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UA9BA CQ Worldwide DX Contest CW

UA9BA CQ Worldwide DX Contest CW

2017-11-25 17:54:01
Finally I worked my first USA and that was Bob N7UA at around 04z. In the first 5 hours I had over 350 QSOs in the log from 13 zones and 56 countries! With a short vertical, 700W TX and no RX antennas! I was fevering! I couldnt wait till the next round.
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CQ WW SSB 2008 Private view

CQ WW SSB 2008 Private view

2017-11-25 17:53:36
CQ WW DX SSB 2008 as all the other contests was full of intrigues. I would like to take up the points which are the most interesting to me.
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UP2L Kazakhstan

UP2L Kazakhstan

2015-11-04 22:01:53
Well known contester Willy,UA9BA will be active in coming CQ WW DX 160m
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Happy Birthday LY4A

Happy Birthday LY4A

2015-11-06 08:25:01
Unfortunately, Roli was removed from contesting completely. He was removed by double DQ in CQ WW DX SSB and CW 2009.
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Kazakhstan UP2L

Kazakhstan UP2L

2010-10-28 09:46:04
UA9BA will be active from Kazakhstan in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30-31 October 2010 as UP2L
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Should UA9BA go to EF8M?

Should UA9BA go to EF8M?

2016-09-25 00:26:35
The following article is based on the messages from Contest-RU mail reflector , and well, not only. I’d like to remind briefly that Willy (UA9BA) has expressed an opinion that Val (RD3A) is using help of Alexander (RZ3AZ) while operating as Single Op in contests.Igor (RG3K) has supported Willy.
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2016-09-25 00:25:12
There are many emails, phone calls (where people get my number?) daily. There is only topic – will or will not RD3A let UA9BA visit his station EF8M during CQ WW WPX CW in May.
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CQ WW WPX CW Contest 2011

CQ WW WPX CW Contest 2011

2016-09-25 00:24:47
Actually, the messages, which I’ve got copies of, are enough to understand the situation. Randy, K5ZD, has firmly stated his position that UA9BA will not be give the status of an official observer, but K5ZD will accept and consider Willy’s report.
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UA9BA Ice storm

UA9BA Ice storm

2017-12-10 17:28:54
Ice storm UA9BA station near Chelyabinsk city
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UA9BA Stacked Yagi Antennas Vladimir Umanets

UA9BA Stacked Yagi Antennas Vladimir Umanets

2021-06-23 17:04:48
Ural Mountains are in such geographical position thatthree of the most populated areas - Europe, Asia and South-West Pacific - are in the opposite directions from UA9A,C,F,J,W. So, a high scoring effort from the Urals without illuminating these areas at the same time while running is impossible nowadays
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