk asking him to please make sure that the 3Y0J Team on Bouvet Island will be able to receive Starlink internet signal. If you have not retweeted my tweet and sent your own tweet to @elonmusk please do so now. Thank you!

Thanks Ray, W2RE, Lee WW2DX, & RHR for tweeting @elonmusk and sending him photos of your Starlink dish and Tesla cars too.


Steve N2AJ

Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 26 January 2023 Part 3

Message to Elon Mask:

Dear Sir, After a grueling sailing voyage the 3Y0J Amateur Radio Team will arrive at Bouvet Island in 4 days. We need Starlink coverage! Can you make it happen? 73, Steve N2AJ/3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 26 January 2023 Part 2

Marama now 780 Nautical miles from Bouvet Island. If they maintain their current speed of 8mph they will arrive at Bouvet in four days time. 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 26 January 2023

They are operating in very rough seas. The radio is strapped to the table and cw very difficult. Not sure if grid squares are on the menu. You can see their latitude and longitude. N2AJ pilot 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 25 January 2023

Band Plans

3Y0J will always listen up (using split) so it will be useless to call us on our transmission frequency . Please be sure to double check your settings to make sure you are not calling us simplex.

Always give your full callsign. Listening is the key so sure we call you before replying.


CW MAX 15 kHz split (operators chose QRG within a certain bandwidth)

SSB MAX 30 kHz split (operators chose QRG within a certain bandwidth)

Lowest 10 kHz spectrum on regular bands NO TX to allow regular DX traffic

Lowest 5 kHz on WARC band NO TX to allow regular DX traffic

We’re aware of US band plans for E/A/G/N/T

FT8 40-10m, with focus on 20-10m yagis.

We will transmit:

100W on FT8

1500W on CW/SSB (special permit to transmit up to)

Station system diagram and Antennas layout

​The setup consist of up to 12 stations at peak time where 8 K3s radios will be fixed to human modes SSB/CW and in addtion we will use 4 SunSDR2 DX as FT8 stations. The 4x FT8 radios can be run from one operator position, or the FT8 radios can be run from any other position individually. Hence, we can run SSB/CW simultaneously with FT8 from every operator position in simplified SO2R like mode, or one operator can run several FT8 radios in parallel from his desk.

​There will be NO FT8 robots running unattended at Bouvet, all FT8 QSOs will be initiated by a human operator clicking on the deserving callers. We have a pronounced focus on human modes so to achieve the goal of 200.000 QSOs we will minimize the downtime of all radios and run the FT8 radios 24/7, this also to maximize the ATNO. We will use the S.P.E Expert amplifier and we plan bring in total 10 amplifiers and 14 radios with us. Spares and backup has a high priority in all parts in this project, e.g we will bring with us 3 x 160m antennas, 3x80m antennas and so on and have 4xtribanders 20-10m installed.

As an RX antenna system we will use the LZ1AQ RX loop which has been tested and proves to be a good tool for us in case of in-band interference or noise. This ground independent omnidirectional loop will be located roughly 250m away from the camp and each of the 8xK3S radio will have the possibility to share the signal and listen to this loop simultaneously.

​160M BAND
160m, CW only 1500 W

1810-1820 no TX

1826.5 CW (Please note lsn UP for NA/EU and lsn DOWN for JA/VK. )

1820-1826,5-1835 CW

5351,5 to 5356 CW

5356 FT8

10100-10105 NO TX

10105-10125 CW

10131 Crozet (FT5/W)

10144 3Y0J FT8

18069-18074 NO TX

18074-18089 CW

18090 and 18107 FT8

>18120 SSB

24890-24895 NO TX

24895-24910 CW

24921 FT8

>24925 SSB

80m CW/SSB

3500-3510 NO TX

3510 and up to 3540 CW

>3600 SSB

7000-7010 NO TX

7025-7040 CW

7064 FT8

>7120 SSB

14000-14010 NO TX

14010-14040 CW

14105 FT8

14125 RTTY

>14225 SSB

21000-21010 NO TX

21010-21040 CW

21105 FT8

21125 RTTY

>21225 SSB

28000-28010 NO TX

28010 to 28040 CW

28086 FT8

>28400 SSB

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 24 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 24 January 2023

3Y0J Marama tracking at 18:00z (24 Jan 2023) approx middle trip

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 23 January 2023 Part 3

Originally 3Y0J announced that there would be no /MM operation on the way to Bouvet. Well a few days sitting on a sailboat with no HF radio to operate can change your mind. SURPRISE! Today at around 19:23 UTC the callsign LA7GIA/MM was heard on 14.018 CW from the Marama. Adrian told me a few minutes later that four different operators from the team had operated at that point. Adrian confirmed they are all using their own calls/MM. Have fun working them.
73,Steve N2AJ

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 23 January 2023 Part 2

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 23 January 2023

Marama passing by the south end of South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 23 January 2023

I just had a very nice satellite radio meeting with 3Y0J Co-Leader Rune LA7THA. 3Y0J Chief Pilot Morten LA3MHA was in the talk group as well. The Marama is passing just to the south of South Georgia Island. They will not be stopping at South Georgia. In order to get a better copy Rune was on the deck. He said it was rainy and cold. He said everything is fine. They are sailing in a very calm sea and low visibility due to the rain at the moment. I asked if he had an estimated date of arrival at Bouvet. He said that he thought it is still a bit early to know but he suspected that it would be close to the end of the month. I asked him how the team was feeling. Rune said he thinks the team members are all doing great. He thinks all the team members are very happy with the journey. They all have slept a lot and are well rested.

I heard from 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA earlier. I had asked him if donations made now will count towards early confirmations. His response was “I don't have access to PayPal so I dont know if people are donating or not. The rules said in order to get that you needed to donate up front. If people still donate they will get the qsl. I assume OQRS we be open early March.”

Ken also said, “Not much news here. We saw an iceberg and are changing the route to a more northern one. This will add one half day but is much safer. The route is assessed by a professional navigator working onshore. He advises the Captain what route to choose. He provides us with the waypoints we should go to. The guys are chiliing, sleeping, eating and discussing. It’s about 1,500 nautical miles to 3Y.” Ken also thinks they will arrive at Bouvet around January 30th.

Someone asked if there were enough bunks on board Marama for everyone or do they need to sleep in shifts. I asked 3Y0J Team Member Adrian KO8SCA about that. He said, “Captain and crew have their own bunks.” I also asked Adrian how he was passing his time on Marama. He said, “The team is settling down to a daily routine. 1.5 hours, twice daily, they drive the boat and keep watch. Then there is sleeping, eating, reading, and chatting. The weather is nice, calm ocean, but low temperatures. Not too windy. No other ships have been spotted so far. We had good wind last night. The boat averaged over 10 knots. We are gaining ground towards Bouvet. Still a long journey ahead.” This was before it started raining.

The 3Y0J Team lost Starlink Internet Service a couple of days ago. So we are very fortunate to be able to communicate with them via the Icom SAT100 satellite radios and the garmin device. No photos though.

73s N2AJ.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 22 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 22 January 2023

3Y0J Marama tracking at 16:35z 22 January 2023.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 21 January 2023

Boat has been making good progress recently. Up to 15kts (17mph) at times. Prevailing wind has been increasing the closer they sail by South Georgia. 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 20 January 2023 Part 2

The Marama continues to make steady progress towards Bouvet. The boat’s speed has been anywhere from 7-9 mph. Unfortunately, they are no longer receiving Starlink internet service and they don’t know if or when they will be able to receive it again during travel. Team still have two other means of communication including the Icom Satellite Radios.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 20 January 2023

