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FT8WW Crozet Islands

Thierry, F6CUK start his activity as FT8WW from Crozet Islands, IOTA AF - 008.
He will operate on 80 - 6m and possibly 160m, QO - 100 Satellite.
Recent DX Spots FT8WW
FT8WW Log search QSL via only ClubLog OQRS.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 3 April 2023

Thierry is visiting Kerguelen base today (relax, he will not be on the air !). 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 16 March 2023

Please pass the word around that I would appreciate if people who want to make an OQR (whether direct or bureau) would please do it quickly, so I can figure out how many more QSL I must order from the printer. More details to come shortly on the operation. Thank you all from sharing the fun, best 73 from Thierry and the FT8WW team.See you next from.... ????!!!! 73 and good luck
Paul F6EXV
Crozet 2022 co-organizer and QSL manager

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 15 March 2023 Part 2

FT8WW NOW HISTORY... Thank you all for sharing the fun. Last log will be on CL tomorrow morning. 73 from Thierry and the FT8WW team.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 15 March 2023

March 15, 0640z, log update. Last day has started ! GL + 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 14 March 2023 Part 2

1800z : FT8WW QRT for today. Will be back on 20m tomorrow around 0230z for his last day on the air, on his way to 50,000 QSOs ! GL + 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 14 March 2023

New log update on Clublog. 2 more days... 73 + GL FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 13 March 2023

FT8WW on air again. GL FT8WW F6EXV. On 28030 now.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 11 March 2023

EOST, in strict application of technical constrains defined by the agreement, has refused any early resumption of FT8WW operation for the weekend of March 11/12. Thierry FT8WW's activity will therefore only resume from Monday March 13 to Wednesday March 15, 2023, then it will cease definitively. Thank you all for your participation and your support.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 9 March 2023

The REF has requested the EOST to kindly allow an early resuming of FT8WW activities as of Saturday, to allow more ATNOs before the final QRT. Awaiting the good news... FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 7 March 2023

FT8WW now QRT... untill ?? 73 FT8WW/F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 March 2023 Part 2

Changes, changes...

Thierry, FT8WW will remain active throughout this week. No precise band/mode schedule, just keep an ear (and sometimes an eye) on his traditional frequencies...
73 and good luck
Paul F6EXV

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 March 2023

FT8WW log update just uploaded to Clublog. 73 FT8WW, F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 5 March 2023

Thierry, FT8WW will be active until 18 or 19 UTC 6 March 2023.
He will start activity again 13 March 2023.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 4 March 2023 4 March 2023 Part 2

Log update done ! 73 F6EXV FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 4 March 2023

Electricity problems this morning on Crozet. Logs not received yet. Inactivity period probably shifted... QRX ! FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 2 March 2023

FT8WW log update on Clublog. 73 FT8WW F6EXV.
FT8WW on 28095 now.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 1 March 2023

FT8WW log update on Clublog. 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 28 February 2023

Log update, only FT8 yesterday. Poor propagation continues. Bad news -QO-100 equipment broken, no more satellite activity... 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 February 2023 Part 2

It looks like another day of bad propagation.... FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 February 2023

Log update. Bad propagation day yesterday, hopefully today will be better... 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 February 2023 Part 2

FT8WW Thierry will be on 14195 at 02h00 UTC tomorrow (Monday morning GMT) for NA in SSB. Good luck + 73 FT8WW, F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 February 2023

FT8WW log update... GL + 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 25 February 2023

FT8WW log update. First NA on SSB 20m in... 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 24 February 2023

FT8WW log update. 1600 more QSO added ! 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 23 February 2023

Another log update for FT8WW. Over 35.000 QSOs on HF, not bad ! 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 22 February 2023

Log update. Thierry, FT8WW start activity on 10m SSB.
73s FT8WW, F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 21 February 2023

First trials FT8WW 28095. 73 FT8WW, F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 20 February 2023

FT8WW log update on Clublog. 73 ! FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 19 February 2023

FT8WW log update on Clublog. Over 1700 QSO more ! 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 18 February 2023

Log update on Clublog.
We are still interested in receiving recordings... Thank you + 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 16 February 2023

Log update on Clublog. 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 13 February 2023

HF Log update. QO-100 log later this morning. 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 12 February 2023

DX historical QSO earlier today : Bouvet 3Y0J and Crozet FT8WW worked each other. QSO videotaped, will be published soon. Great job, guys ! 73 + GL FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 10 February 2023

 I received services from the Prefet of the TAAF the new convention me allowing me to start my HF activities under the conditions set by the IPEV.

