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HD8G Galapagos Islands

HD8G Team will be active from Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA - 004, 18 - 25 April 2025.
Recent DX Spots HD8G
HD8G Log search They will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via M0URX.

Galapagos Islands - a corner of the planet untouched by civilization

Few tourists who were lucky enough to visit the Galapagos Islands, remained indifferent to their color, bright natural colors and identity of the local people.

The coordinates of this paradise

The geographical location of the Galapagos Islands is the Pacific Ocean, near the equator. This territory falls under the jurisdiction of Ecuador. In total, 19 islands and hundreds of rocks of different heights can be counted in the archipelago. The history of the emergence of the first piece of land here goes back to the era of tectonic activity, about 10 million years ago. The formation of the youngest islands has not yet ended, the eruption of 10 years ago is direct evidence of this.

The local population is scattered on the 2 largest islands - San Cristobal and Santa Cruz. The number of natives - about 23 thousand people (with a total population of the province of 25 thousand inhabitants).

HD8G Galapagos IslandsGalapagos Islands. Author - Kirk K..

Love at first sight

What distinguishes the Galapagos Islands from other, no less picturesque corners of the earth? First of all, the rich world of flora and fauna. Almost all representatives of flora and fauna of the archipelago are endemics. For example, only here you can see the largest land tortoise, called elephant or Galapagos. The length of its shell reaches 2 meters, and the animal weighs about 400 kg.

In addition to giant tortoises, listed in the Red Books of many countries around the world, on the Galapagos Islands feel great exotic breeds of lizards, iguanas, flamingos, penguins. The ocean waters are home to sharks, sea lions and giant whales. Galapagos gulls, petrels and other no less rare birds circle over the water surface.

The Galapagos was thoroughly explored by Charles Darwin, and his research formed the basis of the theoretical science of evolution. According to the naturalist, this archipelago is “a small separate world”. And modern scientists call the islands no other than “nature's laboratory”.

HD8G Galapagos Islands DX NewsGalapagos Islands. Author - Scott T..

The vastness of a national reserve

The discovery of the Galapagos Islands was not a goal, it happened by accident. In 1535, traveler Tomas de Berlanga headed by sea to Peru from Panama. The sailor deviated from his route and stumbled upon these beautiful places. However, until the 1930s, criminals were sent here for hard labor and pirates found shelter here.

After 1930 the policy of the state changed dramatically and Galapagos was recognized as a national reserve. The territory of the modern park occupies up to 97.5% of the island archipelago. The area is also protected by UNESCO. Since 1985. The Galopogos Islands have been recognized as a World Biosphere Reserve. The 70 thousand square kilometers of ocean water around the land is also considered a protected area. The waters around the archipelago are the second largest marine reserve, the first being the Australian Barrier Reef.

The threat to the Galapagos are rare species of animals and plants brought to the islands by pirates. There are a lot of predators in these places: rats, wild cats. But common animals like horses, pigs, sheep and others multiply quite quickly. For paradise islands introduced types of fauna can be called a real ecological disaster - imported from outside, they destroy vegetation and sometimes become a real danger for local residents. Example: the breeding of rats on one of the islands led to the mass destruction of turtle nests, as a result, these exotic animals suspended the reproduction process for more than 50 years.

Today, ecologists began removing alien species of plants and animals from the archipelago to prevent their overpopulation from becoming the death of the Galapagos. The seemingly harmless blackberries, avocados and citrus fruits, for example, have overrun part of the islands. And the shrubs that have always grown here are gradually dying out.

HD8G Galapagos Islands Tourist attractions spotGalapagos Islands. Author - Kasia Halka.

Tourism business of the Galapagos Islands

Despite the remoteness of the archipelago from civilization, this area does not lose its tourist appeal. Water communication between the islands is associated with the constant noise of motor boats, which is not the most positive impact on the ecological balance.

Each large island has its own name, their Caribbean-Spanish names stir the imagination of impressionable travelers: Fernandina, Española, Isabela, Santa Maria, Santa Cruz and San Salvador. The average price of a trip to Ecuador from Moscow starts from 190 thousand rubles/person for 10 days.

Now a little about the most interesting islands:

  • Isabela - the largest of the Galapagos Islands, with numerous lagoons. The waters are teeming with sharks, killer whales and other animals. The main attraction here is Urbina Bay with colorful iguanas, penguins and the largest colony of giant tortoises. The highest point of the entire archipelago, Wolfe Volcano, is also located here. And the crater of another volcano - Sierra Negra, has a huge size, reaching a diameter of 10 kilometers;
  • The second largest island. Santa Cruz with a well-developed infrastructure. The city of Puerto Ayora offers tourists a variety of entertainment. The main attractions: scientific station Ch Darwin on the study of turtles, twin craters, unique bays;
  • Fernandina is the third largest island in terms of size. Here is located the volcano La Cumbre, tourists are interested in the largest colony of marine iguanas Punta Espinosa, Urbina Bay with picturesque coral reefs. Another island bay, Elizabeth Bay is home to pelicans and penguins;
  • San Salvador is a small but very colorful island with black rocks of volcanic origin.

The capital of the Galapagos is located on San Cristobal Island and has the poetic name of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. The airport is also located here, where all tourists fly to. You can get to the archipelago with connections, the duration of the flight from Quito (Ecuador) is 3 hours, from Guayaquil - 1.5.

