5X1NH Uganda DX November December 2010 2017-05-26 18:52:52 G3RWF will be active from Uganda 30 November - 13 December 2010 as 5X1NH. Views8606 Comments0 More...
TK/DL4FF Corsica Island 2019-09-16 22:46:46 DL4FF is currently active from Corsica Island as TK/DL4FF. Views12396 Comments1 100% More...
VP5/W5CW Providenciales Island CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010 2016-07-06 21:20:36 W5CW will be active from Providenciales Island, Turks and Caicos 24 November - 14 December 2010 as VP5/W5CW. Views7620 Comments0 More...
PJ5/K1XM Sint Eustatius Island 2016-09-18 21:30:00 K1XM will be active from Sint Eustatius Island 6 - 17 October 2010 as PJ5/K1XM. Views5974 Comments1 100% More...
ZD9AH Tristan da Cunha Island 2016-06-23 23:02:55 DL2AH will be active from Tristan da Cunha Island 10 October - 6 December 2010 as ZD9AH. Views8078 Comments1 100% More...
FJ/DL7AFS Saint Barthelemy Island 2019-09-07 16:56:45 DL7AFS is currently active from Saint Barthelemy Island as FJ/DL7AFS. Views8321 Comments0 More...
KH2/JA7RPC KH2/JH7DFZ Guam Island 2019-09-07 20:39:37 JA7RPC and JH7DFZ will be active from Guam Island 5 - 7 November 2010 as KH2/JA7RPC and KH2/JH7DFZ. Views7288 Comments0 More...
V73QQ V73RRC Majuro Island Enewetak Atoll Ujelang Atoll 2019-08-07 09:22:20 N3QQ will be active from Majuro Island ( IOTA OC-029) 7 - 8 October 2010 as V73QQ, from Enewetak Atoll (IOTA OC-087) 12 - 14 October 2010 as V73QQ and Ujelang Atoll ( IOTA OC-278) as V73RRC. Views8881 Comments0 More...
CE3G Chile CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2010 2017-02-05 17:16:43 CE3WDH, CE3WDD, CE1CRG and XQ4CW will be active from Chile in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30 - 31 October 2010 as CE3G. Views5064 Comments2 60% More...
C91WW Mozambique 2019-10-07 13:23:18 G4LDL, GI4FUM and ZS6JR will be active from Mozambique in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30 - 31 October 2010 as C91WW. Views4805 Comments0 More...
Kenya 5Z4EE CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2010 2019-10-07 13:12:46 NV7E will be active from Kenya in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30 - 31 October 2010 as 5Z4EE. Views4942 Comments0 More...
K9LUK/VK4 North Stradbroke Island 2018-04-13 11:12:43 K9LUK will be active from North Stradbroke Island (IOTA OC-137) 8 - 16 October 2010 as K9LUK/VK4. Views5422 Comments0 More...
C6AEZ New Providence Island 2019-09-10 12:50:40 NE8Z will be active from New Providence Island (IOTA NA-001) 11 - 16 October 2010 as C6AEZ. Views4024 Comments0 More...
HI3/EA3GUO HI9/EA3GUO Hispaniola Island Cayo Levantao Island 2019-10-07 13:30:13 EA3GUO will be active from Hispaniola Island ( IOTA NA-096) and Cayo Levantao Island (IOTA NA-122) 9 - 23 October 2010 as HI3/EA3GUO and HI9/EA3GUO. Views10649 Comments0 More...
Mahe Island S79AU S79SS S79TE S79ZS 2019-10-07 13:32:16 JA2AAU, JA2LSS, JA2ATE and JA2ZS will be active from Mahe Island (IOTA AF-024) 19 - 27 November 2010 as S79AU, S79SS, S79TE and S79ZS. Views4788 Comments0 More...