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9Q2WX Congo

Vladimir, OK2WX will be active as 9Q2WX from Democratic Republic of the Congo, 20 August - 9 September 2023.
He will operate on HF Bands, CW, SSB, Digital Modes.
Recent DX Spots 9Q2WX
9Q2WX Log search QSL via IZ8CCW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Antonio Cannataro, Via Don Minzoni 18, 87040, Marano Marchesato - CS, Italy.
Vladimir planning to be active on 80 - 10m or 40 - 6m.

9Q2WX Democratic Republic of the Congo News 10 September 2023

Hi Al, 9Q2WX now QRT, I'm on my way back, just landed in Addis Ababa, tomorow early morning continue to Vienna
I made hopefully one good thing and donates one IC7300 and Spiderbeam to ARAC, national radioclub of DR Congo, Robert 9Q1RE and Kahu 9Q1KS helped me a lot
73s OK2WX/9Q2WX.

9Q2WX Congo QRT

9Q2WX Democratic Republic of the Congo News 28 August 2023

9Q2WX Congo News 28 August 2023
there's always a surprise. There's no internet, no hot water and sometimes no electricity.
I spent 3 days looking into why my PA and radio were going off, there were ferrites everywhere already, SWR excellent....I had no idea how the local power grid works, as my QTH is indeed grid off.
The electricity here comes from a small water turbine on a stream that flows into the Congo River. When the flow is low, the grid voltage drops. No electronic stabilization, just mechanics. It's a spinning wheel in the riverbed, it raises the flow and the voltage.......
Vladimir, OK2WX/9Q2WX

9Q2WX Democratic Republic of the Congo News 20 August 2023 part 2

Vladimir, 9Q2WX informs that he start his activity.

9Q2WX Democratic Republic of the Congo News 20 August 2023

I have antennas for 80, 40 and 30 now. No internet acces, FT8 doesnt work. Planning to QRV today on the Low Bands.
73 Vladimir, 9Q2WX.

9Q2WX Democratic Republic of the Congo News 24 July 2023

9Q2WX Congo News 24 July 2023Preparations are in full swing, now I am waiting for 5 band Spiderbeam from Germany and testing DXcommander Expedition. I am also preparing special PELI Air Cases for transporting of transceivers and amplifier

9Q2WX Congo News 6 June 2023

due to the dangerous situation in the province of 9Q3 I had to ask for a change of the license and now I have 9Q2WX. At the same time as the QTH change, the new date of the DR Congo DXpedition is from August 20 to September 9.

9Q2WX CongoCongo. Author - Tom Lehman.

9Q2WX Congo, DX NewsCongo. Author - Martien Uiterweerd.

9Q2WX A De Brazza Monkey, Bomassa, Congo Tourist attractions spotA De Brazza Monkey, Bomassa, Congo. Author - Mark Gately.

9Q2WX. Where is Congo Located. Map.

9Q2WX Congo. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 04:09 GMT sunset at 16:25 GMT
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