Another point which is take attention of Russian contesters are first place in the world in CQ WW DX SSB 2010 QRP Category
Claimed scores
1. RX1CQ 621.220
2. KR2Q 594.943
Confirmed Scores
1. KR2Q 594.943
2. RX1CQ 594.928
I think in this situation that will be better to publish UBN of both contesters.
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Rating: 3 of 5
David,All good points. I also scisurbbe to the same e-mail reflectors and see the same posts. What I am writing about is only partly associated with the reflectors.First, the reflectors. They usually provide a very good discussion of what the right way is to shave off 11 milliseconds of an exchange and it is a good place to see a discussion of best practices. Some take it way too far and argue for one way or another and that is certainly their prerogative. I agree where do they find the time?Outside of the reflectors, while we're running the contest (or trying to work the DXpedition or being the SSTV station hearing the SSB station, etc ), we criticize the people who we think just don't get it. It's one thing to complain about deliberate interference, something completely different to complain about people calling simplex on a split operation you've been listening to for an hour and a half.Locally, our attitudes are helpful. The club member, the willingness to help local hams. Once on the air and not face to face, we're much more territorial. Exclusionary. Not inclusive. It's our attitude.I'm reminded of a Twitter comment I saw just a couple of days ago. This (now veteran) ham was reminding people that when he first came on the air as a no-code tech, he was told to get off the repeater until he became a real ham.For someone new to overcome something like that just starting out in the hobby takes persistence and stamina. In today's world, that's rare given our obligations. Getting something like come back when you are a real ham today and the person is like to say one unpublishable word with you after it and leave the hobby.I think there is too much of an exclusionary attitude in ham radio. Endless unwritten rules, real regulations, unwillingness to try new methods (see: CW Skimmer, no code, digital modes) or tolerate forward looking technology into the hobby.We don't need more younger members of the hobby. We need more members, period. Being inclusive to others while we're experts with 25 years under are belt (and waistline) needs widespread adoption. I think we are much too rigid in our attitudes about the hobby to be that inclusive.And so I write.We need to have a reasonable discussion of this in the hobby and take a hard look at our attitudes. I'm not saying I'm right, but I think we have a problem.Thanks for the thoughtful comment.