Based on the popularity of our previous Question & Answer update I am going to include it again today after some news.
The Marama continues to make steady progress towards Bouvet. The boat’s speed has been anywhere from 7-9 mph. Unfortunately they are no longer receiving Starlink internet service and they don’t know if or when they will be able to receive it again during travel. We still have two other means of communication with the team including the Icom Satellite Radios. Cezar gave me an update on the team’s condition two days ago. He wrote again yesterday and told me it’s about the same. Most of the team is still feeling the effects of seasickness despite having taken various medicines for it. Only Peter and Cezar did not take the medicine and therefore don’t have the dizziness that seems to be associated with taking it. Bill, Axel, and Mike seem to suffer the least. The rest prefer to lay down rather than eat dinner. We are hoping that the situation improves over the next couple of days so the rest of the voyage will be more pleasant for the entire team.
Question & Answers
Q: On FT8 mode will 3Y0J be F/H or MSHV?
A: FT8 operation will always be F/H with no exceptions.
Q: Why isn't the Marama broadcasting it's position via AIS? I thought ALL vessels had to do that like airplanes.
A: “The terrestrial-AIS-based MarineTraffic system does not cover 100% of the world's seas, but only specific coastal areas where a land-based AIS receiver is installed. Wider areas are covered with the addition of Satellite-AIS.
Note: The best way to track the 3Y0J Team is going to be using this garmin GPS link.
Q: Why did Marama sail to Bouvet from the Falkland Islands instead of South Africa which is much closer to Bouvet?
A: Marama is a sailboat. It uses the wind for propulsion when it can. This saves diesel fuel. The prevailing winds always blow from West to East. Bouvet is to the East of the Falkland Islands. So it makes sense to sail with the wind at your back as opposed to sailing into the wind.
An Appeal To All To Support 3Y0J:
The last item I would like to discuss with you today is making a donation to 3Y0J if you have not done so already, or making an additional donation if you have donated before, or ordering some 3Y0J Official Merchandise from one our 3Y0J Official Merchandise Suppliers. Why is this important? Because every donation you make, and every piece of merchandise you buy, helps to fund this DXpedition. Maybe you’re thinking that 3Y0J has already achieved their fundraising goal of $815,000. That’s true, but the additional funds that come in now will help to reimburse the 3Y0J Team Members for the $25,000 they each paid just to be part of the 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition. Look what this team is going through to try to give us an All Time New One, a new mode, or a new band. Let’s all show them that we appreciate what they are going through for us. And besides, 3Y0J Official Gear is what you want to be wearing, or drinking your coffee from, when you work Bouvet for that ATNO. I’ve got the 3Y0J beenie hat, the tee shirt, and the 15oz corporate sponsors coffee mug. Thank you for your consideration.
73, Steve N2AJ
Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot
3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 19 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 19 January 2023

You might think – after making a speedy start – the boat has stalled somewhat. This is deliberate as the skipper wants to see out the remains of a recent storm at South Georgia before going full sail there.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 18 January 2023 Part 2

LA7GIA/3Y0J answering N2AJ questions:
Q: How do the team members feel after their first day at sea?

A: A few guys were seasick, but nothing critical. Not everyone is eating yet. The experts say we will need a few days to acclimate to the movement of the ocean.

Q: Why is Marama sailing at only 7 knot speed?

A: Marama is traveling at 7 knots in order to avoid running into the bad weather that is in front of us. Only the smaller sail is deployed at this time.

Q: What is the bathroom situation on Marama?

A: We have two bathrooms and showers to share amongst us. I had a hard time showering this morning. The floor was rolling beneath my feet but it was fun. Kind of a different shower than I am used to for sure.

Q: How will your hygiene be handled on Bouvet?

A: We will use some cold water, wet wipes, and powder. Everyone has been instructed to follow Norwegian guidlines, which is to wear wool underwear! We know how to do it in cold wx:)

Q: For those who can eat at this time, how is the food aboard Marama?

A: The food is really good. Nina knows how to cook.

Q: How is the team involved in the day to day operation if the boat?

A: We have a schedule with two team members on duty to watch for vessels, icebergs, and anything suspicious. One guy steers the boat and watches. The other guy just watches for anything unusual. When we run on sail the captain is steering the boat. When on motor power the team members drive the boat. It is quite a lot of fun. The captain tells us to maintain a certain course. Let’s say currently we are at 115 degrees. We make sure to watch the compass and turn the steering wheel to stay on that heading. We don’t want to end up at Peter 1 or ZD8 Ascension Island.

Q: Up to this point you have been using Starlink and had internet service even while at sea. Will this always be the case?

A: I expect the Starlink antenna to be taken down when we approach bad wx.

Q: Is anyone making a video documentary about the 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition?

A: We have a professional film producer on board. Peter is contracted to make the video of the DXpedition.

Q: What other activities are going on now?

A: We are reviewing our checklists and starting our preparations for landing on Bouvet.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 18 January 2023

Since leaving port yesterday, the 3Y0J team look to be making good progress towards South Georgia.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 January 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island LB1QI 17 January 2023
Let’s make it happen! Bouvet isl next stop. LB1QI/3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 January 2023 Part 2

NCDXF Press Release

Today marks the departure of the DXpedition to Bouvet, 3Y0J. NCDXF is a proud supporter of this team.
The leaders of the DXpedition sent us a text: “The team wishes to thank NCDXF as lead sponsor.” Along with a nice picture of the team:
3Y0J Bouvet Island NCDXF News 17 January 2023

Craig Thompson, K9CT

NCDXF Vice President

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 January 2023

Technically speaking we have departed Stanley as the ropes came off at 22:56 local time (01:56 UTC). We will stay anchored and then continue to Bouvet tomorrow. WX forecast is 4 days with calm seas to South Georgia.
73 LA7GIA/3Y0J
Today was a busy day for the 3Y0J Team. The much awaited RAF flight came into RAF Mount Pleasant Base. All the missing bags and cases arrived and were accounted for. They were picked up and delivered to the boat by VP8 ham friends Sally and Chris along with their friend Kenny Laurie. They arrived at Marama with the precious cargo at 8:00pm. Sally is on a work assignment at Mount Pleasant Base and managed to work the ranks to get our gear. The team had a safety briefing with Captain Oliver and Peter. Earlier Oliver and Nina brought the team’s passports into town to the Customs Office and the team was cleared for departure. There was also some last minute shopping for some more supplies.

Now that the team has left Camber Dock, and will be departing Port Stanley Harbor for Bouvet Island in the morning, once again here is the link where you can follow the team by GPS.

To the 3Y0J Team and the Crew of Marama:

We wish you fair winds and a following sea.

Have a great adventure and come home safely.


Steve N2AJ

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 16 January 2023 From Bernie, W3UR

3Y0J team co-leader LA7GIA, Ken, confirms they "will receive the 3 missing amplifiers, some important sailing gear, some important climbing and safety resque gear and some other items today with military flight from UK". Given the current weather forecast the team expect to set sail tomorrow morning, their time. The Marama has been loaded and with "all gear strapped and double checked ready for a tough ride". The local VP8's "have been very helpful" with their assistance "in any way" to the team. Members of 3Y0J are in high spirits. "Local hams, VP8KCA and VP8YLJ will bring the equipment from airport to sailboat for us", says Ken.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 16 January 2023

We worked very hard for the past three days to unload the container, add many new components to the list, and then load everything onto the boat. It went much longer than we originally expected, mostly because we had to build a lot of wooden frames to secure many heavy components, such as generators (4x 160kg), diesel tanks (1x 1000L plus 3x 400L), the paraffin canisters (400L). In any case, we are all packed up now. Tomorrow morning (16th) we scheduled the border formalities for leaving VP8, and in the meantime we’ll continue strapping all sorts of long components, including masts, antennas, wood planks, heavy poles for the tents, etc. Despite the delay, the spirit remains upbeat, and there is a good chemistry among the team. We’ll have to see how we will be all affected by the long sea voyage in the sub-Antarctic waters below 50°S.
73s VE3LYC/3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 15 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 15 January 2023
Loading still not totally complete. Due to shifting winds yesterday, the team had to stay at anchor and not by the pier. 3Y0J.
A big thank you to Janet VP8AIB and Bob VP8LP for driving me around several times for the last minute 3Y0J purchases in Stanley. You are stars! LB1QI/3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island LB1QI VP8AIB VP8LP

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 January 2023 Part 3

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 January 2023 DX News

MARAMA at the Stanley jetty to take some of the needed fluids. Soon back to camber dock to finish loading. 3Y0J.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 January 2023 Part 2

We have refuelled the IBC tanks and are now proceeding with loading the vessel after having stayed anchored through the night and morning. Loading will continue through Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately we have some freight stuck in London. This contain some electronics, important sailing and climbing gear we need at Bouvet. We don't know if the gear will arrive on the next flight to Stanley. Our departure will be slightly delayed until Monday. We will decide Monday morning local time when we depart. Plan is to depart on Monday local time if weather is good. What is holding us up now is the missing sailing and climbing gear. In meantime we will complete loading so we're ready Monday. All well here in Stanley we had time for 90 min sightseeing and last minute personal shopping.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 January 2023

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 January 2023

Marama is now at camber dock. 3Y0J Team onboard.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 January 2023 from M0OXO

January 2023 3Y0J DXpedition to Norwegian island of Bouvet. Departure date 13th January - 44-49 days DXpedition, contracted MINIMUM 22 days at Bouvet.
Expected arrival at Bouvet island: January 26th +/- a few days.
Locator: JD15QN
Cape Fie, Bouvetøya

QSL Instructions
QSL Manager is Charles M0OXO - OQRS is via M0OXO website
3YØJ QSL policy is that NO DIGITAL QSOs (FT8 + RTTY) will be changed whatsoever, absolutely no exception.
Thus there is no need to contact our QSL manager about this.
For CW/Phone contacts there will be a "Not in log form":
''Missing Call checks to be reported by using the ''Not in Log'' form on OQRS.
Do NOT send Emails or Social Media requests to the Checkpoints or QSL Manager, they will not be answered. The ''Not In Log'' form is for your convenience and is the fastest way to get your enquiry resolved''.
Pse see our QSL policy and Sponsor benefits for upfront donations.
1.) Sponsors who donate $50 USD or more PRIOR to the DXpedition start will have their QSL card sent directly, as well LoTW confirmation.
2.) OQRS Direct $15
If you sponsor us you can enter a raffle with exclusive souvenirs from Bouvet trip ++
Sponsors QSL+LoTW will have priority!

