DX Peditions Ham Radio Amateur Radio Page 30

3B9EME Rodrigues Island
2023-04-27 09:24:24
Members of the Verona DX Team I3VJW, I3LDP, IZ3KIF, IK5MIC will be active from Rodrigues Island 1-9 September 2013 as 3B9EME.

OX2DX Greenland
2019-09-20 07:37:17
WW2DX, W2RE and N2IEN will be active from Greenland 11 - 15 July 2013 as OX2DX.

FS/N1SNB FS/N0TG FS/AA4VK Saint Martin Island
2016-05-10 12:18:27
N0TG, N1SNB, AA4VK will be active from Saint Martin Island 24 - 31 October 2013 as FS/N0TG, FS/N1SNB, FS/AA4VK.

3D2GC/P 3D2DD/P Rotuma Island
2019-10-11 10:50:48
LZ1GC and 3D2DD will be active from Rotuma Island 27 September - 11 October 2013 as 3D2GC/P and 3D2DD/P.

CY0P Sable Island
2019-08-07 08:29:36
AI5P, VE1RGB, WA4DAN will be active from Sable Island, IOTA NA-063, 1 - 11 October 2013 as CY0P.

TN2MS Congo
2017-05-14 14:16:03
PA3A, PD1AEG, PA8AD, PA8AN will be active from Congo 28 September - 11 October 2013 as TN2MS.

TO2TT Mayotte Island
2017-01-28 20:03:39
I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, JA3USA, IZ2AXF will be active from Mayotte Island 3 - 17 October 2013 as TO2TT.

W8A American Samoa
2016-07-27 12:26:20
9M6XRO, W6SZN, ZL1GO, JH3PRR and ZL3CW will be active from American Samoa 12 - 22 November 2013 as W8A.

TX5K Clipperton Island QSL
2023-04-02 09:20:30
The TX5K QSLs for the March Clipperton Island DXpedition should start to flow out sometime around the end of June.

H44S H44AJ Sikaiana Atoll
2019-10-03 00:47:07
IT9YRE and K9AJ will be active from Sikaiana Atoll (IOTA OC-285), Solomon Islands 4 - 7 June 2013 as H44S and H44AJ.

H44RK H44MK H44IOTA Liapari Island
2019-09-07 20:35:01
H44RK and H44MK is currently active from Liapari Island (IOTA OC-149), Solomon Islands.

N8A American Samoa
2019-09-17 15:17:15
We, JH3PRR, W6SZN, ZL1GO and ZL3CW, are undertaking a DXpedition to American Samoa (KH8) under the Special Events Station Callsign N8A especially for the CQWW CW contest but with extended precontest activity intended to make KH8 widely available.

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Press Release
2016-07-03 01:07:07
The following Press Release is from K0IR, Ralph Fedor, team leader of the upcoming January 2014 Amsterdam Island (FT5ZM) DXpedition

XR0ZR Juan Fernandez Islands
2016-05-11 20:02:50
IW3SQY, IZ8GCE, EA3AKY, WA7NB, SP3DOI, IV3DSH, CE3PG will be active from Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Islands 8 - 20 November 2013 as XR0ZR.