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ZD9UW Tristan da Cunha Island

ZD9UW Tristan da Cunha Island

2016-07-01 11:58:24
G3ZAY and M0VFC will be active from Tristan da Cunha Island starting 27 September 2012 for about 7 days as ZD9UW.
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ZD9XF Tristan da Cunha

ZD9XF Tristan da Cunha

2020-11-04 14:16:16
Nigel, G3TXF will be active from Tristan da Cunha Island, IOTA AF-029, 10 September- 3 October 2014, as ZD9XF.
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ZD9BV Tristan da Cunha

ZD9BV Tristan da Cunha

2023-04-24 15:30:19
Andy, ZD9BV start his active from Tristan da Cunha Island, IOTA AF - 029.
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Tristan da Cunha - Emergency Fund Appeal

Tristan da Cunha - Emergency Fund Appeal

2019-08-19 21:13:36
On the 17/18th July Tristan suffered a terrifying storm, the worst for nearly twenty years. Severe damage was suffered by residential, administration buildings as well as to the school and fish processing factory. Thankfully nobody was injured, but life on the island has been severely affected and work is in progress to repair