IOTA: AN-002. Group Name, Bouvet Island.
POTA: The park has the designation LA-2524
SOTA: Olavtoppen, Bouvet Island, 3Y/BV-001.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 January 2023

The 3Y0J team landed safely in Port Stanley, Falkland Islands yesterday around 1936Z. Teammate KO8SCA, Adrian, set up his Starlink dish and it worked and they have 100 MBPS Internet speed. VP8LP, Bob, stopped by for a visit. Today they plan to "unload the container, load the vessel, and purchase the remaining items they need in Port Stanley". Safety training will be conducted on Saturday before they set sail for Bouvet Island.
Information received from Bernie, W3UR.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 January 2023

Late yesterday the 3Y0J team were at the RAF Brize Norton Base in Carterton, Oxfordshire, UK, ready to board the airplane for Port Stanley in the Falklands. The base is about 75 miles from London, a two-hour ride with the heavy automobile traffic. Early today now, the team was on the plane, headed for the interim stop in Cape Verde to refuel. At around 08Z RAF flight RR2300 had arrived for the two-hour refueling stop. The Garmin site given in the above paragraph follows their progress.

In the Falklands they will transfer their personal baggage and gear on the Marama ship, expecting to launch into the South Atlantic two days from now, the 14th. You will again be able to follow the voyage on the Garmin site.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 11 January 2023

The day arrived when the 3Y0J team traveled to Port Stanley. They will spend 2 days packing and doing a safety course. Estimated departure January 14.
Last January 6 Ken - LA7GIA commented:
The captain has an estimated trip of 11 to 14 days. If we leave on the 14th of January, we will arrive between the 25th and 28th of January. Let us spend a few days to go ashore and set up camp. In the worst case, we may have to wait 1 week before attempting to disembark. So we should be qrv sometime between Jan 27th and Feb 4th. In the meantime “Mike, VP8NO reports the 'Marama' boat is anchored in Port Stanley harbour awaiting the arrival of the 3Y0J team who leave the UK later today on an RAF flight.”

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 9 January 2023

LA7GIA notes it's only a few days before the team begins the long trip. The team will be in satellite communication with N2AJ throughout the trip. Also in the loop will be chief pilot LA3MHA. Every day at 17Z they will speak by sat phone. Departure from Stanley in the Falklands will be "after bunkering," late evening on January 14.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 January 2023

The captain estimates the trip to Bouvet could take 11-14 days. If the team departs on January 14th, they will look to arrive sometime between January 25-28th. Probably they will spend a few days in total to go ashore and set up camp / operating area. Worst case scenario, they may have to wait one week before attempting to disembark. So, in theory, at the moment they hope to begin operations sometime between January 27th and February 4th.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 19 December 2022

The 100% financing goal has been reached, with an updated donation from the German DX Foundation of 25,000 euros (updated from the previous 10,000 euros from GDXF). The full budget is 715,000 USD. Additional donations can help reduce the 25,000 USD per operator fees. The highly-anticipated operation is now one month away. Also appreciated are no-cost donations of gear by manufacturers. People who donate ahead of time will get priority processing of QSLs and the LoTW upload.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 16 December 2022

Tony Stefanov of LZ1JZ Qsl Print, will provide FREE QSL cards to all DXers.

Thanks for providing this service Tony!

We will provide exclusive custom booklet QSL cards for our big donors > $350 (limited edition only).

Exclusive 4-sided cards for ALL other UPFRONT donors > $50

2-sided QSL cards for OQRS Direct and Direct mailed cards > $50

1-sided QSL cards for OQRS buro cards. Please note that only OQRS buro cards will be accepted, mailed buro cards will not be accepted.

73 Kenneth, LA7GIA.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 7 December 2022

Our camp build up plan consists of 4 distinct steps that has been matured and developed during the last 2.5 years, based on lessons learned from other DXpeditions. Lesson 1 is be prepared to go onshore Bouvet during a short WX window!! Thus, if our only chance is going onshore during a 3h wx window, we will bring our lightweight equipment in Step 1. Step 2 is defined as expanding the station setup with yagis. Step 3 is bringing on the lowband antennas, and step 4 is the final step where we complete our setup.

3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition Setup

We have had some feedback on FT8 and the operation. Because we plan to run 12 stations at peak times going QRO on FT8 is a question about logistics, fuel and risk. A lot of amplifier failures on DXped are due to high power and human failures. Thus our setup minimize this risk by running the 4 FT8 machines as much as possible on the yagis, no setting changes allowed by operator. FT8 operator can adjust the number of streams, redirect his call to specific continents or adjust the dB level of receiving stations. The machines will be run on fixed 100W. We will start with 2 streams, and we might also go single stream. We will monitor our signal reports before an adjustment. Bringing fuel for amplifiers is also a constraint logistic wise, all fuel has to go into the zodiak an onto the shelf, please understand that this is not a fly in/out DXPed – we’re running on generators. We will on Bouvet continuously check the available fuel, we have an inline electronic metering system. Based on available fuel we can (i) increase the heat in the tent (our tent is not heated 24/7! (ii) go QRO on CW/SSB (iii) go 500W on FT8, two machines max due to power output bottlenecks (iv) start the 1000 W waffle machine..!! Please note the RF output power level are thus initial power levels during start up!

Thus FT8 QRO operation >100W is a question about logistics, power rating of the generator circuits and how to dispatch the load but also an energy constraint and amount of fuel available. Given we can handle the power output and energy constraints we will try 2x500W on FT8, that might as well include 160/80m. However, our low-band ops are likely to be able to man the 160/80 station during the 8h opening, only in the case we’re not able to man the 160/80m we will discuss to put the FT8 machines on low-band. We’re not ruling it completely out, but seeing the strong team of CW/SSB ops this is unlikely to happen, but not impossible! We have low band ops paying $25,000 to go on this trip for their lifetime 160m experience!! I personally doubt all of them will be sleeping during prime time!! You get the picture..

3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 10 November 2022

We have updated our bandplan
This will be our initial setup.
We will work closely together with our pilots and if we see that something is not working, we will do adjustments. Be rest assured that we will do these changes if needed.
(i) We will always keep lowest 10 kHz on regular bands and lowest 5 kHz on WARC bands clear to allow regular DX traffic. So you will never hear us calling CQ in that portion of the band.
(ii) CW split will be limited to 15 kHz spectrum
(iii) Phone split will be limited to 30 kHz spectrum.
Thus operator will chose a frequency within the spectrum and limit the split to max 15 kHz and 30 kHz respectively.
To note that
- 160m will be CW only.
- 80m will be CW/SSB
So no FT8 on 160/80m.
Special permit up to 1500W on CW/SSB.
RTTY will be on 1-2 bands 14125 and 21125 kHz.
CW/SSB will have priority over digital modes.
60m frequencies have been updated, potentially 60m for last few days. There is no promise for 60m but we want to do it if we can.
FT8 operation
FT8 will be F/H only, 4 stations aimed running 24/7 with 100W.
We will NEVER transmit FT8 on regular FT8 frequencies. The 4xFT8 stations can be controlled by 1 operator, or each FT8 station can be controlled individually by an operator running SSB/CW (SO2R) mode.
FT8 will be on 40-10m running 100W, but focus on our 7 yagis 20-10m.
We have chosen FT8/RTTY frequencies that gives us better in band separation, and also so to avoid the most public frequencies that might be occupied by others DX-peditions in F/H mode.
We have agreed with Crozet that he run FT8 on 10131 and Bouvet on 10140 kHz.
We are in the process of updating our station system diagram that will reflect the possible camp build up, ie how we plan to build the camp step by step.
73, 3YØJ

3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 5 November 2022

3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island

Amateur Radio DXpeditions (ARD) is making great progress for our upcoming 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition! With only 2 months left until we go onshore Bouvet, we approach November that will come with another major milestones for us!