So I will be on the air again from this day (Friday February 10) on 20 and 15 to start in CW and FT8 with as soon as possible tests for the SSB.

Thank you to the TAAF services for drafting this new agreement as well quickly and for allowing me to start my activity, thanks also to the IPEV for the log analysis work that has been carried out and their agreement to extend HF traffic.
Thierry F6CUK/FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 February 2023

Latest QO-100 log uploaded to Clublog. 73 F6EXV FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 2 February 2023

The IPEV answered us. It does not object to the TAAF making an amendment so that I can resume traffic under the following conditions:

• Over 4 rolling weeks only the first 3 are authorized for traffic, the 4th is forbidden to me for "analysis of logs".

• I must provide the logs each week in a format "understandable" by their services

• Traffic below 14 MHz is prohibited; it seems that 10 MHz disturbs the measurements so exit 10 and 7.

The conditions that were in force remain valid, namely:

• 5 hours per day prohibited to carry out the absolute measurement.

• Stopping of all broadcasts 10 days before the departure of the boat for the Réunion Island.

So there is very little left.

Currently, I am awaiting the endorsement that the TAAF must make. There is no HF emission for the moment.

As for the QSLs, Paul can say that the double QSLs to answer direct requests are printed, they should arrived this week. There are currently few requests for French...

With our 73.
Thierry FT8WW and Paul F6EXV

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 1 February 2023

Please do not QSL by mail, use EXCLUSIVELY OQRS on Clublog ! QRX for Thierry's return on HF... Thank you and 73 FT8WW F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 30 January 2023

Things are slower that what we would have hoped, for the extension of Thierry's permission to come back to HF.
French bureaucracy at its best (or is it at its worst ?). We will keep you posted next when extension is granted.
73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 January 2023

FT8 no match problems probably due to time difference. Please log the QSO at the time you RECEIVE Thierry's RR73, not when you send it. 73 F6EXV/ FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 January 2023

Maaaaany OQRS received. Some issues with missing QSOs on LoTW, hopefully now solved. If you are missing QSOs, please send email to qsl.crozet(at) Sorry for inconveniencen and please be patient...

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 23 January 2023 Part 2

OQRS received to date have just been uploaded to LoTW. 73 + GL FT8WW/F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 23 January 2023

Video FT8WW Crozet Islands. Author - F2DX.

FT8WW was active on HF bands from December 25, 2022 to January 14, 2023. He is now awaiting the extension of his authorization which should be issued by the TAAF (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises) after the IPEV (Institut Paul Emile Victor) approval. He could then operate again on HF bands until March 15, 2023.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 21 January 2023

Latest QO-100 log uploaded to Log. 73s FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 19 January 2023 Part 2

OQRS open on Clublog !!!!! 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 19 January 2023

Log update for latest QO-100 QSOs. Still no news on permit extension, QRX please ! 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 15 January 2023 Part 3

After 3 weeks of traffic and in forced stoppage, I think it's time to take stock.

So I started the night of December 25. My authorization for HF traffic was valid for 3 weeks of traffic between my arrival at the base and January 21. So it was from December 25 to January 14.

About 21,000 QSOs were made. I took a few decisions on purpose:

• Traffic on few bands. Only 10, 14 and 21 MHz were used with an afternoon on 18 MHz for testing. This is to concentrate my traffic and give as much contact as possible to OM.

• Traffic in CW and FT8, only. The remoteness of Crozet from the large ham radio populations and the inefficient propagation guided this choice. Despite what some say, FT8 is currently the most effective way to make QSOs in difficult conditions. Even in CW when the bands were empty, I was able, in FT8, to make contacts. I was also able to eat on a corner of the table while watching the traffic go by. I've been active in CW whenever propagation allowed, taking into account the time restrictions that the scientists imposed on me (one measure per day giving at least 5 hours of downtime for me and by being informed of the hours in the mornings, therefore without any real planning). If I had done SSB, I would undoubtedly have contacted the best equipped stations, but left out those with more limited means.

