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5H3DX Tanzania

Chas, NK8O will be active again as 5H3DX from Tanzania, 20 February - 6 March 2025.
He will operate on 30 - 10m Bands, CW, PSK31, FT8 and possibly SSB.
Recent DX Spots 5H3DX
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Ads for direct QSL:
CHARLES W POWELL, 201 North 13th Street, Louisburg, KS 66053-3520, USA.
His QTH will be Zinga QTH Locator KI93ii.

Tanzania: a mysterious African country

Tanzania is a distinctive country in southeastern Africa with extensive protected areas. The rich fauna has made the country ideal for safaris - in the national parks you can follow wild animals in the wild. The big five African animals that tourists may be lucky enough to see are: lion, elephant, cheetah, rhino and buffalo.

But Tanzania is not just a savannah safari. It is also the famous stratovolcano Kilimanjaro, and the largest fresh water bodies on the continent, and the island of Zanzibar with long beaches, and the primitive life of local tribes. All this gives the country a unique flavor.

Tanzania 5H3DX Tourist attractions

History of Tanzania

The indigenous people who inhabited the lands of Tanzania are the Bushmen and the Hottentots, who were later joined by the Kushites and the Bantu. Zanzibar soon became a base for Arab, Persian and Indian traders. It was at this time that the Swahili ethnic group was formed. They exported valuable ivory, gold and slaves from Africa. Textiles and foodstuffs were shipped from other countries.

In the 16th century, Portuguese ships arrived on the shores of Tanganyika and began to take over the ports. However, their rule did not last long, and a century later the Arabs again established their rule. Zanzibar soon became a major center for the slave trade, which led to a significant decline in the local population. Chiefs and even strangers living at the crossroads of trade routes cooperated with the slave traders and provided them with food. Gradually, they grew rich and gained influence, which upset the social balance. During this period, the rudiments of statehood were born, and power was shared among themselves by paramount chiefs.

But in the 19th century, European traders and missionaries began to appear and tried to dictate their terms to the chiefs. For example, the British forbade the Sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves.

Period of colonization

In 1885, German Karl Peters managed to negotiate a protectorate with the chiefs of many tribes, subjugating their lands to Germany. A couple of years later, he leased the entire coast of Tanganyika for 50 years in an agreement with the Sultan of Zanzibar. Soon the British claimed their rights to the lands of Zanzibar. And in 1891, the Germans established a colony in East Africa.

Colonizers were engaged in the cultivation of coffee, cotton, sisal and rubber plantations, laid railroads to communicate with ports. Germans-settlers at the beginning of the XX century there were more than 5 thousand.

Africans revolted against colonizers, but it was brutally suppressed, and the local population was almost completely exterminated. After the World War Tanzania became a British colony.


In 1961, Tanganyika was liberated from colonial rule, and two years later the Sultanate of Zanzibar gained independence. In 1964, the Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar - abbreviated Tanzania - was proclaimed. The government embraced socialism and the construction of public facilities by locals on a voluntary basis. Students refused to perform labor conscription, leading to an uprising that failed. Collective farms began to appear in the villages, and nationalization of banks, foreign plantations, and trading organizations took place. It was not until 1995 that democracy was established.

Tanzania 5H3DX

Zanzibar Archipelago

Zanzibar is the main island of the archipelago of the same name off the east coast. In total, the archipelago includes 74 islands washed by the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. The former Muslim sultanate at the crossroads of maritime trade routes now attracts tourists with picturesque beaches and landscapes. There are excellent opportunities for diving, snorkeling, kite-surfing. The coastal waters impress with their transparency.

The capital of Stone Town was founded by Arab traders in the IX century - here the streets chaotically wind among colorful Arabian bazaars, small shops with spices, mosques, courtyards and ancient fortresses. Freddie Mercury, lead singer of the world-famous rock band Queen, was born here and spent his childhood years here. His house is located in the Old Town. Now the building houses a hotel decorated with photos of the singer.

Tourists can also make an excursion to the island of giant sea turtles, visit the abandoned prison or "slave cave" of Mangapwani, see the ruins of ancient palaces.

Lake Natron

There are many places on the planet with extreme habitats that are deceptively attractive in appearance. This small lake is named after the mineral natron. It is covered with a layer of salt, which periodically colors in different shades, from pink to red. This effect is created by microorganisms living there. This is the nesting ground of more than 1.5 million flamingos. Up to 70% of the world population of this species is born in this area.

Due to the strong concentration of salt and alkali in the water, animals and birds that accidentally fall into the lake die and turn into mummies. Surprisingly, the waters of the lake of death are also home to endemic fish, the alkali tilapia.

Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro is the world's largest deep crater with a vast basin. Its depth is more than 900 meters. A few million years ago, in place of evergreen forests were carried by red-hot lava flows. In the center of the crater the alkaline lake Magadi was formed, which is always full of birds, including pink flamingos.

The protected area has a high density of animals of different species per square kilometer. Depending on the season, this figure increases to two million. Extreme tourists come to the park to watch lion and cheetah hunting.

Tanzania's last hunters

On the shores of soda lake Eyasi, the Hadzabi and Datoga tribes live in primitive conditions. The Hadzabi natives were formerly nomadic, hunting and gathering natural resources. For a long time they honed their wilderness survival skills, practiced archery and trained dogs for game drives. The Datoga tribes are pastoralists and agriculturalists.

The tribes, far from civilization, have preserved their way of life and traditions. They make fire by friction, good-naturedly treat their guests with prey cooked on the fire. Here you can fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of primitive African life.

National Parks

The Serengeti brings the Lion King to life and is the setting for National Geographic and Animals planet programs. The reserve is home to thousands of wild animals. Elephants, leopards and cheetahs, giraffes, lions, jackals and hyenas, antelopes and buffalo live on the vast territory. During certain periods, a spectacular natural spectacle is played out here - the migration of millions of gnu and zebra antelopes.

Manyara Lake Reserve is a place where regal lions rest on the branches of acacia trees. They don't usually climb trees, leopards do it. Here you can watch pelicans, storks, pink flamingos. Ernest Hemingway considered the reserve the most beautiful of all seen on the African continent.

Tanzania 5H3DX DX News

Tanzania's cuisine

It may seem strange at first glance, but European recipes are popular in the coastal part of the country: grilled chicken or fish, spicy pies, pepper steak, plantain soup with chicken broth, boiled vegetables, mandazi doughnuts and puddings. This is a consequence of European colonization. In contrast, African, Arabic and Persian culinary traditions are prevalent in Zanzibar.

Fans of exotic dishes can try fillet of antelope, crocodile or elephant meat. They are usually served with a salad of a vegetable variety of bananas. By the way, 17 kinds of bananas are grown in Tanzania, from which soups, stews and chips are prepared. The menu may also include fried side of warthog, ostrich roast or octopus boiled in coconut milk. A popular dish is the thick ugali corn-based porridge and nyama choma - grilled goat meat. In Zanzibar you can taste fried shrimps with lemon, lobsters on coals.

Locals love to drink tea and consume it throughout the day. Freshly ground coffee in small porcelain cups, fresh tropical fruit and sugar cane juices are often sold on the streets. Banana beer, palm wine made from fermented bamboo sap, and vodka made from papaya "konyagi" are also popular.

A Tanzanian meal is usually eaten at a low table or on a mat on the floor. Garnishes such as ugali porridge are served in a common bowl and are eaten with the right hand without utensils.

5H3DX. Where is Tanzania located. Map.

5H3DX Tanzania. Sunrise 03-15-2025 at 03:43 GMT sunset at 15:54 GMT
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