1st December 2022 we will pay 30% of the vessel contract – which is a significant amount! At the same time our projected budget shows a negative balance of $35,000 indicating that we are at risk of having to increase the operator fee. The operators have already paid approximately $25,000 each on this adventure to activate Bouvet. With only 2 months to go, we critically need your support to balance the budget before our departure January 13th from Port Stanley. In worst case the operators will have to cover up the negative balance to pay the bills! Still, we’re determined to go to Bouvet! Let’s see if we can close the gap!

We have made a tremendous effort through the last 15 months to prepare for the trip. We have matured the 3YØJ DXpedition to a level we think is needed to achieve the necessary success. And we have made significant improvements the last few months to your benefit.

Amongst other, we quite recently attended a climbing course to prepare for the rough vertical 90 degree climbing to be expected at Bouvet. This knowledge will enable us to safely rescue an injured operator from the camp. Next week we prepare for attending a glacier course to train for a 300m glacier crossing at the Bouvet glacier. During the whole process since June 2021, we have engaged with an experienced Norway based Expeditioner and sailor, Peter, that has an incredible knowledge and hands-on experience in assisting Expeditions to succeed in difficult Antarctica waters! Peter is leading the zodiac operation and vessel loading. His experience is a huge benefit to us! We have engaged with former NPI employees that have visited Bouvet more than 60 times. With all these preparations, we now find us in at the end of a long marathon after 2.5 years of planning! With all the expertise on the team – we’re confident in the end-result and the team is determined to go to Bouvet!

You can trust we will do what we can to give you that much needed ATNO!

Thank you, Oslo Nov 05th 2022
Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader 
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader 
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader 

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 August 2022

Press Release #11 from 3Y0J team  

3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island - 30/08/2022

Amateur Radio DXpeditions (ARD) is making great progress for our upcoming 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition! With only four months left until we go onshore Bouvet, we approach September that will come with two major milestones for us.

One major milestone is the shipping of the Container from Norway that is scheduled on September 18th. From Oslo the container will be shipped to Falkland Island where a team of local hams lead by Don VP8ON will make an effort to inspect the content before our arrival.

The 3Y0J team is currently busy packing all our equipment at our staging site at Oslo airport, where we for the next few weeks will finalize the packing of the equipment. This will end an extremely busy period for us.

We have been through 12 months of purchasing, assembling, testing, and packing the equipment. The team has worked hard, and ultimately shipping the container will complete this intensive period of work that will enable us to achieve our goal to activate the rare #2 DXCC Bouvetøya. Rest assured this is a well-planned DXpedition!

We have detailed out the logistic plan and have made a few changes. Among the improvements are:

​We have bought yet another outboard engine enabling us to use two zodiac boats simultaneously during beach landing to speed up the unloading of gear. In addition, we have a 3rd spare zodiac and engine. Having a pair of zodiak’s is a great advantage to us as we have developed a plan for going onshore Bouvet even for a short weather window down to 2h.

We have swapped the Yanmar generators with 5 kW Hyundai generators that will enable us to run full station setup with only 2 out of 4 diesel gens. It means that we are less dependent on a long duration of good weather to achieve a good setup.

We have carried out a risk analysis and identified 37 hazards and assessed the risk for each hazard. 10 hazards are identified as “high” risk and 17 “medium”, all which have been mitigated to an acceptable residual risk level. We have prepared a plan for rationing of food and water in case resupplies are difficult, and when we unload operators and equipment onshore Bouvet, they will be self-sufficient for 28 days without needing resupplies.

The second milestone for September is the payment of the 3rd deposit for the Marama contract. This payment is a major commitment from the team and our sponsors individual and clubs, that we together will make this happen. We thank each and every one of you who have contributed to pay a share of the vessel cost to have the opportunity to work Bouvet. We still need $70,000 to be able to go to Bouvet. If you want to see Bouvet activated, please consider to donate.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 27 August 2022

Adrian KO8SCA, one of the team members of the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition, will join us via Zoom from his home in New York. Adrian will take us through the challenges facing the 3Y0J team and preparatory work that has been completed so far for this epic adventure.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 June 2022

Press Release #10 from 3Y0J team
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island

In late April we successfully conducted a 4-day vessel inspection in Brazil that ended with a very good result. The inspection was carried out by a 3rd party vessel inspector and covered more than 105 checkpoints. The vessel inspection focused on safety equipment, instruments, navigation, engines/machinery, deck, tenders, fuel&fluids, interior, and exterior. Marama is in very good condition and hence the overall feedback is positive. The vessel went through significant upgrades with regards to machinery and engines in 2021 and has since been tested for years, most lately during the previous Antarctica season. The inspection file resulted in a punch list of only a few minor items to be followed up, no major findings during the 4-day inspection.

The team is currently working on the final preparations for packing the container scheduled to be shipped from Oslo in early September. Preparing the packing and shipping the container is extremely time consuming and requires a focus on details as our more than 2 years of work now is being materialized into packing lists and labeling the equipment. Today we have finally decided our container will be shipped to Port Stanley, Falkland Island. In Port Stanley a local team of ham radio operators will assist us in receiving the container, conduct a container inspection and make sure all is OK before the team arrive in early January. To Bouvet the team will bring with us 6500 kg of equipment, which includes several tons of fuel and food. Our contract allows for 22 days on the island, but we have food for 30 days and a plan for rationing should we have to stay beyond 22 days.

At this stage all the operators have already paid their full deposit of their individual $20,000 operator fee. This is your insurance that we will do whatever we can to make this DXpedition a success. In a few weeks we will pay our 2nd vessel deposit to Marama. Ultimately this represents a huge undertaking for us financially as well a commitment to go to Bouvet and activate the rare #2 DXCC Bouvet island. With all the preparation and planning over the course of the last two years you can rely on our commitment and our determination to go onshore Bouvet in a zodiac 7 months from now.

Going to Bouvet would simply not be possibly without the support from the vendors, clubs, foundations, and individual sponsors. June 1st, we completed our budget update, and this shows we’re still missing roughly $100,000 out of our $690,000 budget to be able to go to Bouvet. As we now prepare for the next vessel deposit, we need your support to close the gap. Please consider supporting us by donating upfront.

Thank you, Oslo 3rd June 2022
Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 April 2022

Adrian, KO8SCA video presentation of 3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 3 April 2022

Press Release #9 from 3Y0J team - 3 April 2022
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island
Today it is 9 months until the operators travel to South America to board Marama and go to Bouvet. We’re getting closer!
We can announce the last operator on the team that will be Pete N0FW. We’re extremely happy to have Pete on the team with his experience and knowledge. Pete is a well know DXpeditioner, he has been on more than 16+ DXpeditions, some quite rare ones, and he is a lowband enthusiast for a long time with 322 confirmed current DXCC on 160m – so he has great ears!
In 3 weeks’ time we will perform a 4-day vessel inspection in Itajai in Brazil. Marama that has completed several trips to Antarctica this winter season will undertake some maintenance during her stay in Brazil. At the same time this allows us to do a detailed inspection of the vessel. Another purpose of the trip to Brazil is for us to complete the vessel loading plan. The team have worked hard to detail out all the equipment we will bring to Bouvet, and amongst other during this trip each equipment will be allocated a space in the vessel. The purpose of creating this plan is to make sure we have a smooth loading of the zodiac once we go ashore Bouvet. We have at this stage planned how to sequence all the equipment in a specific predetermined order from vessel to zodiac, and how to build the camp slowly. The detailed plan to build up the camp indicates that we will be able to setup a camp on Bouvet even with short weather windows down to 80-120 min that will take only 4 zodiac trips. We’re quite determined to go ashore when the first opportunity arise!
April will be a busy month for us as all team members gather in Oslo April 28th. For 4 days the team will perform a system integration test where we will do a thorough test of the radios, amplifiers and antennas in a real environment like what we can expect at Bouvet. During this event team members will practice on the installation and familiarize with it. A lot of equipment will undergo it’s final testing and packing and be stored until the container leaves Oslo in September 2022.
Going to Bouvet is a huge undertaking financially and it would simply not be possibly without the support from the vendors, clubs, foundations and individual sponsors. We’re currently missing $120,000 out of our $690,000 budget to be able to go to Bouvet. As we now prepare for the next vessel deposit, we need your support to close the gap.
If you want to have the opportunity to work the rare #2 DXCC Bouvet island, please consider supporting us by donating upfront.
Thank you, Oslo April 2022
Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 18 March 2022