I slept little to traffic at nights on 10 MHz and rested during the famous measurement. I faced very difficult weather conditions. 3 times I had to go down the Lévy with gusty winds exceeding 100 km/h. It was often necessary to repair in the rain, In short, alone, it was not always easy to stay as long as possible on the radio. Finally, community life has its imperatives and obligations. I do not live on a desert island, but with a group of people and some tasks have to be performed. Finally, the difficulty of the pile -up must also be taken into account. Certainly you had trouble making yourself heard, but here, it is not simpler, be convinced.

For those who remember, at first I was only allowed to install a V-dipole against the facade of a building. You could see from the photos that in fact I have an 8m Spiderbeam mast with a two times 10m Levy and a vertical dipole currently on 21 MHz.

The continuation of the project.

I am in contact with the Paul Emile Victor Institute which manages the scientific work on the base. An analysis of the magnetism measurements is in progress. It is following this analysis that I will, I hope, have an extension for the transmission authorization. So I'm waiting for the decision. My departure is scheduled for the return of the boat around March 20th.

I know everyone is impatient for me to continue, but I can't do anything more at the moment on HF bands, but the QO-100 activity will continue (no restrictions)

These are the outlines of the current situation. Thank you to all off you which, through my manager, have shown their confidence in me. Thank you to everyone who spent hours looking for me and trying to reach me. Thank you all, I will try to continue to satisfy as many ham radios as possible.

Thierry – FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 15 January 2023 Part 2

I am in contact with the Paul Emile Victor Institute which manages the scientific work on the base. An analysis of the magnetism measurements is in progress. It is following this analysis that I will, I hope, have an extension for the transmission authorization. So I'm waiting for the decision. My departure is scheduled for the return of the boat around March 20th.
I know everyone is impatient for me to continue, but I can't do anything more at the moment on HF bands, but the QO-100 activity will continue (no restrictions)
73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 15 January 2023 from OH2BH and K0IR

By Martti Laine, OH2BH and Ralph Fedor, K0IR


When the large supply ship M/S Marion Dufresne approached Crozet Island just before Christmas of 2022, one of the greatest gifts ever given to amateur radio was on board. A man named Thierry Mazel, F6CUK, and his passion to put Crozet Island on the air and end the 13 years of its silence on the amateur radio bands. Thierry worked closely with his friend Paul Granger, F6EXV, to accomplish his dream. So we now remotely review this man and his partner after his first twenty-one days stint on his lonely island.

So who are these men? What motivated and drove them? What is Thierry experiencing on Crozet. We asked them; here is what they had to say.

1: Thierry you are now the subject of everyone’s conversation. You are seen as today’s Robinson Crusoe! Tell us about yourself and your family. Are you living your dream and seeing your legacy written into amateur radio’s history? Is Crozet a lonely place for you or a nucleus of new friends?

Hello to all from Crozet ! I was born in 1957 and licensed in 1975. I am married to a very understanding wife, who allows me to be away from home for such a long time. I am retired, after spending most of my career working in computer services at Michelin, the pneumatic manufacturer. My first DXpedition was to Saint Barthelemy island in 1977, before it was a separate entity. The DX bug bit me hard and quickly. I have returned to Saint Barthelemy a couple of times since, and I have organized and operated from several IOTA expeditions around France. I am not lonely on Crozet. There are 34 of us on the island and we have many different interests -- scientific, professional, and now amateur radio.

2: You have been very consistent with your operating schedule. As of today, January 14, you have made 21,294 QSOs with 10,999 unique contacts and a very good balance of QSOs with North America, Europe, and Asia. Thank You! Do you find it tiring to have the same schedule every day? How can a man endure this? Which mode of operation do you prefer? CW, FT8 or SSB? What else you do daily on the island, if any? Is there a gym or library and how you get fit when not on radio?

