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V63S Pohnpei Island Micronesia

Sigfrido Romeo, IW9FMD, 5W0RS will be active as V63S from Pohnpei Island, IOTA OC - 010, Micronesia.
He will operate on HF Bands.
Recent DX Spots V63S
QSL via IT9YVO direct only.
Ads for direct QSL:
Antonello Scauso, Via Ten. Minniti n° 105, 98057, Milazzo, Italy.
He was active before as 5W0RS, 5H0RS, 7Q7RS, HB9FFN, IW9FMD, T6AB, Z81S.
DXCC Country - Micronesia, V6.

Pohnpei Island - a green paradise on the edge of the earth

Pohnpei is located in Micronesia - in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is a tiny volcanic island of only 345 square meters. Tourists rarely visit this place because the island is remote from America, Australia, and Asia.

V63S Lenger Island, Pohnpei Island, MicronesiaLenger Island, Pohnpei, Micronesia. Author - Frank Kehl.

Geographic location

The island of Pohnpei, also called Ponape, is the middle state of Micronesia. The arrangement of Pohnpei is very interesting - an island surrounded by 20 atolls, each inhabited by different peoples. In addition, the island has two capitals at once, Palikir (the capital of the Federation) and Kolonia (the state capital). It is in Colonia where the airport and most of the hotels are located.

The highest place of the island is Mount Nana Laud with a height of 798 meters. The top of this mountain gives rise to more than 40 rivers with picturesque waterfalls and natural pools suitable for swimming.

V63S Pohnpei Island, Micronesia DX NewsPohnpei Island, Micronesia. Author - thejduce.

The ruins of Nan Madol and places for outdoor activities

The island's main attraction are the ruins of the stone city Nan Madol in the southeastern part of Pohnpei, dating back to the 13th century. Majestic basalt-tiled fortresses and numerous canals have been preserved. You can reach here from Colonia by boat, also visiting a large waterfall and snorkeling.

Pohnpei is not only the ruins of a stone city, but also numerous natural attractions and unique places for diving or surfing. The underwater world of the atolls is amazing; you can see a variety of corals, anemones, observe mantas and sharks. For drift diving excellent Kehpara Island and Rainbow Island with unique walls of coral, atolls Paquin, Ant, Black Corals, located west of the island.

Many atolls are private, so tourists should be prepared for a fee to enter. The beautiful waterfall Ponape also private, to get here will have to pay $ 3. Visitors to Pohnpei will be interested in Mwand Wall & Pass coral off the northeast coast, Palikir Pass in the north of the island with the largest reef shark habitat, Palikir Wall, great for spotting white-tip sharks and spinoffs.

One of the attractions is a basalt mountain Sokes with a height of 180 meters, the shape of which resembles a face. It is impossible not to visit the historical monuments - the ruins of the bell tower and the remains of the walls of the Spanish fort. There is a quite modern and convenient road along the perimeter of the island, on which you can visit the Polynesian villages and buy beautiful wooden souvenirs from the local carvers.

V63S Pohnpei Island, Micronesia Tourist attractions spotPohnpei Island, Micronesia. Author - Luigi Guarino.

Local transportation and service

The island can be reached by United Airlines, offering flights three times a week. Locals call them "shuttle planes" because they go to Hawaii from Guam with five stops of 45 minutes each. One of those stops is at Pohnpei Airport. During the approach of the plane passengers on the starboard side can see a stunning sight - as if the Sokees Mountain loomed over them.

The island's airport itself is also noteworthy, built on a stretch of reef, like many others in Oceania. One of the sponsors of the extension of the runway and other works was Japan, so the airport can be called very comfortable and safe.

In addition to air transport, the island has a seaport with one of the largest buildings in Oceania, the Chinese hostel, proudly called the China Star Hotel. The local public transport does not impress with convenience, it is used only by locals. Food and necessities are sold by the hawker, at Colonia's largest market you can buy not only fresh tuna, but coral fish, which is rare for Oceania.

One of the attractions is the street barbecue - it's rare that tourists don't try this dish. But the sakau (cava) drink, common and most popular in this region of the Pacific, is better not to try. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, but has a narcotic and sedative effect. In some European countries, Canada and Russia, this traditional Micronesian drink is banned.

Hotels are concentrated in Colonia, you can also stay in small campsites near the waterfalls. The cost of living is low, and the facilities are not the most modern. But it is a real opportunity to relax in the middle of a picturesque and unique nature.

Pohnpei is a tiny island, which is not visited by so many tourists every year. It is a place for an exotic vacation and for those who prefer a place not touched by modern technical civilization. It seems that time stopped here in the 80s of the last century, and nature gradually takes its own, reclaiming its territories.

V63S Where is Pohnpei Island located. Map.

V63S Pohnpei Island Micronesia. Sunrise 10-23-2024 at 19:12 GMT sunset at 07:10 GMT
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