Ken, LA7GIA and Adrian, KO8SCA join us LIVE from the Bouvet team to give an update on the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition
Tim, K3LR!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 16 March 2022

The 3Y0J team is looking for one more operator. Specifically we're looking for a NA SSB operator. If you always have wanted to go on a most wanted DXpedition like Bouvet then send us an email. We would love to have you on the team, and can guarantee an exciting challenge! It will be all hard work. You will have to sail for 10 days, get seasick, then carry 6.3 metric ton into a zodiak, do a wet zodiac landing, fight the elephant seals, climb a rock, haul all equipment up, install the camp in harsh and cold environment, operate A LOT we have 12 radios one for each, sleep in a cold place, no beer or steak being served but you eat MRE, toilet is w/o insulation - but great seaview, be prepared for an emergency evacuation and sail back for another 8 days. Team agreement says you can talk your own native language in the pileup and say hello to your friends in Romania, Germany, Colombia or whatever. There is no shower for 3 weeks. The fee for this luxury vacation is only $20,000. But you will have the biggest pileup ever. And if there is a shortfall of donations you have to pay more.


(1) can take 7 weeks vacation in Jan/Feb 2023

(2) SSB contester or DXpedition experience

(3) from NA

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 8 February 2022

Press Release #8 from 3Y0J team  
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island , January 2023

Since we signed the contract with Marama we have been working on fine tuning the dates and port of departure. Today we can confirm that the departure date for the 3Y0J DXpedition will be January 6th 2023. It is complex to plan the logistics of such a huge project like the 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition which involves many parties. The new dates are mainly related to the Marama vessel logistics, but as well the new dates enable us to return to Cape Town in late February 2023. We can confirm the scheduled duration of the DXpedition is 44 days and that we have reserved a week additional contingency at the end giving us more flexibility. We have contracted 22 days at Bouvet Island, and it means we will spend more than 3 weeks at Bouvet. As we have the flexibility to still decide the port of departure Ushuaia or Port Stanley this will be done at a later stage.

It is with great pleasure we inform that we have completed all equipment selection for this trip.

For the station setup we will lineup 12 stations, that will include 8 human mode CW/SSB stations and 4 FT8 stations so to achieve our new goal of 200,000 QSOs. We will be using the Elecraft K3S, a well proven in the field DXpedition radio as the CW/SSB radio and SunSDR2 DX as the FT8 radio.

During peak time we will run up to 12 radios simultaneously by using 4O3A triplexers and InnovAntenna/Wimo tribanders together with Messi&Paoloni coax. We plan for minimum downtime on the radios, and to achieve this we will setup the 4 FT8 stations to run 24/7 so that these can either be run by one operator separately or be run by any other operator in a simplified SO2R setup. This will be done so that each operator can log into the FT8 machine from his operator position and run CW/SSB and FT8 simultaneously. Running several radios by a single operator this way has shown to be very efficient.

At Bouvet we are pleased to announce that we will use the well-known S.P.E. EXPERT amplifier. We will bring with us various models where the 1.5K-FA will be the main model, but for 160m we will be using a 2.0 kW amplifier and a vertical running a K3S with diversity RX. We will also have several spare amplifiers.

We are also pleased to inform that as the RX antenna system we will be using a ground independent RX loop system developed by LZ1AQ. This RX antenna will be located 300 meters away from the camp and will provide us with a RX antenna for 160-30m with 8xRX output signals. It also includes possibility to switch from loop to dipole mode.

We have procured 5 rugged YANMAR diesel generators to provide the station supply that will also include 1 spare generator.

Going to Bouvet is a huge undertaking financially and it would simply not be possible without the support from the vendors and our sponsors Expert Electronics, S.P.E., 4O3A, Messi&Paoloni and LZ1AQ. If you want to have the opportunity to work the rare #2 DXCC Bouvet island, please consider supporting us by donating upfront.

Thank you, Oslo February 7th 2022
Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader  
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader  
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader 

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 2 February 2022

More DX Engineering equipment arrived in Oslo today. We're preparing for a good topband setup. For 160m and 80m we bring with us 3 antennas for EACH band both spiderpoles and DX Engineering aluminium verticals. This is different technologies and thus we can adapt to various site conditions. We can also risk losing 2 antennas on 160 and still we're ON. Same on 80m. We have a good amount of spare parts and you can trust us we will be WELL prepared. Dave WD5COV has started installing the 160m alu vertical in US where he will construct a fallen derrick system to get it up in the air. All 21m tall 160/80m verticals will be guyed in 4 directions and 4 levels and have 40 ground radials. We have a 1500W power limit which is an excemption from the regulation. We also bring with us a RX antenna system to be installed 300m away from the camp so we can feed this signal to all 160-30m stations simultaneously!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 17 January 2022

Members of the 3Y0J team with Tim, K3LR. Members Otis, NP4G and Dave, WD5COV live to discuss the latest on the 3Y0J Bouvet Island Dxpedition!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 January 2022

Tomorrow Friday 14th January at 21:00 UTC our two team members Dave WD5COV and Otis NP4G will appear on DX Engineering Live Show! Please tune in for a great show!

DX Engineering is providing us with all the lowband verticals 160-30m for free, as well additional equipment and spare parts. DX Engineering provides us with an exceptional good service making sure this trip will be a success both for us and the DXers. Thanks!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 28 December 2022 Why RA9USU dropping out from 3Y0J Bouvet 2022 Team

Several friends were asking me about the reason for my dropping out from 3Y0J Bouvet 2022 Team. I will do my best to clear things out. Sorry for the delay – the end of the year is a nightmare multiplied by a hundred in Russia. Because of the long New Year holidays - every Government contract should be closed by the end of the year and there is almost absolutely no time to do anything besides the work. Sleeping no more than four hours at night for the last month or so.

Unfortunately, even though Ken and I usually had no issues communicating in the past, I found about me “quitting team for personal reasons” from the DX-world website. I know that you need balls to tell someone in a face that you are fucking him over.

Asking around cleared things a bit, but I was really confused by the Team Leaders decision.

It’s all started back in 2016 and I was in touch with Ken when I was working on my 3Y0H plans to operate from Bouvetoya. After failed attempts by 3Y0Z and 3Y0I, it was clear that collecting the funds from the Clubs will be very damaging to them and I was working on the budget-friendly operation. I had a plan and a way to exercise it but failed to collect the money in two weeks, which was almost impossible to do during the pandemic, but that was the condition from the vessel owner to keep the price down.

Then it was the 3Y0J announcement and I saw Ken joining the N6PSE-lead team. It was surprising to see because I had an experience in the past with that “leader” in action, but everything for the cause.

On August 4, 2021, I received the message from Ken, inviting me to join 3Y0J, where there were already eight Team members (including Axel, DL6KVA). Later I found that Axel was not yet on the Team that was just a dirty trick to make me agree to join. Later the very same trick was used to other members to join 3Y0J. Anyway, in the end, the Team was really looking promising and worth traveling with.

Therefore, I paid my dues and the required installment was all done…

On October 15, I received a revised Team Agreement from Ken. The deadline for signing the paper and second round of payment (which I already paid in advance) was on October 25. The next payment is in February 2022. That a little collided with my 3A3A road trip, which lasted during half of November, along with arranging most of the equipment for that operation, but my dues are paid in advance and I would read the agreement later upon my return, no biggies.

Then I read the Agreement.

I was puzzled, to say the least.

First of all, how is Team Agreement regulate the OQRS payment fee? 15 USD per card? I understand that DX-peditions like Bouvet requires a lot of money, but fixing the cost of confirmation to 15 USD is something I really don’t want to see before the expedition is even started!

Second, Team members are “expressly prohibited from soliciting funds from anywhere, which otherwise could donate to the Team account”. That means that I can no longer ask my friends from Expert Electronics (SunSDR) to support me because The Team could use that support for themselves (although everyone is bringing their own Elecraft K3’s with them anyway).

The third was absolutely something I can not accept. I did try to negotiate that but failed to find the understanding from Leaders. I never saw any Team Agreement (and I saw many of them) regulating the operating style before in my life, but this one went further.

This Agreement prohibits me from utilizing the Russian Language! I am mostly a CW operator and was invited as an operator, who pays 20,000 USD to join the operation. Not versa! I am not an employee and was not hired; requiring me to speak only English is unlawful and discriminatory! Linguistic diversity is a reality, observance of which is a fundamental value in the European Union. Also regulated by Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), Article 165(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (while fully respecting cultural and linguistic diversity (Article 165(1) TFEU).