The first objective of this trip was to give an ATNO to as many people as possible. I discovered that operating the same schedule every day has given all parts of the world the best chance for a contact with Crozet. I take advantage of the 5 hours every day when I may not transmit. This is when I sleep. The pileups are enormous and continuous. Facing them is tiring, but also energizing and satisfying, for I know my QSOs are creating smiles. However, I do not know how long I can maintain this pace and rhythm.

Normally my preferred mode is CW. But signals arriving here at Crozet are very often weak which makes FT8 the only option most of the time. Due to the weak signals, I have put SSB aside. Perhaps I will reconsider it, as well as additional bands, should I be granted an extension of my operation.

There are 34 of us on the island – a cook, scientists, nature observers, maintenance workers, and one amateur radio operator. We eat meals together and share basic tasks like cleaning the dining room. My life here is operating, eating, participating in basic tasks, spending a little social time, sleeping, and trying to take a few photos of this unique place.

Some interesting info : ever since I have been on the island, there has not been a single day without wind, varying from 30 KMH to gusts of 140 KMH. And this is summer time in the southern hemisphere !

3: The IPV limitations of your permit only allowed you to operate HF until January 14th, today! Are you hopeful that you maybe able to extend your HF radio operating? Are you preparing for another miracle for your journey?

As of press time, the extension has not been granted, but since my transmissions do not interfere with the geomagnetic measures taken every day on the island, I am very optimistic about getting the extension. It depends on the French bureaucracy. In the very unlikely event that I would not get it, I could either go to the beach (Not for me, too cold!!), tour the island, or have additional QO-100 schedules with schools in France and Africa.

4: It is often a difficult challenge to negotiate administrative bureaucracy when seeking permission for a DXpedition to restricted islands. Sometimes the multiple requests these people receive from hams attempting to visit these places are viewed as a “nuisance,” and the easiest thing for administration to do is just say, “No.” What advice would you give to hams making requests to visit such sensitive areas? Do you have any tricks to share?

I imagine every place is unique in terms of getting permissions. For Crozet, we realized that a group of hams would not get permission, while a single person might. In addition, we introduced the satellite link and schedules with boys and girls at schools so they could learn about the TAAF and see what people do in the French Southern Lands . These things helped us gain support and ultimately get permission to spend three months at Crozet. Getting the radio license was the easy part.

5: Paul, F6EXV, you are a partner with Thierry in conducting his one man orchestra and relaying information. This goes as far as sorting out real QSOs from those generated by pirates? Tell us about your job. Do you ever rest? If you could wish or ask something from amateur radio community what would it be?

Hello all ! Well, the very first ideas of Thierry going to Crozet came up at a meeting we had about two years ago. Since Thierry’s English is limited, I was nominated co-organizer, advised Thierry on a few aspects, gave my point of view on some email exchanges with the TAAF prefect and other people, and wrote the document that would be sent to the major DX foundations and clubs around the world to help finance such an expensive trip. Both Thierry and I were also in contact with several commercial sponsors. I will also do the QSLing, as I have always enjoyed doing this, and will do my best to satisfy impatient DXers hoping to see the long-awaited new entity confirmed with a card. I am also answering many emails received daily about the aspect of this activity, including log check requests. So indeed I never stop.

There is one record that Thierry will have beaten for sure: The number of pirates that who disturbed the DX community. l must admit I will never understand the kind of joy these people are getting.

If I had a wish about the radio amateur community, I would say that I hope we would all come to better understand how it is on the other side of a pileup, and refrain from making insults on the clusters, without knowing what is happening on the DXpedition end.

6: Ham radio operators were once welcomed on remote island bases. They were a source of communication with the outside world through messaging and phone patches. Satellite phones, the internet, and modern messaging devices have changed all that. Hams are no longer needed for communication. How can DXpeditions still add value when they visit places like Crozet?

I often say that our hobby cannot be understood, except by radio amateurs. And in fact, I think DXers themselves know little about the strange places we visit. Getting someone to be on the airwaves gives these islands an exposure, and helps people, even DXers, learn about them. In the Crozet example, the addition of the QO-100 schedules with schools was of great interest to the TAAF, and was one reason why they granted permission for amateur radio from Crozet.