Weather on the islands depends on ocean currents and winds. There are a total of 2 seasons on Galopogosas:

  • The rainy season is from December to April;
  • The dry season is from July to October.

The hottest time here is from December to the end of June, then the temperature slowly decreases. The average annual value fluctuates at +24°C.

The level of ultraviolet radiation of the Galapagos Islands is so high that unprepared for such an aggressive tan tourists burn in minutes. Guides strongly recommend, especially in the first days of rest, use hats with wide brim and effective sunscreen lotions. It is forbidden to swim without permission, it concerns mainly wild beaches - objects of excursion programs. For safe water activities in the archipelago are equipped with excellent beaches, where vacationers in addition to swimming can go windsurfing, snorkeling and diving.

On the most developed (the criterion is used for Ecuador, of course) island of the archipelago - Santa Cruz there is a decent wi-fi, a good Japanese restaurant and a lot of modern, comfortable hotels.

In this corner of developed infrastructure you can easily meet sea lions, which swim up to the shore along the fish markets and beg for various treats. This is the charm of Galopogossi, when wildlife and civilization are so organically intertwined.

HD8G. Where are Galapagos Islands located. Map.

HD8G Galapagos Islands. Sunrise 03-17-2025 at 12:05 GMT sunset at 00:14 GMT
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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: HD8G
  • 2025-02-10 09:17:24
HD8G NEWS Press Release #11 (February, 9th, 2025) Dear colleagues, It is with great sadness that we announce the departure of HC5EP - Esteban, PY5CC - Peter and PY7XC - Jim, for different reasons. We thank them for being with us until this point during this journey and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. On the other hand, we welcome YL1ZF - Kaspars Uztics, N6JRL - Don Dubon and E70A - Darko Rusman who will certainly add significant value to the HD8G team. Said that, we confirm that HD8G will be in the air from April 18 to 26, 2025. There will be 26 amateur radio operators from Ecuador, Brazil, Bosnia & Herzegovina, India, Serbia, USA and Russia managing 8 stations in two locations on Santa Cruz Island, with 1 station dedicated to satellites, 1 station dedicated to EME and 1 station dedicated to 6m. Our bootcamp for checking systems and equipment is scheduled for February 22nd and 23rd, 2025. We have received great support from ACOM – one of the world's largest manufacturers of linear RF amplifiers and other great manufacturers such as Diex Antennas, DS Antennas, Hamplus, MHZ Antennas, KV Antennas, RadioHaus, Antenna Kit, Hertz Antennas, Torres Ouro Fino, RadioEnge and Titanex. Our challenges are increasingly greater to cover the costs of extra baggage, to be able to provide 5 stations operating 24 hours a day in the HF bands and 3 dedicated stations (6m, satellites and EME). Therefore, we kindly encourage fellow radio amateurs to help us with one of these alternatives: (i) become an individual sponsor of this dx-pedition with US$ 10.00 paying through our website , and you will have immediate confirmation of the LOTW and QSL on paper addressed to you on the first shipment or (ii) order one of our HD8G souvenirs (t-shirts, caps and mugs) posted on our website , but checking the shipping costs in advance or (iii) visit our sponsors' websites by clicking on their logo on our website . In addition to quickly securing your QSOs on LOTW and your QSL on paper, your US$10.00 will enable 9 days of great fun, hunting HD8G on all bands and in the most diverse modes. 73, Galapagos Dx-pedition Team 2025
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: HD8G
  • 2025-01-20 01:12:23
HD8G Galapagos Islands News Dear colleagues, We proudly confirm a robust international dx-pedition to Galapagos Islands in 2025. HD8G will be in the air from Apr 18th, 2025 to Apr 26th, 2025. There will be 22 ham ops from Ecuador, Brazil, India, Serbia and Russia managing 8 stations in two sites at Santa Cruz island with 1 station dedicated to satellites, 1 station dedicated to EME and 1 station dedicated to 6m. Our official advisors are NE8Z – Rick and OK1BOA – Petr. This project was launched 1 year ago. We received a great support from ACOM – one of the world’s leading manufacturers of RF linear amplifiers and other manufacturers from Brazil, such as Diex Antennas, DS Antenas, Hamplus, MHZ Antennas, KV Antenas, RadioHaus, Antena Kit and Hertz Antenas. Our challenges are higher everyday to burden costs. The air companies increased prices in around 100% if considering prices charged last year, including extra-baggages. Therefore, we kindly ask the ham radio colleagues to help us with one of this alternatives: (i) to be an individual sponsor of this dx-pedition with US$ 10.00 by paying it through our website , and you will have immediate LOTW confirmation and paper QSL addressed to you in the first shipping or (ii) to order one of our HD8G souvenirs (shirts, caps and mugs) posted in our website , but checking shipping costs in advance or (iii) to visit the websites of our sponsors by clicking their logo at our website . By doing it, you will help us a lot to retribute with a great dx-pedition, many contacts in different bands and modes and quick confirmation at LOTW and paper QSL card. Ham radio associations and companies are invited to visit our HD8G website and if you may contribute with any donation or material support to this team to perform a great dx-pedition, we thank you in advance for making it come true. 73, 2025 Galapagos Dx-pedition Team
Rating: 5 of 5
Ragnar Otterstad
  • Callsign: LA5HE
  • 2024-06-08 16:32:51