The Treaty of Lisbon prohibits discrimination on grounds of language (Article 21) and places an obligation on the Union to respect linguistic diversity (Article 22).

There is absolutely no sufficient justification for this requirement to be on the Agreement!

Just to remind Ken, that “Amateur Radio DXpeditions” is registered in European Union and required to obey the Laws.

I asked Ken why is that requirement on the Agreement and he replied that he “will not allow any QSOs in Russian or whatever” and “it is not allowed to give instructions in Russian on CW that no other people can understand”. This is coming from a person, who erased the TZ4AM from the TL7M/TL8AO log on 160m, just because he did not act the way instructed by the operator.

For real? I consider myself a decent operator and was never blamed by any DX-pedition leaders for my ability to operate in my native language. Quite the opposite – they insisted that I operate the radio when propagation was favorable to Russia and East Europe. I know best how to maximize the number of contacts and how to operate the specific areas of the World, propagation dependent.

The agreement also prohibits direct call of a specific area (i.e. Asia, Pacific, or else) and only allows to call CQ without designating the World area.

Fourth, as of now, we had not confirmed the port of departure and therefore I could not accept the Cancellation policy. I do not have to obtain a visa to Argentina, Brazil, or South Africa. However, should the port of departure change to Stanley (Falklands) I will have to get the BOT visa. Taking into account that British Embassy in Moscow is mostly closed – there will be additional challenges to get it, especially if that happens a month before the DXpedition.

One part of the Agreement says, “If you denied entry, we will consider you to have voluntarily dropped out and your payments will not be returned”. I know that visas are my responsibility, but a visa does not guarantee entry to the country. It’s an immigration officer’s decision on whether to let you in or not. Government employee’s decision, not mine. It cannot be considered as a Voluntary dropping out. Period!

Fifth – Part 10 Misc A(a) states that “Team members are encouraged to provide their own IridiumGo!, Garmin InReach or Iridium Satellite phone for personal communications”. Then (c) states “Team members shall not use their personally owned devices to post to Internet activities while on the island”.

Ken later added, “During the DXpedition, no operator can post anything from the operation on Internet… or post stuff on DX-World, post videos on your Facebook page from the operation, on reflectors, etc. while you are on the Island”. While it is technically challenging, to begin with, this kind of censorship is unlawful, unjustified, and unacceptable.

All that led to our few weeks long correspondence, where I was asked to acknowledge my disagreement with several portions of the Agreement and received an ultimatum from Ken, where he stated that he does not accept any disagreements and if I want to be kept as part of the Team I should immediately sign the Agreement and accept all discriminatory and unlawful requirements.

Ken, your entire Agreement is serve only one purpose – protect the interest of the three Team Leaders from any liability before 3Y0J Team Members, leaving the members themselves vulnerable. I do understand that treating members as your employees, dictating them how to use their free time and how to behave is maybe something you do in your field of work, but in no way does this in the Team’s interests nor the Agreement in general. This is the Declaration. We are supposed to be a Team of friends, going together to DXpedition, but instead, we end up being a Dictatorship, earning the way through…

How many people on the Team have sailing experience and how many of them are good operators, capable of reaching your goal of 120,000 Qs? Can carry 70 kg generators to the shore? I can easily survive without being on Bouvet (my wife will definitely love the idea of not spending 25,000 USD), does it really serves the purpose of this DX-pedition? I have experience in delivering results under the heavy pressure of Antarctic operations. Do you? I was raised as a DXpeditioner by Italian, German, Serbian, Russian Teams. Did you? How many actual team operations have you had before?

Just a note – failed 3Y0Z DX-pedition was budgeted 700,000 USD with two helicopters on board and twenty operators, plus the entire vessel crew, while your two-crew man’s sailboat operation is 650,000 USD. Sure that’s exactly the reason your Agreement requires to keep the DXpedition accounting books private.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 22 December 2021

3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island - Press Release #7
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022

We’re happy to inform about some news related to the upcoming Bouvet DXpediiton.
We have selected the Norwegian brand Arctic Lavvo who will supply us with their Venor Gamme tent. Arctic Lavvo will deliver custom made tents to the project that includes three tents for radio operation and sleeping. The manufacturer having its factory at latitude 70N is taking the extra step to ensure their high-quality products will sustain the Bouvet climate. The tent having been tested at JW Svalbard in extreme conditions up to 40 m/s will be improved further by adding extra guying levels and by strengthening the aluminium frame. We’re confident selecting a Norwegian manufacturer with huge experience from this kind of climate is a wise decision.
We also would like to inform about the selection of SILCOM as the sponsor of our yagi antenna masts. SILCOM will deliver custom made antenna masts rated for the Bouvet climate. They will be named ALU-3Y0J and GLV-3Y0J where we will use the alu mast for the tribanders and the smaller steal mast for the dualbander yagis. All masts have been through detailed engineering to optimize the technical specification and rating to fit our InnovAntenna/Wimo Yagis. The masts being a square telescopic mast with tilt-over functionality and winch can easily handle 35 m/s at 10m level.
We’re taking the preparation to the next level by procuring a milpro Zodiak. The strategic decision to buy the milpro Zodiak will enable us to train continuously on the critical beach landing in Norway. Having access to the exact same zodiac we will use at Bouvet, is just another step we have taken to ensure the success of this DXpedition.
We also have a change in the team. 3 team members are leaving the team due to various health and personal issues. Sandro VE7NY, Laci HA0NAR and Dima RA9USU are unfortunately leaving the team. We are happy to inform that we have already onboarded Cezar VE3LYC and Otis NP4G in the team. Their experience will be a great addition to the team.
So far the team have spent more than $130,000 out of the total budget. We have reached an income level of $500,000 but still critically need additional $160,000 support to be able to make it. Going to Bouvet is a huge undertaking financially as all our expenses are upfront. If you want to have the opportunity to work the rare #2 DXCC Bouvet island, please consider to donate upfront. We ask all clubs and individuals to support us so that we can put on a 3 weeks DXpedition show from Bouvet.

3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 27 October 2021

Press Release #6 from 3Y0J team

3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022

We have reached our first payment milestone for the Marama vessel contract. Today we have paid the first deposit, and with this payment we confirm our plans of activating the #2 most wanted entity Bouvet. We would like to thank each individual and club who has contributed to this payment with their upfront support, especially thanks to our Lead sponsor NCDXF. It is a huge task and undertaking to go to Bouvet and we still critically need additional upfront support to close the budget.

We are happy to announce two additional operators to the team to make it complete with 13 operators. Dave WD5COV will rejoin us on this adventure to Bouvet. Dave is a well-known and recognized DXer and DXpeditioner who has embarked on over ten major DXpeditions including three in the top ten most wanted category.

In addition, we have included Peter in the team as a combined crew and dedicated FTx operator. Peter is an experienced captain and expedition leader with huge experience from offshore sailing, sailing in remote polar uncharted areas and specializes in supporting some of the most complex expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctica. He is experienced in safety evacuation procedures, MOB maneuver in cold water, beach landings in difficult locations and he is an experienced zodiac operator that will be based in Norway. He will be heading up the zodiac landing at Bouvet.

Our preparation for Bouvet includes planning, constructing, and testing a system for landing zodiacs safely, this will be tested in rough sea in Norway before and after Christmas. We plan for several systems and techniques to adapt to the onsite conditions. We plan for safely landing the zodiacs in different manners also with some swell, unmanned and with less risk for operators. And we prepare for the event that zodiacs are capsizing and we still can retrieve the equipment. We have done the first prelim sea trials of the zodiac equipment in Norway and will continue sea trials to further mature the concept. We plan for a gasoline powered winch system to lift equipment up the cliff, and this will be tested in Norway after Christmas. We plan to access the 25 ft cliff with professionals means, and if needed prepare for climbing and bolting a short route to gain access. We refresh our climbing experience, and some team members will be certified climbers. In 2022 we will practice safe rope access training and evacuation down the cliff with instructor also including emergency evacuation with injured operator. We will have IRATA educated instructors training with us.

