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LX44FF Luxembourg

Lars, PH0NO inform, that on Saturday May 20 and Sunday May 21 YNOMY DX Group members PD7YY, PG8M & PH0NO will be travelling /P through LX activating a number of WWFF designated nature reserves.
With the kind support of the LXFF coordinator - Mill, LX1CC - we can use the special call LX44FF during our expedition.
We will be primarily visiting nature reserves that have not been activated before.
We will be active from Saturday 8 UTC until Sunday 18 UTC, using at least two radios simultaneously on all usable bands from 80m up (including 2m and 6m if there is any propagation) in SSB and CW.
A special award will be made available for this LX-pedition.
73 Lars de Laat PH0NO

Luxembourg LX44FFLuxembourg. Author - Gwenael Piaser.

Luxembourg LX44FF DX NewsLuxembourg. Author - Can Bozkir.

Luxembourg LX44FF Tourist attractions spotLuxembourg. Author - Gilles.

LX44FF. Where is Luxembourg located. Map.

LX44FF Luxembourg. Sunrise 10-25-2024 at 06:12 GMT sunset at 16:26 GMT
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