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VP8DIF South Georgia Island

VP8DIF South Georgia Island

2015-12-27 14:09:48
Lars, MM0DWF (DL9LB) will be active from South Georgia Island (AN-007) in February, he will use his VP8DIF callsign
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South Sandwich Island South Georgia Island

South Sandwich Island South Georgia Island

2017-05-17 10:26:48
The Intrepid-DX Group, led by Paul Ewing-N6PSE and David Collingham-K3LP, is pleased to announce our next Dxpedition. In January 2016, a multi-national team of fourteen operators will converge in Stanley, the Falkland Islands and start a 34 day voyage aboard the R/V Braveheart to the #4 most wanted DXCC, South Sandwich Island and the #9 most wanted DXCC, South Georgia Island.
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VP8SGI South Georgia Island

VP8SGI South Georgia Island

2023-04-23 23:32:22
N6PSE, K3LP, RA9USU, JH4RHF, K1LZ, WD5COV, K9AJ, K4ZLE, DL6KVA, AA7A, N4RR, W5XU, W6DR, W7XU will be active from South Georgia Island 1 - 9 February 2016 as VP8SGI.
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2023-04-23 23:34:32
Video VP8STI South Sandwich Islands, IOTA AN - 009, VP8SGI South Georgia Islands IOTA AN - 007.
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VP8DPK South Georgia Island

VP8DPK South Georgia Island

2019-09-07 23:36:26
Charles, W7AUM will be active from South Georgia Island, IOTA AN - 007, 15 - 19 November 2016 as VP8DPK.
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