We also have an extended off-island team of 5 Norwegian professionals and experts from the maritime industry assisting us. These are former captains and chief engineers with huge experience within RIB SAR vessels, maritime risk assessment and safety training. Some of them have stayed several seasons at Bouvet, stayed anchored at Cape Fie, have passed Bouvet more than 60 times and have done zodiac landing at the same spot. With all these upcoming events and the knowledge in the extended team – be rest assured this will be a well planned and executed project.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 21 October 2021

Today we have finalized the procurement of all our 3Y0J antennas. All antennas will be supplied by our sponsors InnovAntenna, DX Engineering and Spiderbeam. We have run extensive HFTA analysis that shows our signals is prediced to be STRONG all over the planet. We will bring a mix of antennas with us with different material and technology. We have prepared a main antenna farm, backup antennas and a replacement strategy. We have focused on bringing quality products with us. You can expect our 160m toploaded vertical to be 21 m tall and our yagis will be 7 to 10m up on solid antenna masts that can withstand 35 to 44 m/s wind. We have various yagis with us. And we plan dedicated yagis for Asia, EU and NA/SA on a triplexer/diplexer system. We will run inband on 40-10m. All this will be visible on the antenna layout drawing. InnovAntenna will launch a new product DXR-3 Bouvet - a yagi designed for our DXpedition which you can soon buy at DX Engineering.

The antennas will soon be shipped to Norway for inspection and testing, we have a site off the west coast to test the equipment in harsh weather. Some low band verticals will be shipped to Arizona for assembling and testing, some yagis will be shipped to New York, and finally topband antennas will be sent to Hungary. This is truly an international project where all team members contribute with a common goal to activate Bouvet to give you that much needed QSO!

Let's make it happen - support 3Y0J via paypal

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 15 October 2021

This narrow area of volcanic rock at Kapp Fie will be our QTH, 250' above the black sand beach where we will be landing in Zodiacs. See it now in 4K HD full screen mode. Yagis, verticals and our tents will be up here. How will we get the equipment onto the beach and up the hill? What will the camp layout look like? Parts of the plan are being tested in Norway right now. We plan on having video updates from landing to leaving and all the fun in between! Video Interviews with all the operators. Stay tuned!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 14 September 2021

3Y0J team is full speed ahead with the planning, below is just some info abt what we're doing right now.

1. We prepare for the first vessel deposit which is due next month.

2. The logistic team which Gjermund LB5GI is leading are working on several important topics

a.) preparing a safe way to land the operators and the equipment on Bouvet. A flexible system that allows for various conditions will be engineered, constructed and soon tested at a beach in Norway with enough swell. We are working on several different systems to adapt to the conditions. One system consist of 2 zodiaks, buoys, anchor, capstan and rope to safely land the dinghy with and without personell/equipment. See sketch below

Gjermund and Rune LA7THA is working with some experienced Norwegian professionals within the maritime industry in Norway to test this system live.

b.) prepare a winch system for lifting the equipment up from the beach to the cliff at Cape Fie. Again we prepare for a flexible system that can adapt to various shapes and height of the cliff, we will use both electrical and non-electrical systems, and also manual systems. The most bulky item is the diesel generators (75 kg). System to be engineered, constructed and tested in Norway soon. Effort is being lead by Rune.

c.) a system to assist us in bringing the equipment from the cliff up to the camp roughly 200 ft up at 70ft ASL being planned.

This will help us when bringing 4.5 metric tonn of equipment, fuel and water up to the camp.

3. We are currently reviewing the antenna layout once again. InnovAntenna being our main sponsor. We're working on a staged approach to allow setting up the camp also during very short weather windows with a setup that will be expanded with more stations and antennas until we reach the full setup. Adrian KO8SCA is currently preparing for testing the tribander yagi.

4. Erwann LB1QI is leading the ancillaries systems and is working on the tent selection. Heated or not heated tents? Lowprofile tents, 25-30 m/s windgusts and windbreakers is essential.

5. We are working on the station setup, but so far we have not selected the exact setup - we have several options on the table when it comes to radio and amplifiers.

6. Safety has a high attention in the project, and we will do what we can to avoid accidents and injuries. Bill KO7SS is taking the lead on Safety. Bill is dedicated to oversee all planning and operations wrt safety. We will run risk workshops, discuss safety, safety procedures, mitigate risk, construct emergency shelter, prepare evacuation plan of personell, evacuation of injured operator from camp to vessel etc

In a while we will start with zoom meetings - there you can follow our journey to Bouvet. You can get the latest news, discuss with us on various topics, get feedback and hints, interact with operators, Q&A and much more.

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 30 August 2021

Press Release #5 from 3Y0J team 
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022 

We are happy to announce that Northern California DX Foundation has voted to grant $100,000 to the upcoming 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet. This is an all-time high donation and matches the previous donation given to Bouvet projects. The 3Y0J team is very grateful and honored in the trust NCDXF has shown by supporting our project.

The DXpedition will be carried out by “Amateur Radio DXpeditions”, a Norwegian non-profit organization created for the purpose of conducting DXpeditions. With an overall budget of $650,000 this will be the most expensive DXpedition ever. With the NCDXF donation we hope to succeed in the fundraising as our first payment milestone for the vessel contract is approaching. By end October we will pay 30% of the vessel contract, and by that time we must have regained confidence that we can succeed financially. We critically need upfront donations to be able to make it. While we have a solid plan, a “young and strong team”, a dedicated crew and vessel Marama – we need your upfront support to go there and make 120,000 QSOs from Cape Fie at Bouvet.

Donations to the 3Y0J project can be done through paypal on our website or by bank wire transfer.

We wish to recognize and thank the Northern California DX Foundation as the Lead Sponsor for our 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet. Without the support of the NCDXF, operations to the world’s rarest entities would be difficult.

Thank you,

Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader 
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader 
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader 

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 9 August 2021

Our 3Y0J squad was put nicely together today, and is almost complete. Look at this line up of operators;

Adrian KO8SCA


Bill KO7SS


Erwann LB1QI

Gjermund LB5GI



Mike AB5EB


Sandro VE7NY

We're determined to go to Bouvet and give you that much needed CW-SSB-Digi mode QSO. The twelfth operator will be determined later, there is a plan for that. Stay tuned!

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 8 August 2021

Press Release #4 from 3Y0J team
3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022

The 3Y0J team are delighted to inform about our continued effort to activate Bouvet island. After cancellation of the previous attempt due to the ill-fated sale of the vessel Braveheart we decided to continue the effort and search for a suitable and affordable vessel.

Today we announce that we have signed a contract with an expedition vessel with a proven track record and experienced polar crew that will take us to Bouvet in November 2022. The vessel is MARAMA and is fully booked for the 2021/2022 season. The cost is significantly reduced compared to our previous Braveheart charter. With the signing of the vessel contract we will start fundraising immediately. On this journey to Bouvet we have assembled a team of 12 operators and we plan to spend 20 days around Bouvet. The QTH at Bouvetøya will be Cape Fie at the South East part of the island, the only feasible part where a DXpedition can safely setup the camp on rocky ground, we will not set camp on the glacier. We will have a wide area of 150 x 800 ft to setup the camp and the antenna farm.

Back in April 2020 we started our effort to activate Bouvetoya - a Norwegian DXCC in South Atlantic Ocean and also known as the world’s most remote island. In close co-operation with NPI we received the needed permits in September 2020 to activate Bouvetoya, which also included a helicopter permit. We also together with NPI researched and was provided photos that showed a beach landing was possible. In November 2020 we were approached by Intrepid and we joined our efforts. After the sale of Braveheart in June we informed Intrepid that we would continue our effort to activate Bouvetoya and search for a suitable and affordable vessel. Last week we were ready to launch the vessel news to the team members. As we sent out this information it was leaked to Intrepid group which caused Intrepid in a hurry to send out a press release the following day that they would go to Bouvet. The act of the team member came as a big surprise to us, the same did the announcement from Intrepid as they were informed we would continue the project.

As of today we still hold the only valid amateur radio team license specifically issued for the purpose of activating Bouvet (3Y0J). With the NPI permits, the license, the signed vessel contract and a new expedition vessel we’re ready to move forward. The team of 12 operators will fund much of the budget but we also need the global DX Community to support our mission and help us make this important activation of the #2 most wanted DXCC entity. It is only through this kind of support that we can achieve our mission of making 120,000 contacts or more from Bouvet in November 2022. Without support there will be no activation.

In closing, we especially wish to thank our many Foundations, Clubs and Individual donors. Without this kind of support, operations to the world’s rarest entities would not be possible.

