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Video V55V Namibia Rhombics Big Signal out of Africa

V55V in Namibia has one of the biggest Signals out of the southern part of Africa

For over 20 years Martin (V51W/V51MW) was improving his Station. After he has tried all possible antenna systems he was convinced that his Rhombic Antennas are best.
He uses three of Rhombic Antennas, two with 160m each leg beaming into USA and the same one beamig into EU. A third one has a side length of 80m. The gain of this systems rises to up to 10dB and more, depending on the frequency.
V55V was used for countless Contest and DXpedition activities during the past years.
Now, after more than 20 years Martin and Ursi decided to return to Germany and the future of V55V is sealed.
Unfortunately V55V will be history in Amateur Radio soon.

Author - Rudi, DK7PE

Amateur Ham Radio Video from Rudi DK7PE V55V Namibia Rhombic Antennas Biggest signals ot of the southern part of Africa.

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