7: DXpeditions requesting visits to remote, sensitive islands are often viewed as a threat to the environment. What steps did you have to take to prove that your DXpedition would not disrupt wildlife, effect the surface of the island, or interfere with flora and fauna? Were those orders harsh or difficult to meet? Did they eliminate such things like beam antennas? Did this compromise your DXpedition?

It is obvious that a place like Crozet, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage, has many limitations in terms of impact of any visitors on the island. Two aspects made it impossible to get permission for any sort of beam antenna: bird protection, and high winds. The height of the antenna was also limited, and you can’t imagine the number of email exchanges to finally get to an agreement.

8: There are many parts to a DXpedition -- planning, equipment, the travel and people you meet along the way and interacting with the local population or environment and making the QSOs and knowing that your audience is happy. All the pieces form a very human, cohesive, and unique experience. There are changes in the winds – remote operations and a box of equipment placed on an island and operated remotely. After experiencing being on the island of Crozet and part of its population and environment, are you happy you did it this way and not pushing the traditional envelope of DXpedition?

I knew even before getting to Crozet that it would be impossible to please everybody. The demand and expectations are so high that many forget it is a one-man effort, aimed at providing ATNOs. We hoped to show the TAAF what amateur radio is, and are hoping that this operation will help others to happen in the future from these most needed TAAF islands.

9: In 2014 a DXpedition team landed on Amsterdam Island and enjoyed tremendous support and hospitality from TAAF and the French team on Amsterdam. It fostered goodwill and understanding among the eight nationalities represented on the island. Once you arrived on Crozet, did you experience that same welcoming feeling and essentially become a part of the existing island team? Is it a wonderful feeling to be together and not just in lonely tent? What is your favorite wine on the island?

Being part of such a special team is a once in a lifetime experience for sure. All of the people aboard the Marion Dufresne had heard that a radio amateur would be traveling with them. So I had already made friends with all of them on board the ship and explained what this trip was all about. My favorite “wine” on the island is tea…. Nobody is perfect! We have a great chef and I wish all DXpeditions could eat as well as I do here!

10: Are you in love with your G5RV? You have to take care of her most every day? Is it for sale? If you could change one thing about your Crozet DXpedition, what would that be?

Well, I did not have much choice in terms of the antenna. The TAAF and Wildlife people involved had to give their approval, so as to minimize the impact on nature. The strong winds were also a limiting factor. So I wish I could have used monobanders, but…

About Martti, OH2BH and Ralph, K0IR.

These two fellows first met 1992 when on the VP8SSI DXpedition and became life-long friends. DXpeditions result in such friendships on a lonely Arctic islands whether harsh or enjoyable but yet strong in their spirit and camaraderie. Ever since VP8SSI they have tried to open up the props of the DXpeditioning backstage and push the understanding beyond the ATNOs. This interview was done with that aim in mind.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 15 January 2023

Log update. Untill HF permission extension is received, there will be only activity on QO-100. Check the log on Clublog. GL +73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 14 January 2023 Part 2

FT8WW (we are confident, provisionally) over on HF. QO-100 goes on. 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 14 January 2023

Log update. Today, Thierry, FT8WW will start on 15m at around 10h00 TU, either CW or FT8.
Thierry, FT8WW on 21045 now.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 13 January 2023 Part 2

Log uploaded.
Thierry, FT8WW is on 21095, will be in CW a little later... GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 13 January 2023

Today Thierry, FT8WW may not transmit between 1000z and 1500z... Sorry ! GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 12 January 2023 Part 2

Geomagnetic measure could not be taken this morning, so Thierry, FT8WW may not transmit for next 5 hours or so. Will be back at 0200z on 30m FT8, then 20m CW for West Coast. GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands 12 January 2023

Log updated.
FT8WW is on 21045. UP UP UP. GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 11 January 2023 Part 3

G5RV ant taken down, as strong winds expoected during the night. There will be no activity tonight on 20/30. QRV on 15m untill band dies... GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 11 January 2023 Part 2

Thierry just started on 21095. Will be on CW later... GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 11 January 2023

