The Curacao Radio Amateur Club VERONA is planning an operation using the Antennas of Radio Nederland Wereldomroep Bonaire Shortwave repeater.
The crew will consist of Brett, PJ2BR; Victor, PJ2VR, Carlo, PJ2CF, Castro, PJ2CFM, Ronny, PJ2CL, Sergio, PJ2SM, Hans PJ4LS and Peter, PJ4NX
Operation is planned on September 8th and 9th using the callsign PJ4W on 20 and 17 mtrs during the time frame 13:30 UTC to 19:30 hrs daily, Sat-Sun.
QSLs (please only direct) to DL1THM (Torsten Harenberg, Kreuzbergstr. 75, 40489 Düsseldorf, Germany)
best 73s
Torsten DL1THM
Video Radio Nederland