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2018-02-03 23:57:11
A license has been granted to an Italian team and the period of their first activity will be from January 1 to January 11, 2009. The callsign released is E44M and it covers from 160 meters to 2 meters SSB, CW, RTTY and all digital modes with a maximum power of 1KW. They will have 3 stations active with beams, verticals and wire antennas.
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E44M Palestine

E44M Palestine

2017-12-10 15:51:31
Some pictures from E44M Palestine DX Pedition Thanks Leszek SP3DOI
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E44M Palestine Diary

E44M Palestine Diary

2015-11-06 05:58:49
Every DXer dreams of the call with the question: “Would you consider being part of our dxpedition to a rare one?” Indeed, this was the case back in August 2008 for a few lucky hams.
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E4X Palestine

E4X Palestine

2017-10-28 18:21:25
EA2RY, EA5FX, EA5RM,EA7AJR, EA7KW, F5CWU, F6ENO, F9IE, IN3ZNR and UT7CR will be active from Palestine 28 May - 6 June 2010 as E4X.
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E4/HB9IQB Palestine

E4/HB9IQB Palestine

2019-10-01 07:55:59
HB9IQB will be active from Palestine middle of December 2011 as E4/HB9IQB.
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E44PM Palestine

E44PM Palestine

2016-09-09 10:58:20
HB9IQB will be active from Palestine in December 2011 as E44PM not E4/HB9IQB like reported before.
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E40VB Palestine

E40VB Palestine

2018-02-03 23:54:21
UA4WHX is currently active from Palestine as E40VB.
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E41WT E41MT Palestine

E41WT E41MT Palestine

2019-09-18 22:00:43
Welcoming The Double Tango. Last week Mr. Walaa Temraz & His XYL Mai Temraz Passed The Required Amateur Radio Exam In Ghaza, Palestine And Where Issued E41WT OM Walaa And E41MT XYL Mai.
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DX Pedition Palestine 2016

DX Pedition Palestine 2016

2014-11-24 20:56:15
The idea came up during a conversation with Marco HB9OCR. After returning from Lampedusa Island for the CQWW SSB 2014 (IO9Y) We decided to organize small Dxpedition to the Palestine E4 .
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E44QX E44HP Jericho Palestine

E44QX E44HP Jericho Palestine

2016-11-30 10:04:13
Bodo, DF8DX and Herman, DL2NUD will be active again from Palestine 8 - 12 December 2016 as E44QX and E44HP.
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E44YL Bethlehem Palestine

E44YL Bethlehem Palestine

2020-07-22 18:13:22
E44YL Palestine: Elvira IV3FSG will be active as E44YL from Bethlehem, Palestine, 8 - 18 December 2018.
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E44CM Palestine

E44CM Palestine

2016-10-01 18:35:43
PA2CHR and PA3FYC will be active from Palestine 15 - 24 November 2016 as E44CM.
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E44CC Palestine

E44CC Palestine

2020-02-06 21:23:18
E44CC Team will be active from Palestine, 5 - 17 February 2020.
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E44RU Palestine

E44RU Palestine

2019-12-01 03:18:35
E44RU Team will be active from Palestine, 5 - 14 January 2020.
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Results from forum

Cass Award - 2019 - E44WE - 5K0K

Cass Award - 2019 - E44WE - 5K0K

2020-03-04 13:00:21
Janusz Wegrzyn SP9FIH has won the 2019 Single-Operator Cass Award For the third year in a row, Janusz has won the Single-Operator Cass Award, this time by working 7518 unique stations during his one-man DXpedition to Palestine as E44WE. Petr Bohacek OK1BOA, Petr Spacil OK1FCJ, Pavol Halek OK1CRM, Pavel Novak OK1GK, Ruda
DX News Today

DX News Today

2017-05-30 16:57:53
TN5E on 21265 now. DX News from by To learn more about dx, contesting and radioamateurs visit our website
CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2018 - Top Scores

CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2018 - Top Scores

2019-04-01 21:31:53
CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2018 Top Scores WORLD SINGLE OPERATOR HIGH POWER All Band CN2CO (RA3CO) ...10,999,890 P4?T (VE3DZ) ......10,978,352 8P5A (W2SC) .......10,806,056 VY2ZM (K1ZM).......6,871,680 ZF9CW (K5GO) .......5,985,848 UP?L (UN9LW) ......5,829,096 CF3A (VE3AT) .........5,351,688 TM?T (F4HQZ) .......4,865,616