Log update.
PSE check the log, and avoid dupes...
73s FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 10 January 2023 Part 3

Thierry back to FT8 21095, signals too weak for CW, and some band noise. GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 10 January 2023 Part 2

Thierry has started on 21045 at 1300z, earlier than expected. Split of course ! GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 10 January 2023

Log update done. QSOs up to Jan 10th at 0414z. Geomagnetic measure late today, will not transmit between 1030z till 1500z APPROX. GL + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Croset Islands News 9 January 2023 Part 2

Great news : FT8WW validated for DXCC credit. OQRS open soon ( when cards are recieved from printer - they should be printed this week, give extra days for shipping to me). 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 9 January 2023

Geomagnetic measure were taken late today. Thierry will start at (or around) 1300z on 21045 [CW]. New freq because of TN8K pileup. FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 8 January 2023

Thierry, FT8WW tried CW, signals too weak. Back to 21085. GL ! 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 8 January 2023

January 8th at 0755z, log update on Clublog.
Off the air period today from 0300z till 0900z. Antennas up again. Good luck + 73. FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 7 January 2023 Part 2

7th January 2023 at 1630 z. FT8WW on 20m FT8 QRT, as winds are very stong again. Antennas taken down. Will be up again when winds calm down. 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 7 January 2023

Log update, including all QO-100 QSOs. 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 January 2023 Part 4

Today is Thierry Birthday!
Happy Birthday Thierry !

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 January 2023 Part 3

Now simultaneously on QO-100, on 10.489.811. Good luck ! 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 January 2023 Part 2

Log update ! Hope you made it, otherwise, keep trying.. Patience and perseverance...
Thioerery just showed up on 21085 FT8. Good luck ! 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 6 January 2023

Thierry is back on the air, 30m FT8.
LoTW certificate applied for. More news later when available. QSL design finished, cards to be printed soon. Stay tuned ! 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 5 January 2023 Part 4

Any activity after January 4th at 1820z is a pirate untill further notice. No activity tonight. 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 5 January 2023 Part 3

Yesterday evening, it was raining horizontally in the Crozet Islands!
Thierry says the WX should calm down tomorrow.
He should be able to put the G5RV up again.
New strong winds are anticipated for Thursday the 12th. G5RV will again be taken down.
He is doing his best to be back on the air ASAP!


FT8WW Crozet Islands News 5 January 2023 part 2

Vertical dipole just broke, because of winds. No precise details yet. More news later... 73 F6EXV, FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 5 January 2023

FT8WW on the 4th on 30m was again a pirate...
Sorry, but what can we do ? Please try to locate these idiots..
Log update opn Clublog. GL + 73 F6EXV/FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 4 January 2023 Part 2

FT8WW after 1502z on 18095 FT8 is real. Earlier than expected on this band... 73 + GL FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 4 January 2023

Winds are expected strong tomorrow on Crozet, therefore Thierry will take the G5RV antenna down later this afternoon (his local time). In consequence, there will be no operation during his night tonight, all day tomorrow, and all next night on 20/30m.

He thinks he can leave the vertical antenna up, and this one only works on upper bands. Depending on WX, he MIGHT, I insist MIGHT try some activity on upper bands, but after 10h GMT in any case.

I will tweet when more info become available. I will spot any pirate, as usual...

73 and good luck – Happy New Year 2023 with health and lots of DX

Paul F6EXV/ FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 3 January 2023

Some one from Europe is pirating using FT8WW call sign on 3531.
Thierry not active on 80m yet.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 3 January 2023

Thierry cannot transmit today before 1500 GMT. Stay tuned.
Log update, now including QO-100 contacts. Good luck + 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands New 2 January 2023 Part 2

FT8WW on 40m is a pirate. No activity on this band yet. Sorry. 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 2 January 2023

New log update. 11088 QSO in log.
Log does not include the QO-100 QSOs yet. These will be added soon.
73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 31 December 2022

First QO-100 QSOs made. The station is operational ! He will do SSB only on satellite. 73 and Happy Christmas Eve + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 30 December 2022 11 UTC

Thierry is presently on 14085. He will QSY to CW when propagation improves. Working JAs at the moment. Good luck + 73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 30 December 2022 Part 2

