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T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati

T30UN Team will be active from Tarawa Island, IOTA OC - 017, Kiribati in April 2023.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, FT8.
Recent DX Spots T30UN
T30UN Log search DXCC Country - West Kiribati, T30.
QSL via ClubLog OQRS only.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 30 April 2023

Rental generator just died.

Last qso 17:35 UTC on Apr. 30th Team is QRT.

Thanks for qso's folks.

Kanton T31TT preparation soon.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 27 April 2023

Team will use just 1 station to safe generator. 30m priority. Day time 10-12m only. Activity till the 3rd generator working.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 26 April 2023

Info from the T30UN Team.

It looks like rental generator will join 2 others deth once soon.

Hard to use even 3 radios same time. Team will need to reorganize plans.

Now 30m priority due to team goal.

10 and 12 whole day.

17 late afternoon local time

40 - 80 everything - night time

We will try to use 160m but 100w FT8 only

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 25 April 2023

Used generator in action. 3 stations back to life.

T30UN Tarawa Island News 24 April 2023

LOTW uploaded

1 station on solar and truck battery running.

Regarding generators issues.

Team decision is :

They will not buy new gererators due to super high price $4500AUD each.

Team will need to buy another 2 big generors for T31TT Kanton Island next month so it has no economical sens to spend that much money now.

They found used one for rent. It will allows them to use 3 to 4 stations with 100W

More updates soon

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 22 April 2023

Second generator died just now. 5:25 am
We are using now 1 station on truck battery and hope during the day on solar Panel till we get new one

More info during day light.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 21 April 2023

From last 2 days team is working on 7 rigs with 100w only due to just 1 generator left and available for now.
There is a chance to get new one on Monday in South Tarawa. From North Tarawa to South Tarawa it's a hell trip due flooded roads and only on low tied. They maybe able to make this trip faster by boat but only on the high tide. Take a look on the picture. There is about 1500m to walk with a 100kg. generator from edge of the Reef to the shack if you miss high tide by boat. Let's hope they will find proper one. Otherwise team will need to reduce operation to 3-4 radios. Last geny works on the edge and burning brushes very quickly.
Dom said local McDonald's is amazing. But will not touch it anymore for another 10 years 😂 after this trip

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 21 April 2023

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 20 April 2023

Team is not able to repair the second broken generator.

They will try to rich south Tarawa on Monday morning to look for anoher new one. You can go there just once a day due to high /low tide by car 4h trip 1 way.

Now one generator running after being repaired and guys working on 7 different bands

T30UN Tarawa Island News 19 April 2023 Part 2

Generator issue part 3 on T30.
Brushes gone again. 4am local time:(
Team is using now 1 generator only. Power limited to 100w on each band
It looks like team will need to go to South Tarawa and look for another generator to buy. Not easy to find big diesel there.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 19 April 2023

Some facts
Highest rate recorded was on April 11th, 20m band
2 stations running F/H mode on 14.074 sending 5 streams and 14.090 sending 5 streams created 494 qso's in 1h time. That was 8 to 9 utc time. There is some more 400+ qso's rates.
Let us answer some question
There are dupes. We dont care about them. Most people dont understand how this happen.
Here is an explanation.
Any time you back to the team with your R xx you get answer RR73 and fox mode will log your qso automatically. If for some reason you didn't read it and you call again, we answer same way RR73 but WSJTX see this as another qso. Actually it is another qso, becouse has different time and raport very offten. Again it's better you have 3 dupes valid qso's than non qso or pirate one.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati 17 April 2023 Part 2

Final logs on clublog from last 7 days of activity. If you not there on clublog just call us again.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 17 April 2023

Please be patient!
It takes forever for the team to upload logs from all laptops. If you not see your call sign in the log yet, you can try to call again. We don't care about your dups qso's. Better to have 1 valid than non.
It looks like final logs should be there today from the first week of activity. We lost 1 day due generators issues and first 2 days for QTH changing but so far around 80k qso's is in the log.
Team will send some qth pictures soon.
60m QRV from today.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 16 April 2023

Not a lucky day(local night) heavy rain over Tarawa.
1st 6.5kw generator died at 1am local time. Brushes are burned out.
Second 7kw generator died 4am local time. We are running 1 station on truck battery.. Let's hope we can find spare brushes and fix it during the day.
We added 2 other stations on 15m and 17m running on car batteries. Will trying to conect them to solar panels as we don't know when spare brushes will be here. North Tarawa is basically separate by ocean from south Tarawa where "normal" life is on going. Easiest way to come here is by boat... But only on high tide due a massive reef and very shallow waters. Same way by car, and only on low tide becouse most of the time road is covered by the ocean.
1 generator repaired! We are on some bands FT4

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 15 April 2023

There are some our fans txing our callsign (as usual)

On FT8, FT4 and CW

If you not sure about your qso or you can't find on clublog, you just go ahead and call us again. We don't care much if you are in the log 1 or 3 times. Always better than NOT IN THE LOG

Please keep in mind that team on island has very limited internet connection and logs are coming to clublog slowly, part by part

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 12 April 2023

Please stop this nonses that we don't send rr73

Some said FT8 is deth brain mode. So easy right? pc work pc....

I can see, that for so many is still not that easy.

Read directions and follow what we published. You will be in the log without any problems
We will try to upload the log to Clublog once a day. Internet connection is extremely poor. Takes forever to upload anything.
Team is NOT using MSHV software!

Work us on freq. we provided on QRZ.

