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H40D IOTA Expedition to Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Temotu IOTA OC-179

H40D Duff Islands. Cezar, VE3LYC and Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS will be active from Duff Islands, IOTA OC - 179, 29 April - 3 May 2018, as H40D.
Recent DX Spots H40D
QSL via VE3LYC direct, ClubLog OQRS.H40D Log search
Ads for direct QSL:
Cezar Trifu, 4986 Bath Rd., Bath, Ontario K0H 1G0, Canada.
He also received the license for Solomon Islands, but the callsign isn't what he requested, due to an error. Bernhard (DL2GAC, H44MS) relayed to TCSI Cezar’s request for re-consideration, and he is hopeful that the matter will be resolved next week, when the Telecommunications Commissioner will return back in office. Please consider supporting this ambitious and very expensive project if you haven’t already done so.

H40D News 7 May 2018

Hi guys, I am presently still in Honiara (unfortunately...). I have included some info on the expedition website about what happened since last update (

I'm fine, but want very badly to get back home. I have a rather nasty wound at two fingers of my right leg, which have been filed to the bone wearing a rough sandal. I got it the day of the trip to Duff, but it never really closed, despite my efforts.

I have the OC-168 in digital form, and will post it upon arrival in Brisbane. It wouldn't be open for requests just yet, but you will be able to check if you are in and alert me of possible typos, etc.

H44R H40D News 2 March 2018

Cezar (VE3LYC) informs that the address of the website for the IOTA Expedition to Solomon Islands H44R & Temotu H40D (OC-168, OC-179) has changed.

Russell (H44) and Duff (H40) Islands IOTA Expedition News 13 January 2018

Cezar (VE3LYC) informs DX News that an operation from Russell Islands (OC-168, Solomon Islands DXCC) was added to the one already planned from Duff Islands (OC-179, Temotu DXCC). This extends the duration of the original project by a week and adds new logistical challenges. Please note the following:

(1) The expedition time schedule has been finalized and all plane tickets purchased today:

18 April: depart Toronto to Honiara via Brisbane;
20 April: arrival Honiara;
22 to 25 April: operate from Mbanika Island (Russell Islands, OC-168; MWL 6.4%);
28 April: depart Honiara to Lata;
29 April to 3 May: operate from Tahua or Taumako Island (Duff Islands, OC-179, MWL 3.0%)
5 May: depart Lata to Honiara;
6 May: depart Honiara to Brisbane and overnight there;
7 May: depart Brisbane to Toronto.

(2) Bernhard (DL3GAC, H44MS) will join in the activity from OC-168. The team will operate two stations, using CW and SSB, the main bands being 17, 20, 30, and 40 m.

(3) There is a small possibility that following the above operation, a short trip to Nggela Sule Island (Florida Islands, OC-158; MWL 15.7%) may be taken on 26 and 27 April.

(4) The H44 and H40 callsigns will be announced is due course.

This is a very expensive project, and IOTA chasers are asked to consider supporting it. For more information, and subsequent news, please visit the expedition website at

Cezar, VE3LYC, inform that he will operate in early May 2018 from Taumako Island, the largest in the Duff Islands group, IOTA OC-179, of Temotu, for a period of at least 5 days, while the entire trip is expected to take 12 days.
This IOTA group has been activated only once, 25 years ago, by Bernhard (DL2GCA, H44MS). After a long flight, he will travel to the islands in a small open boat, and the boatman will stay with him for the entire duration of this operation. Due to steep rising cliffs close to 300 m high, Duff Islands do not seem provide a location with good openings to all areas of the world, particularly to EU and NA. If necessary, Cezar will attempt to operate from two locations, one on the western, the other of the eastern side of Taumako Island, in order to give all chasers an opportunity at logging this IOTA reference. There are no touristic facilities on Duff, electricity, running water, or toilets. An expedition website will be organized in due course, which will provide the chasers with all the necessary details. Cezar wishes to express his deep gratitude to Bernhard for his ample assistance with the logistics required by this project.
DXCC Country - Temotu Province H40.

H40D Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Solomon Islands IOTA Expedition

H40D Noipe Village, Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Temotu Province IOTA Expedition
Noipe Village, Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Temotu Province, Solomon Islands. Author - LeeAnn Heringer.

H40D. Where is Taumako Island located. Map.

H40D IOTA Expedition to Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Temotu IOTA OC-179. Sunrise 10-27-2024 at 18:21 GMT sunset at 06:48 GMT
H40D IOTA Expedition to Taumako Island, Duff Islands, Temotu IOTA OC-179 comments forum

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