Clarification about clusters and social networks.
Out of respect for Thierry, his courage and tenacity, the derogatory or even odious comments that have been published are unacceptable, the authors will recognize each other. On the other hand, he is very grateful for the thanks and encouragement from the many OMs who will also recognize themselves. He also needs to rest, eat and must devote time, weather permitting, to complete and perfect his installation.
The installation on the base is done in a sustained way, a big thank you to the logistics team of the base for their precious help, and according to a capricious weather which often upsets the provisional schedule.
At the equipment level:
The Levy gives very satisfactory results, but with sustained attention, violent winds having a tendency to loosen the shrouds.
Still thanks to the wind, the installation of the QO-100 dish was laborious and the adjustments are in progress despite the intense cold. The weather forecast announces winds of more than 100 km/h for several days and Thierry is crossing his fingers that the dish will stay on the island!
The vertical will be installed soon depending on the weather conditions.


FT8WW Crozet Islands News 30 December 2022

Too many stations calling Thierry in FT8 on the wrong period... Read your FT8 program manual....

73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 29 December 2022 Part 2

Traffic advice.
In order to close some controversies, radio traffic is only, for the moment, on 20 and 30 meters (14 and 10 MHz) depending on the propagation, which for the moment only allows traffic in FT8 with MSHV and CW. Any further apparitions of FT8WW on other modes or bands, at this time, are the product of pirate “ham radios” and should be ignored.
The only way to check if you have contacted Thierry is there.
Not in the log? Search on the right frequencies and modes, say thanks to the "pirate" or intentional jamming.
Also, please take into consideration that the pile-ups are gigantic with their lots of indiscipline and that the following basic rules of traffic, which characterize our seriousness and our reputation must be respected:
Be patient.
Listen, listen, listen or watch, watch, watch (for FT8)!
When the DX is in QSO with another OM, never transmit.
When called by the DX, be extremely brief.
Never repeat the call sign of the DX station, he knows very well that he is the one you are calling!
Read carefully the manual of WSJT-X or other FT8 traffic software!

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 29 December 2022

Log update... 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 28 December 2022 Part 3

For the time being, any FT8WW on 17/15/12/10 is FAKE.
Any spot by F6EXV on DXsummit is a fake spot. sorry about too many pirates, both FT8WW and F6EXV, but nothing I can do about it... 73

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 28 December 2022 Part 2

Thierry is currently working on QO-100 antenna, as WX has improved. 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 28 December 2022

New log update.
For QSL requests, please wait till OQRS is open.
GL/73 FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 December 2022 Part 3

Working on a minor log issue. Update will come a little later. Please patience...

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 December 2022 Part 2

We are extremely gratefull to all those who send donations, regardless of the amount. Thierry just cannot believe that ! But please leave your callsign along too. TU + 73 FT8WW

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 27 December 2022

Thierry was made aware of the issue of his TXing period on FT8. From now on, he will transmit 1st (00 and 30). Good luck

Please no more money for commemorative enveloppes, too late now. You should have done that before Thierry left... Good luck

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 December 2022 Part 3

Very strong gusts on Crozet island, hard to stay standing up in the wind ! Next log update tomorrow, sorry for delay. 73 FT8WW/F6EXV.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 December 2022 Part 2

Please do not contact Thierry on his personal email address. He does not even read them. And he is not connected to any DX cluster.
He does not read the messages sent to the FT8WW DXpedition email address They are only read by myself (F6EXV). Good hunting

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 26 December 2022

FT8WW Crozet Islands QSL Preview

FT8WW Crozet Islands QSL preview.
FT8WW on 10131 after 0900z more or less is a pirate.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 25 December 2022 Part 4

Any recording will be welcome. Please send to
Thanks !

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 25 December 2022 Part 3

First CW QSOs this evening (GMT time), on 30m. On FT8, he is using MSHV
First log on Clublog. Still working on improving logsearch.
73 and GL

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 25 December 2022 Part 2

FT8WW’s first QSO on 30m, in FT8 of course! It wasn’t on CW. The resulting tsunami with over 500 QSOs in 4 hours!