WE ARE USING FOX MODE WITHOUT SPLIT! on both frequencies standard and expedition for many reasons

From last year FT8 statistics for us looks like this

78% qso's made on std. freq.

22% qso's made on expedition freq.

You should have your answer now why we dont push to F/H frequency.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Part 3

Little update

42deg C

100% humidity

No wind

5 stations working.

3 generstors exposed to a massive heat.

Radios and laptops shoud survived this WX condition. Hope amplifiers will stay alive for 5 weeks

Partly log from today on clublog

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Part 2

Finally arrived at new QTH. Kaam is still operate 1 FT8 station on previous location. As soon as we set a camp here, we will move10- 20m antenna to a new QTH and all stations will QRV from here. 500L Diesels already here for generators.

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Image 2

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Image 1

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Image 3

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Image 4

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati News 11 April 2023 Image 5

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 11 April 2023


Unfortunately we are not able to do anything with local solar inverters and led lights. Moving to another qth in some hours. Noise level is S9 plus on most bands.

We are using 1 station now on FT8. Expect 3-4h qrt for some hours until we relocate to another place in North Tarawa.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 10 April 2023 Part 2

Noise level s9 plus
LED lights and solar inverters.
We are moving to another. QTH in some hours.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati News 10 April 2023

Mauri from Kiribas
Finally found 9+60db noise on all bands. Working on it. Hope to eliminate shortly.

T30UN Tarawa Island News 9 April 2023

T30UN Tarawa Island, West Kiribati Team start their activity.
First station QRV on 10m.

T30UN Tarawa Island News 8 April 2023

T30UN Tarawa Island DX Pedition Band Plan


1822 – 1840
80m 3502 3785
3.567 3.575


7002 7090 7.056 7.047,5

10106 – 10.131 10.140

14002 14190 14.090 14.080

18072 18140 18.095 18.104

21002 21200 21.091 21.140

24892 24940 24.911 24.919

28002 28440 28.091 28.180

50105 50140 50.313

T30UN Tarawa Island News 7 April 2023

We will fly out to T30 land very soon
Activity should start early afternoon on April 10th. local time.
Half of the equipment already in western Kiribati after Banaba expedition.
We will use FOX mode on standard and expedition freq. at the same time!
Example 14.091 and 14.074 same time. All depends of trafic.
We will have very limited internet. Log update when possible.
Have fun

T30UN Tarawa Island News 22 March 2023

Bula Rebels
After short discussion, we decide to wait a little bit until those 5 different activities will be on the way back home. There is a jungle on expedition frequencys. We are trying to avoid adding another walls of FT8 signals and create more drama. There is no rush and we need much more freq. channel space for our experiments. We will start 1week of April
T30UN Team.

T30UN Tarawa Island News 17 March 2023

T30UN News. Donated an HF radio, destinated to T33KC, just sent from Italy. 73 de Simon IZ7ATN!

T30UN Tarawa Island News 15 March 2023

T30UN has been issued for our next activity.

This will be about 5 weeks txing from northern tip of Tarawa.

T30/T33KC already setting some. Antennas. We will have 2 CW op, 1 SSB and 7 FT8 stations running.

Some days will be limited tx-ing due to other work than ham radio.

FT8 lovers keep in mind we will use fox mode and standard mode at the same time, same band but different frequencies (exam. 14.074 and 14.090 same time or 21.074 and 21.091) we should start activity soon.

T30UN Tarawa Island News 14 March 2023

Bula folks. We are doing final preparations for T30, Western Kiribati. Callsign is still not confirmed (possibly T30TTT) but this is not an issue.

We will have 2 x CW operators, 1 x SSB and 7 x FT8 stations. We will be joined by T33KC who just arrived from Banaba to help with everything for us. We will be located in the northern tip of Tarawa. This place has no electricity, so we will run 3 generators.

And now the important part: Is there anyone who is willing to donate used, simple amateur radio to Kaam T33KC (IC-706? FT-857? TS-480?) or any other HF radio? He is currently using an old HF radio which needs to be programmed before use. It has no s-meter, no swr meter, nothing. I already donated to Kaam 3 antennas, 2 generators, tons of coax, and now he will get a new laptop for logs and other things. I can cover shipping costs to Fiji if someone is willing to support him and take it with us to Tarawa.

Thanks T33TTT 3Z9DX.

T30UN Tarawa Island, KiribatiTarawa Island, Kiribati. Author - Michelle Keogh Glen.

T30UN Abatao Island, Tarawa, KiribatiAbatao Island, Tarawa, Kiribati. Author - thejduce.

T30UN Tarawa Island, Kiribati Tourist attractions spotTarawa Island, Kiribati. Author - Hillary Shoreland.

T30UN Where is Tarawa Island located. Map.

T30UN Tarawa Island Kiribati. Sunrise 03-18-2025 at 18:31 GMT sunset at 06:40 GMT
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Rating: 4 of 5
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  • 2023-04-26 11:52:34
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  • Callsign: kb8apa
  • 2023-04-22 16:26:21
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  • 2023-04-14 06:57:45
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  • 2023-04-14 04:38:05
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  • Callsign: RD3FV
  • 2023-04-11 21:45:21
Rating: 5 of 5
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  • 2023-04-11 17:00:32
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  • Callsign: IK0IXI
  • 2023-04-11 15:58:58
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  • Callsign: KB1NCD
  • 2023-04-11 00:17:09
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: KI5WKB
  • 2023-04-10 19:11:59