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9U4WX Burundi

Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 9U4WX from Burundi, 4 - 27 February 2023.
He will operate on 80-40-20-17-15-12-10 meters CW and SSB with 100 W power.
Recent DX Spots 9U4WX
9U4WX Log search QSL via IZ8CCW.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 1 March 2023

Today March 1 at 5:42 is QRT 9U4WX Gustave DXpedition Burundi 2023.

After a lot of complications and with a lot of costs, we managed to get 3 transceivers and 6 antennas into the country.

9U4WX made almost 28k QSOs, 11k of them CW and SSB.

146 country DXCCs on 6 continents, 34 CQ Zones and 41 ITU Zones have been made

With 100 watts of power it was very hard to be heard well, especially on the low bands. Still, 600 QSOs were made on 80 meters. Listening opportunities were limited by very strong atmospheric QRN disturbances with frequent bursts that made listening difficult.

Elvira 9U5R will work 1 more week of SSB and FT8 due to equipment seizure the first 2 weeks in Burundi. Will attempt to activate 6m if conditions are right.

Thanks to all partners for financial, technical and diplomatic support without which we would not be able to work from Burundi.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 16 February 2023

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 16 February 2023

Elvira received her cases today, released after 13 we have another antenna on 28 and 50 MHz. I'm curious about the FT8 options on the 6m band

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 7 February 2023

Yesterday, a giant storm with a gale damaged the verticals. Unfortunately, the main turn signal was not up yet. I thought we were on Bouvet island...
The vericals tore out the anchors but did not break.
special thanks to guys from Spiderbeam.

73s 9U4WX 9U5R.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 7 February 2023

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 6 February 2023

80m vertical installed.

9U4WX Burundi News 6 February 2023

9U4WX Burundi News 6 February 2023 Image 2

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi DX Pedition News 4 February 2023

Update February 3, 2023: Today the cases with transceivers arrived and we managed to hang up the dipole on 30 m. We were delayed by a hippo that lay down near our place. One of the biggest killers in Africa. A few minutes after midnight, Vlad 9U4WX started operating FT8 on 10.131. Tomorrow we continue building antennas.
73 from Burundi. Vlad OK2WX

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi DX Pedition News 29 January 2023 Part 2

9U4WX 9U5R DX Pedition Logo 2023
Burundi DX Pedition Logo.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi DX Pedition Band Plan.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi DX Pedition Band Plan

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News 29 January 2023

9U4WX Burundi News 29 January 2023 QSL

Antennas ( 67 kg ) for expedition 9U4WX & 9U5R arrived in Bujumbura on Tuesday 25th January and are still waiting for the entry permit from the authorities.

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News Antennas arrived 29 January 2023 Part 1

9U4WX 9U5R Burundi News Antennas part 2 29 January 2023

9U4WX Burundi News 3 January 2023

Also Elvira IV3FSG, came in same time to Burundi as 9U5R, and of course as good friends they will be active together with Vlad to give everyone the possibility to connect them in various ways and on various bands. 9U4WX & 9U5R are not two different shipments but they will be together and will work to give the dx community the possibility to have 9U in the most number of bands and modes. Please, if you connect one of them in a band and mode don't reply the QSO, give the possibility to everyone to make the qso in the missing band and mode. thank you
73 Vladimir, 9U4WX.

9U4WX Burundi News 2 January 2023

9U4WX Burundi News 2 January 2023

Preparations for the expedition are proceeding as planned. At the end of the year, after several months, we managed to obtain all import permits for amateur radio equipment and therefore the antennas will be shipped in advance in mid-January by air freight.
to Bujumbura

9U4WX Burundi DX Pedition Logo
9U4WX Burundi DX Pedition.

9U4WX Burundi
Burundi. Author - Karin Wollgarten.

9U4WX Burundi Banner DX News

9U4WX Burundi. Banner.

9U4WX Burundi Tourist attractions spotBujumura, Burundi. Author - Stephen Sizer.

9U4WX. Where is Burundi located. Map.

9U4WX Burundi. Sunrise 03-18-2025 at 04:03 GMT sunset at 16:12 GMT
9U4WX Burundi comments forum

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  • 2023-02-10 07:09:25