So I started, I only have one antenna, the wind forbidding me for the moment to erect the second for frequencies above 18 MHz.

But as I don’t want to change bands too much, I’m going to stay on 10 MHz and maybe 14 MHz depending on the openings. I’d rather do CW or SSB, but the spread decided otherwise (you saw yourself tonight). FT8 is in MSHV, I have 250W and 3 queues.

It’s windy, foggy and very humid.

Thierry – FT8WW.

FT8WW Crozet Islands News 25 December 2022

First log received, but will not be on Clublog before tonight (my time). Busy with Xmas family celebrations. 73 F6EXV and the Crozet Team

FT8WW Crozet IslandsCrozet Islands. Author - Come Rebaudet.

FT8WW Crozet Islands DX NewsCrozet Islands. Author - StormPetrel1.

FT8WW Crozet Islands Tourist attractions spot
Crozet Islands. Author - Xavier Desmier.

FT8WW. Where are Crozet Islands located. Map.

FT8WW Crozet Islands. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 01:23 GMT sunset at 15:15 GMT
FT8WW Crozet Islands comments forum

Your comments are important to us!

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Rating: 5 of 5
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  • 2023-03-08 13:26:54
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: ua3tt
  • 2023-03-06 17:56:19
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: VK5NEC
  • 2023-03-01 08:57:24
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  • Callsign: wb4oss
  • 2023-02-21 16:34:10
Rating: 5 of 5
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  • 2023-02-21 15:48:05
Rating: 1 of 5
  • Callsign: IK1JGS
  • 2023-02-21 15:08:51
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: wb4oss
  • 2023-02-16 16:57:59
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: wb4oss
  • 2023-02-14 16:51:28
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  • Callsign: wb4oss
  • 2023-02-12 21:14:58
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  • Callsign: ah6u
  • 2023-01-14 09:16:17
Rating: 5 of 5
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  • Callsign: VE3RFA
  • 2023-01-09 05:39:44
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: KC3RFX
  • 2023-01-07 00:14:49
Rating: 1 of 5
  • Callsign: HA6NN
  • 2023-01-04 15:59:21
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: VE2GCE
  • 2023-01-02 18:53:53
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: kc3rfx
  • 2022-12-31 03:01:57
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  • Callsign: W6KF
  • 2022-12-31 01:02:56
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  • Callsign: DL7BO
  • 2022-12-30 18:37:02
Rating: 1 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
john colville
  • Callsign: KC7JPC
  • 2022-12-30 05:13:30
Rating: 5 of 5
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: wb4oss
  • 2022-12-27 20:06:58
Rating: 5 of 5
Donnie king
  • Callsign: kk4ekk
  • 2022-12-27 17:57:05
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: FT8BUM
  • 2022-12-27 12:26:14
I add this comment so I hope it helps the community: Thierry is alone. It's one man operation and he does not operate with robots. Which means every single QSO, even on FT8 mode is done manually. Thierry is operating from a common room. He is not the priority of the base, so he probably needs to adapt his time according to the rest of the people living and working at Crozet. Thierry needs to sleep. He is trying to have his rest while he get the worst condition for long distance contacts. FT8WW already and will keep working West Coast of US. He is going to focus on 30 and 20m to provide ATNO to most of people. Thierry's favorite mode is CW not FT8. He already made many QSO on CW unfortunately, due to the demand, pile up are large, discipline is hard to restrain, and after a while such CW pile up is exhausting. Thierry got 2 amplifier, 2 X Acom 1010; So if the first one fail, he got a spare. Thierry need the help of the station staff to set up more antenna. At present time, wind is blowing a lot, and doesn't allow any change on the current setup of the wire antenna. There is no authorisation for beams or bigger antennas. This is a well known limitation, and FT8WW will make his best to improve his wire antenna but it won't do miracles. No low bands activity expected (160, 80m). Maybe 40m but not sure. But again, the top priority is providing ATNO, NOT new slots, so be patient, Thierry again is alone, stuck on the rock until March 25th without authorization for now after January 26. He is doing his very best, be patient, be kind, thanks him for his resolution and his gift for the DX community.
Rating: 4 of 5