You can soon follow our plans from our website 3Y0J.NO (please note change of website to .no ) and the 3Y0J Facebook groupe

Thank you,
Ken Opskar LA7GIA, Co-Leader
Rune Oye LA7THA, Co-Leader
Erwann Merrien LB1QI, Co-Leader

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 4 August 2021

Press Release from the Intrepid DX Group

Dear Global DX-Community.
On June 18th, we announced that we were continuing to seek new transportation to Bouvet in support of our Bouvet 2023 project. At the same time, we have refunded all donations as there was a high degree of uncertainty that we could move forward.
We are pleased to announce that we have found a suitable/affordable vessel willing to take us to Bouvet. We are negotiating the terms of that charter contract now.
We have submitted a new application to the Norwegian Polar Institute.
We have revised the Leadership of our team as follows:
David Jorgensen-WD5COV Co-Leader, Operations, Antennas.
Kevin Rowett-K6TD Co-Leader, Systems/Networks, Procurement, Logistics
Paul Ewing-N6PSE Co-Leader, Planning, Public Relations, Tents, Logistics.
Together, this leadership team will assemble 12 Operators to make this vision a reality.
We are revising our website and soon, we will begin fundraising for this renewed effort.
We are extremely grateful for all our past Sponsors and Donors and we hope that you can support this renewed effort.

The Bouvet 2023 Team

3Y0J Bouvet Island New 18 June 2021

From the Intrepid-DX Group:
Since the cancelation of 3Y0J, we have been working closely with Nigel Jolly to form a new plan, with a new owner of Braveheart and a revised payment plan that enables Nigel Jolly to continue managing Braveheart and will keep it available for DXpeditions for years to come.
We are working out the details of this plan and hope to have some very positive news very soon. We have not given up!
Thank you,
Bouvet 2023 Team

3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 June 2021

To the global DX community.

We regret to inform you of the following news.

The global pandemic has impacted the expedition charter vessel business very hard; this includes the venerable RV Braveheart which has provided outstanding safety and service to many DXpeditions. As you know, we had signed a contract with Braveheart for 3Y0J.

Today, we were informed that Braveheart will be sold. As a result, Nigel Jolly will no longer be associated with the ship, our contract with the ship has been cancelled and our deposit will be refunded. This is a very disappointing development to all involved.

At this time, we are cancelling the 3Y0J Dxpedition. We have ceased accepting donations and we will begin refunding 100% of the donations using the same method they were received, i.e., PayPal, cash or check. This process will take several weeks to sort out, so please be patient.

We wish to thank our team for putting their trust in us. We wish to thank all of the donors and sponsors that gave generously to this project. We will continue to research other ships and possibly find another suitable vessel for a future project.

Paul Ewing, N6PSE
Kenneth Opskar LA7GIA

3Y0J Team planning to be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002, in January - February 2023.
Honorary Team members - LA1VC (SK), N4BQW (SK).
They will operate on 160 - 10m All modes.
Pilots -
EA5RM Chief/EU Pilot.
W6AER West Coast Pilot
W2IRT East Coast Pilot
JR4OZR JA/Asia Pilot
KM4SII Youth Pilot
HK3W South America Pilot
QSL policy:

Sponsors who donate $50 USD or more PRIOR to the DXpedition start will have their QSL card sent directly, as well LoTW confirmation.

If you sponsor us you can enter a raffle with exclusive souvenirs from Bouvet trip ++

Sponsors QSL+LoTW will have priority!

For non-sponsors (will be activated after DXped):
1.) OQRS Direct QSL+LoTW: via paypal $20

Mailed anywhere in the world unlimited number of QSOs, including LoTW.

2.) OQRS Bureau QSL: via paypal $3 (delayed at least 12 months)

Mailed anywhere in the world unlimited number of QSO, card only.

Do NOT request via the normal Bureau card services as these will NOT be answered. Only use the OQRS online service.

3.) Direct mailed cards (delayed)

Send your direct card to M0OXO with sufficient return postage via the regular Direct Mail system. Suggested minimum donation is $7 for direct mail QSLs.

Complete log will be uploaded to LoTW (delayed at least 12 months)

Information from Intrepid DX Group:
Press Release from the Intrepid-DX Group
3Y0J Dxpedition to Bouvet Island, January/February 2023

As we completed our successful VP8STI-South Sandwich and VP8SGI-South Georgia DXpeditions in 2016, we began to plan for our next Dxpedition. Our target is the Norwegian Island Bouvet. This is the #2 most wanted DXCC entity.
At this time, it gives us great pleasure to announce that we have joined forces with Intrepid Norwegian DXpeditioner Ken Opskar-LA7GIA in our quest to activate Bouvet.
Together, in January 2023, 14 men will board the Braveheart in Capetown and make the treacherous voyage to Bouvet. We will plan to spend twenty days at Bouvet and weather permitting, we plan to have 14 to 16 good days of radio activity.
This will be an arduous and expensive mission. Our budget is $764,000 USD and the 3Y0J team will fund much of this mission. We desperately need the global DX Community to support our mission and help us make this important activation of the #2 most wanted DXCC entity. It is only through this kind of support that we can achieve our mission of making 100,000 contacts or more from Bouvet.
We plan to make best use of Propagation and Modes on 10-160 meters.
We pledge to assemble the strongest team possible and to use good operating practices to optimize your ability to reach our stations. We are confident that the Braveheart crew can get us there and back safely.
In closing, we especially wish to recognize and thank the Northern California DX Foundation and the International DX Association as our premier donors. Without the support of the NCDXF and INDEXA, operations to the world’s rarest entities would not be possible.

Bouvet Island

The sub-Antarctic island of Bouvet in the Atlantic Ocean was named after the French navigator Bouvet de Lozier, who discovered it by accident in the early 18th century. But the island was mislabeled at the time and for this reason it was lost to humans for the next 60 years until 1898, when its correct coordinates were finally recorded.

The volcanic island of Bouvet is a small piece of land that owes its origins to several eruptions from the Olavtoppen volcano. The island is rather harsh and inhospitable, and not particularly popular with tourists. It has a mountainous topography, and its steep mountain slopes are covered by glaciers that descend to the coast, revealing small beaches of black lava sand. The rocky coastal part of the island is practically inaccessible from the sea. It can only be reached by helicopter or dinghy. It is dangerous to get close to the cliffs, even when the weather is calm.

It is a remote part of the Norwegian mainland. The island is completely uninhabited, but although human presence is rare, it has been designated a nature reserve since 1971. The total area of the island is a little over 58 km², 93% of which is entirely covered by glaciers. In the film Alien vs Predator, the action takes place in a hypothetical dungeon located just beneath this lost, cold island.

Bouvet Island is surrounded by mystery and mystery. In the sixties, a boat was discovered in a small lagoon not far from the island, partly covered in sediment, unmarked and guarded by a colony of aggressive elephant seals. The remains of a pair of oars, a drinking water barrel and an impressive copper tank were found some distance away from the boat. The researchers assumed that a shipwreck had occurred and carried out a thorough survey of the surrounding area, but they did not find any traces of human life, such as the remains of temporary shelters or human remains. Subsequently, untouched supplies of equipment and food were found in the centre of the island, presumably from the boat in question, the reason for which the researchers were unable to find out. The whereabouts of the crew, who had a fairly good survival kit, also could not be found. The researchers had limited time and were afraid of being attacked by elephant seals, so all work in progress had to be terminated before the circumstances of the accident could be clarified. The fate of the unidentified boat remains a mystery to this day.

3Y0J Bouvet IslandBouvet Island. Author - Nodir Tursun-zade, EY8MM.

Some time later, there was another, no less mysterious incident linked to this mysterious place. According to anecdotal evidence, in 1979 there was a powerful flash from an explosion at some distance from the island, which scientists thought might have been evidence of nuclear testing. But no one has been able to trace its source and there has never been sufficient evidence to prove it. No country has claimed responsibility for the incident and none of the countries ever known to possess nuclear weapons have been seen transporting devices of this kind to the area, and the radiation levels on the island have remained unchanged. The reasons for this unexplained phenomenon are still a mystery.

The island's nature is not particularly varied, with little open land or vegetation. Seals, penguins, elephant seals and seals, as well as around a dozen species of seabirds are the island's main species of fauna. And of the flora, only mosses and lichens can be found here. Scientists sometimes visit the island to study whale migrations.

The island experiences very windy, mostly cloudy weather throughout the year, with frequent light rain and snowfall. Between 1955 and 1958, a single minor lava patch appeared on the west coast, creating a small nesting area for birds.

Bouvet Island has been identified as the most isolated island on the planet. No other land has been found in the 3,146,000 square miles around the island, an achievement no other point on the planet can boast.

3Y0J. Where is Bouvet Island located. Map.

3Y0J Bouvet Island. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 04:15 GMT sunset at 18:46 GMT
3Y0J Bouvet Island comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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