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2018-02-03 23:57:11
A license has been granted to an Italian team and the period of their first activity will be from January 1 to January 11, 2009. The callsign released is E44M and it covers from 160 meters to 2 meters SSB, CW, RTTY and all digital modes with a maximum power of 1KW. They will have 3 stations active with beams, verticals and wire antennas.
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E44M Palestine

E44M Palestine

2017-12-10 15:51:31
Some pictures from E44M Palestine DX Pedition Thanks Leszek SP3DOI
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E44M Palestine Diary

E44M Palestine Diary

2015-11-06 05:58:49
Every DXer dreams of the call with the question: “Would you consider being part of our dxpedition to a rare one?” Indeed, this was the case back in August 2008 for a few lucky hams.
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E4X Palestine

E4X Palestine

2017-10-28 18:21:25
EA2RY, EA5FX, EA5RM,EA7AJR, EA7KW, F5CWU, F6ENO, F9IE, IN3ZNR and UT7CR will be active from Palestine 28 May - 6 June 2010 as E4X.
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E4/HB9IQB Palestine

E4/HB9IQB Palestine

2019-10-01 07:55:59
HB9IQB will be active from Palestine middle of December 2011 as E4/HB9IQB.
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E44PM Palestine

E44PM Palestine

2016-09-09 10:58:20
HB9IQB will be active from Palestine in December 2011 as E44PM not E4/HB9IQB like reported before.
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E40VB Palestine

E40VB Palestine

2018-02-03 23:54:21
UA4WHX is currently active from Palestine as E40VB.
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E41WT E41MT Palestine

E41WT E41MT Palestine

2019-09-18 22:00:43
Welcoming The Double Tango. Last week Mr. Walaa Temraz & His XYL Mai Temraz Passed The Required Amateur Radio Exam In Ghaza, Palestine And Where Issued E41WT OM Walaa And E41MT XYL Mai.
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DX Pedition Palestine 2016

DX Pedition Palestine 2016

2014-11-24 20:56:15
The idea came up during a conversation with Marco HB9OCR. After returning from Lampedusa Island for the CQWW SSB 2014 (IO9Y) We decided to organize small Dxpedition to the Palestine E4 .
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E44QX E44HP Jericho Palestine

E44QX E44HP Jericho Palestine

2016-11-30 10:04:13
Bodo, DF8DX and Herman, DL2NUD will be active again from Palestine 8 - 12 December 2016 as E44QX and E44HP.
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E44YL Bethlehem Palestine

E44YL Bethlehem Palestine

2020-07-22 18:13:22
E44YL Palestine: Elvira IV3FSG will be active as E44YL from Bethlehem, Palestine, 8 - 18 December 2018.
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E44WE Palestine

E44WE Palestine

2019-06-10 20:16:32
Janusz, E44WE will be active again from Palestine, 6 July - 6 August 2019.
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E44CC Palestine

E44CC Palestine

2020-02-06 21:23:18
E44CC Team will be active from Palestine, 5 - 17 February 2020.
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E44RU Palestine

E44RU Palestine

2019-12-01 03:18:35
E44RU Team will be active from Palestine, 5 - 14 January 2020.
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