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DX Ham Radio Amateur Radio Articles Page 23

CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010 Part 1

CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010 Part 1

2015-11-06 09:10:37
First of all, I’d like to emphasize P33W result. The MS team consisted of RA2FA, UA2FZ, RW4WR, RV1AW, & RA3AUU was able to make over 9000 QSO with excellent mults number, and claimed new World and Asia records !!!!
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Individual and Team Competition, the CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010

Individual and Team Competition, the CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010

2015-11-06 09:00:41
Well then, the time of CQ WW CW Contest 2010 is approached, it is to be happen the coming weekend. Sure, as usual, great attention will be attracted to SOAB HP category. K3EST made the last year observers’ visits into slapstick comedy.
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Hurricane Thomas

Hurricane Thomas

2015-11-06 08:58:21
in the wake of Hurricane "TOMAS" several Caribbean Islands from Martinique to Tobago were seriously affected by heavy impact of storm and rain.
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New CQ WW DX Contest Director

New CQ WW DX Contest Director

2018-02-14 20:27:55
Currently, it is more and more obvious that the CQ WW Contest Committee wishes to disestablish SOAB Unassisted Category. In spite of numerous contesters requests for leaving the SOAB SO1R Category that was cancelled without regard to contest society opinion, nothing is changed.
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New 19 Zone Record

New 19 Zone Record

2016-07-02 10:42:22
New QSO/hour record was set up in the last CQ WW SSB Contest 2010 by Vladislav Sitnikov, UU5MAF, operated at RC0F.
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Sea Water Antenna

Sea Water Antenna

2018-02-11 09:33:49
Sea Water HF VHF Antenna Designers claiming 2-400 Mhz Difficult to believe :-)
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Happy Birthday LY4A

Happy Birthday LY4A

2015-11-06 08:25:01
Unfortunately, Roli was removed from contesting completely. He was removed by double DQ in CQ WW DX SSB and CW 2009.
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WRTC 2014 Selection Criteria

WRTC 2014 Selection Criteria

2016-06-12 15:28:41
As I noted in my previous interviews and articles, WRTC selection criteria are a bit far from perfection. In my opinion, corrections I’m going to tell you about might make the criteria more perfect.
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UK9AAN Times Nostalgia

UK9AAN Times Nostalgia

2018-02-14 11:22:30
I’m doing contesting long enough. My first ham radio Teacher and contesting Mentor is Gennady Shkumat, UA9AB (ex UA9AAP).
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SO1R Nostalgia

SO1R Nostalgia

2015-11-06 07:00:49
In other words, if one John will participate in SO category, but without two radios, he violates nothing, and his log will be accepted for refereeing, and he even might be able to get one of the high places between other Johns, and between more advanced and ambitious Joses, who use TWO sets of equipment instead of one, but nevertheless, participating in the same category as Johns.
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Fairy Tale about Dragon and Knight

Fairy Tale about Dragon and Knight

2015-11-06 06:56:46
Why did they not shout out “champions”, but “cheaters”? - First of all, they are jealous, - the dragon said reasonably, - Second, these people have no bloody idea of preparations for an official competition!..
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Bob Cox, Wave My Boredom! Or Nostalgia, Part II

Bob Cox, Wave My Boredom! Or Nostalgia, Part II

2015-11-06 06:53:10
The challenge of catching cheaters barehanded and their punishment has always been the most important element of HF and VHF sports communications. As far as our sports are basically extramural even in case of on- and off-site competition, a temptation to break the rules, cheat and not being caught in the same time is extremely great.
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