Intrepid-DX Group, in partnership with the World-Wide DX Group, is announcing our sustained and ongoing effort to activate North Korea.
For the past four years, we have been working with professionals in the business and tourism industries who are actively doing business in North Korea. We are leveraging their ideas and contacts towards our goal of a major Dxpedition over a four week period from within the DPRK. We are using the same techniques that were successful in opening up Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) South Sudan and Yemen to Dxpedition activity.
We have prepared a comprehensive, multi-faceted proposal and we have delivered it to the DPRK officials via our Chinese emissary. Several members of our leadership and advisory team and have made multiple visits to the DPRK and are advising us accordingly. We are making further plans to visit the DPRK in the coming months to further bolster our business contacts and to research and assess various venues.
We expect this ongoing project to require a sustained effort. We are committed to work as hard and as long as it takes to activate this rare and much needed entity. We will continue negotiating and flying into and out of the DPRK as needed during this process to lay the groundwork and to build the trust to ensure that a favorable outcome can be created. We want the DX community to be aware and to understand that a sustained effort is being made to activate this rare and important entity.
Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group